Introduction to Runes
Browsing among the items for sale in a New Age shop, you may well come across
some pendants, or key-rings, carved with strange angular "letters" and offering you - according to which one you choose -
wealth, or happiness, or success, or protection against enemies, or some other desirable state.
The strange symbols carved on the pendants are the glyphs (shapes) of Runes, and
the "wealth" or "happiness" promised to the buyer is an extremely simplified version of the meaning of that Rune. Trying to
understand the Runes by buying a "lucky Runic pendant" is a bit like trying to learn maths by buying a "lucky seven pendant",
but the fact that knowledge of the Runes - and their meanings - has survived at all indicates their power!
This article cannot cover more than the absolute basics, but it is hoped that
it will provide at least a little understanding of what the Runes are, and enable anyone who is interested to try out the
Runes for themselves. The single most important thing to remember is that the Runes are a very personal experience, and that
no-one has the "right" or the "only" version. For anyone a little more advanced in the use of the Runes, there is a brief
section at the end which may be of interest.
What are the Runes?There are many different ways to answer the question "What
are the Runes?". One answer is to say that each of the Runes is a particular "Force of Nature" - such as Ice, or Fire. Another
answer is to say that the Runes are a series of shapes, which look a little like angular and sharply-pointed letters of a
strange alphabet. [These shapes are usually carved onto small pieces of wood ("Runestaves") or painted onto small flat pebbles
Each Rune’s shape represents a specific object - such as a butterfly or
a thorn. Each Rune has a particular sound - such as "B" or "T". And each Rune also has an abstract meaning around a particular
theme - such as joy or communication. The entire set of Runes, in a particular order (hotly debated!) represents the story
of the Universe, or a complete cycle of human life, or the soul’s journey. Another answer is that Runes are the basic
structure of matter - the jigsaw-puzzle pieces which make up the whole of creation - the DNA of the entire Universe, if you
What are the Runes used for?The Runes can be used for many purposes. The glyphs,
or "letters", can be used as a sacred alphabet to name (say) a ship or sword, or to record an event, or to focus the mind
in meditation or shamanic journeying. The Runes themselves can be used for magic, for protection, for divination, for seeking
understanding of events.
The most common use of Runes nowadays is for the purposes of divination or guidance
or understanding of events, which is usually done by "casting" a set of Runestones or Runestaves (by drawing them out of a
bag, or by throwing them up in the air) and "reading" the results. Included in this article is a simple method of making some
Runestaves, and an equally simple method of reading them.
If you accept that Runes are forces of nature which are symbolised by the Rune
"alphabets", then this question answers itself. There is evidence to show that use of the Runes, in terms of carving the shapes
onto rock, goes back at least 20,000 years. (Amazing, isn’t it?)
They have come to us via the "Northern Tradition" (the spiritual path shared by
many of the peoples of Northern Europe and the United Kingdom, before Christianity took over), and there is evidence that
the Celtic peoples also used Runes. Runes also link with other Mystery Traditions from other parts of the world. The word
"Rune" means something like "mystery" or "secret".
Where can I get hold of some Runes or Runestaves?It is possible to purchase sets
of Runestones in "New Age" shops, and there are one or two books on the market which come complete with a set of plastic counters
printed with Rune glyphs. However, it is better to make a set of your own, as the process of making them will in itself give
you an insight into their magical and awesome powers.
The easiest and cheapest way for a complete beginner to own some Runestaves is
to make a set by drawing the shapes onto small squares of cardboard. There are many elaborate ceremonies which can be created
to "make your Runestaves sacred" and "breathe life into them", but the simplest form is to hold them between the palms of
your hands while you think lovingly and gratefully of the trees which provided the cardboard, of the sun, rain, soil and air
which allowed the trees to grow, and how you could "thank" those trees (perhaps by watering another plant which needs water).
When you are comfortable with using the Runes, you can move on to making a more permanent set of Runestones.
Can the Runes be harmful?Anything can be harmful if you misuse it - the water
of life can be used to drown, the warmth of fire can be used to burn. The Runes are no exception to this. If you try to use
the Runes to curse someone, or bend them to your will, you need to be aware that - whether or not you succeed - there will
be a very heavy price to pay.
