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Welcome to Tearmunn
Tearmunn is the official Sanctuary and learning center of The Order of Druids
and Spiritual Humanism. Our Goal is to create a living sanctuary dedicated to the ways of the Druids, which will provide various
ways of studying Druidism.
The Tearmunn site is dedicated to Druids and Spiritual Pagans, and is made available
by Druid Planet and the ODSH. Tearmunn is an inclusive learning site that explores various areas of thought, while
allowing individuals to follow their own path. Tearmunn understands that spirituality is a personal part of a persons identity,
and religion is a personal belief system that should not adhere to any specific dogma. Tearmunn does not judge or tell others
how/what to believe, but provides links and connections to what can help them in their own understandings. It is our hope
that by making this site available, individuals may learn about Druidic Paganism in an nonprejudicial environment, which will
allow them to understand spirituality on a personal level.
A Pagan is a term given and used towards those who fled to the countrysides to
keep from being forced or persuaded into the Christian belief system. Pagans were individuals who chose to keep their own
beliefs and current lifestyles. In a broad sense of the word, a "Pagan" is any individual who does not follow the religions
set forth within the Christian/Judaic/Abrahamic Doctrines. In a more limited use of the word, a "Pagan" is an individual who
incorporates or uses the ancient practices of Europe. The latin definition of "Pagan" is 'Country Dweller.' The word "Pagan"
does not refer to a religious following but rather an absence of Biblical following which means a Pagan can be anything from
Atheist to monotheist to Polytheist. A Pagan does not have to follow any religion at all, although all religions that do not
follow Biblical teachings would be under the definition of Pagan.
All material on this site is for learning and understanding. Permissions
have been granted for items needing permissions when and where possible. Should you find an item which you have concerns
over, please notify us immediately, and we will remove the item promptly or take appropriate actions.
Note to new users: Pop-ups, Pop-unders, failure to back out of the website, or other
anomallies which annoy the heck out of people, are courtesy of our webhost (tripod). It is something we must endure in order
to have a free website to converse and otherwise hobnob on. Please do not blame Tearmunn for these problems. We
are a non-profit site! Thank you.