Perhaps you will get exactly what you want - and then discover that you don’t
want it, but can’t get rid of it. Perhaps in harming someone else, you will also be terribly hurt. Perhaps you will
get your way - and then suffer fearsome nightmares of regret and guilt. Perhaps you will build up "karmic debt" which has
to be paid off later. The choice is yours!!
The Runes - One by One...There are several different Runic "alphabets" in use
today, and many different ways to interpret them. This article is based on the one most commonly used, which is called the
Elder Futhark. If you buy a book on the Runes, you may find that the author uses slightly different names for the Runes, or
different shapes for some of the glyphs, or that some additional Runes have been included. Use the names and shapes which
are most comfortable to you, the ones which appeal to your eye or your heart. Again - the Runes are a very personal experience,
and no-one has the "right" or the "only" version. Some of the things written here will be seen as contentious by other Runemistresses/Runemasters.
Follow whatever seems right to you....
Note also that most texts on Runes start with Fehu (the 24th rune). The reason
for this is that Runemistresses/Runemasters protected their wisdom by shifting the Runes by one so that others who were not
aware of this, and who tried to use the Runes, would get misleading results..... For this reason, the following descriptions
start with Uruz as the first Rune (instead of the second one, as presented in most books).
Click on any Rune glyph in the picture to go straight to its meaning. To return
to this picture, simply click on the blank Rune at the end of the text of each Rune description...RUNE No. 1 - URUZ - THE
"I have the strangest feeling that something really big is about to happen!"URUZ
is the Rune of the Sacredly-Charged Void, the apparently-empty space into which everything comes ... and out of which everything
comes. URUZ is a difficult Rune to start with - later Runes are easier to grasp, I promise! - but if you think of URUZ as
the idea in an artist’s mind before a picture is painted, you will begin to understand this Rune. The artist has not
yet obtained the paints, or canvas, or brushes, nor even cleared a space in the studio to begin the work of art, and yet the
whole picture is there in thought-form, just waiting to be manifested into reality ... or into one of many possible realities,
as the artist may not yet have decided on many aspects of the painting. URUZ is the point at which the Great Void (space,
or nothingness) becomes "sacredly charged" ... almost like the acute quivering feeling that "something is about to happen
here!!!" which you get just before your everyday senses actually begin to hear/see/feel some major event. Exciting! URUZ is
the power which makes things possible, the tension between opposing poles, the gateway between realities, thought set free
from mind. It contains all the blueprints for all the things which could ever possibly come into being. It is absolute, limitless
potential; it is not empty, but full. Modern science is moving away from the idea that Space is "empty" and towards the notion
that Space is "full" - of energy. That’s URUZ!
In a Runecast, URUZ is likely to mean that new opportunities are on the horizon;
lots of unstructured ideas are beginning to come to you, all things are possible, nothing is fixed, there is a lot of potential
in your life at present. A gateway to new possibilities is opening for you; keep an open mind, consider every possible choice,
don’t jump in too early, don’t accept or dismiss any options just yet, let the ideas and thoughts and choices
flow around you. Ideas and concepts are forming and dissolving and reforming around you at present, showing you a lot of different
options; let it happen, enjoy it, don’t allow it to worry or confuse you, this is not the moment to make rigid plans
or to take immutable decisions, this is a time when anything is possible.
"Let’s get this junk out of the way - then we can get on with things."THURISAZ
is the Rune of Gigantic Force. Following the "void" of the preceding Rune (URUZ), comes THURISAZ - the force or power within
the void, the ending of randomness and chaos, the destruction of all that has gone before, the clearing-out so that order
may be created, the separation of what must be abandoned from what must be retained, the pruning-away of what is not needed.
THURISAZ is a very active Rune, and not necessarily a very comfortable one to be around, but his (oh, yes, by the way, he
is male!) crash-bang-wallop powers of demolition are very necessary if a site is to be properly cleared for something new
to grow or to be constructed. THURISAZ is the Rune of the overpowering forces of nature which create the thunderstorm, earthquake,
volcanic eruption, tidal wave, whirlwind, avalanche. This is the Rune of aggression, violence, raw force, brute strength,
dominance, and power - traditionally "masculine" qualities which can belong to either sex - and of active male sexuality.
(NB: Other "male" qualities are represented by the Rune TIWAZ). THURISAZ can appear uncontrolled, brutal, and undiscriminating,
but he is an absolutely necessary force for clearance and removing blockages, and not a cruel or malign one. THURISAZ is also
a very protective Rune, but one which is definitely an active weapon rather than a passive shield or armour. This is the Rune
of attack and is associated particularly with the hammer, the axe and the thunderbolt.
In a Runecast, THURISAZ is likely to mean that this is a time for clearing a space
in your life, cutting away the things which are holding you back, separating the worthwhile things which you want to keep
from the junk which is cluttering your life. Nothing new can come to you until you have made a space for it; this is the moment
for sweeping away, clearing out, cleaning up, making ready, reorganising, breaking away from the past, throwing out the rubbish,
forcing a way through those blocked areas, demolishing the faulty things which you have been shoring up or ignoring, facing
up to the things in your life which you no longer want or need and acting to remove them. This is the time for positive action
in terms of simplifying, clearing out, making a break. This Rune can also symbolise male sexuality, or a powerful and irresistible
force which sweeps you away.
"Listen ... and you will know what your purpose is."ANSUZ is the Rune of Divine
Force, the "God-Rune". It is the Rune of sound, of expression, of breath, of communication, of the voice of the Spirit. "In
the beginning was the Word" sums up this Rune very well. Following the demolition and clearing-out by THURISAZ, ANSUZ brings
in the vision and inspiration (the expressed, spoken-out-loud, all-encompassing, broad-brush-stroke vision) of the architect,
artist, creator, director. This is the voice of the divine speaking to and through matter, the pure sound of the temple bell,
the crystal-clear communication of the spirit to mind and body. ANSUZ is the plan, pattern, map, direction, intention. It
is the song of the Universe, condensed into a single pure note. It is the calming sound-wave or vibration which passes through
us, and which we can tune into to experience the "voice" of the life-force within us and around us. It is the hymn, the chant,
the communication with and without spoken words. It is the equivalent of the Eastern philosophies’ "Aum" or "Ohm" sound.
In a Runecast, ANSUZ is likely to mean receiving crucial information, sending
or receiving important communications, learning things which enable you to make the best choices, becoming certain of the
right way forward for you, turning vague ideas into definite possibilities, finding out facts that you need to know, feeling
inspired, seeing which is the right choice for you to make, listening to your inner voice, making plans, making choices about
the way you want to live/work/be, receiving useful guidance, identifying the appropriate direction to take, having things
fall into place. This is the moment at which you know where you are going and have some clear ideas of how to get there, although
you haven’t actually set out on your journey yet.
"OK - let’s do it - NOW!"RAIDO is the Rune of Orderly Movement. This is
the Rune of the journey, of travelling, of logical progression. RAIDO sets things in motion, gives direction, encourages progress,
enables things to move forward smoothly. RAIDO is not a subtle or devious force. RAIDO is strong, purposeful, direct, and
does NOT encourage taking two steps forward and one back, nor "taking the scenic route", nor pretending to go in one direction
while actually heading elsewhere, nor creeping up on one's objective. RAIDO shows the way, shouts directions, opens doors,
gets things going, removes obstacles, resolves problems, helps to make the journey straightforward. This Rune enables, orders,
directs, controls, pushes onwards; it authorises, commands, and sanctifies the journey. Like all the Runes, RAIDO also has
a mystical side, and holds sway over shamanic journeying and out-of-body experiences, as well as over everyday travelling.
RAIDO is therefore also the Rune of rhythm, of drum beat, of repetitive movement, of sacred ritual, of sacred dance, of our
own "rulership" over our destiny. RAIDO is also the Rune of the straight lines of the sacred geometry of the landscape, of
the ley-lines, and of all lines of power which "radiate" or travel by the straightest and most direct route.
In a Runecast, RAIDO is likely to mean a journey, perhaps a holiday or a long-distance
work assignment, but it can also mean travelling in the sense of moving on to the next stage of something, setting out on
a chosen path, finding that things are moving along at a rapid (but well-ordered) pace. Things are marching onward now; obstacles
which you expected to meet are not there, authorisations and documents arrive, logical progress is made, shortcuts appear,
wheels turn, ways forward open up in your life, and you have the opportunity to get things going in a structured and practical
"It is better to light a single candle than to complain about the dark."KENAZ
is the Rune of the Torch of Fire. It is the Rune of illumination, of enlightenment within, of inner knowledge, of light shed
upon dark areas, of transformation, of transmutation, of alchemy, of craft, of the ability to see in the dark, of "seeing
things in a new light". It is the Rune of charisma, of inner life-force, of sexual fire, of creativity made manifest. KENAZ
is the force which purifies and cleanses with flame, which forges the sword-blade, burns away dross, tempers steel. It is
the burning light of spirit shining through matter, which, over a lifetime, burns until matter vanishes and only spirit is
left. KENAZ gives absolute, focused, burning, passionate clarity ... even to things which some would prefer to leave in the
dark! To understand the importance of KENAZ, it is essential to remember that in the lands where the Northern Tradition originated,
midwinter days are almost entirely without natural light, and fire would have been a vital source of illumination. This Rune
is also associated with fever - the "burning" which leads to other realities. Some shamanic initiations include a passage
through fire and/or a fever induced by certain plants. In other cultures, a high-temperature illness and accompanying delirium
is taken as evidence that an individual has been chosen to be a shaman. KENAZ is a Rune which will burn through anything,
and as such is not always a comfortable companion in one’s life.
In a Runecast, KENAZ is likely to mean that you will be able to throw some light
onto dark areas, illuminating dark issues with your own clarity, seeing straight through to the heart of the matter despite
the veils created by others. This is often a transformative, alchemical experience, tempering one’s character like steel,
burning away dross, transmuting dark areas into pure clear energy, cauterising old wounds. This "baptism of fire" can be a
challenging and painful experience at the time, but it is also a purifying one, and by the end of it you will have come to
know the power of your own inner resources, and will be able to be yourself and speak your truth with passion and charisma,
even when others try to distort and overshadow you. You will now be able to make things clear, both to others and to yourself,
on the basis of your own mystical inner knowledge, inner clarity, and inner truth, which simply burn straight through to the
inner core of issues.RUNE No. 6 - GEBO - THE RUNE OF GIFT
"As I give, so shall I receive ... as I receive, so must I give."GEBO, or GYFU,
is the Rune of Gift. It is the Rune of giving, and of receiving. It is the Rune of fair exchange, generosity, the exchange
of energy, contractual obligation. To this day, the illiterate still "sign" documents by marking an "X", the shape of this
Rune ... and lovers confirm their relationship by writing X-shaped kisses on letters. GEBO also symbolises the gift of life
(from spirit to matter) and the gift of ritual sacrifice (from matter to spirit). Because of its sense of contractual obligation
and balanced fair-dealing, GEBO can represent honour, honesty, trustworthiness, business deals and partnerships, and all relationships
of equals. It can also symbolise the proper partnership and balance of male/female polarities within the individual, and the
partnership and balance of matter and spirit - but so can other Runes. GEBO's two-way flow of energy can protect against a
harmful "gift"; in one ancient story, a poisoned drink was rendered harmless when this Rune was carved on the wooden chalice,
causing the vessel to split and the poison to spill; even today, several beers and lagers bear the "X" of GEBO in their names.
In the Northern Tradition a gift is always a two-way exchange, never a one-way donation - anyone making Runestaves or Runestones
should remember this, and "repay" the gift of wood from a tree or pebbles from the earth. Traditionally the payment was of
blood, ideally the Rune-maker's own, but other payments are equally appropriate - watering the tree, leaving small silver
or gold coins on the earth, for example.
In a Runecast, GEBO is likely to mean entering into some form of contract or deal
which is equally beneficial to both parties. This may well herald a period of stability and balance in your life, not least
because it requires you to be fair, honest, and above-board, meeting your obligations, dealing ethically with everyone, keeping
your word, honouring your side of the bargain, meeting your commitments, giving a fair day’s work for a fair day’s
pay, balancing the books honestly, paying your way, having nothing to hide. The issues of stability and static balance can
also relate to grounding yourself in a permanent basis of commitment and honour, so that every aspect of your life reflects
your truth and trustworthiness. This Rune can indicate that a gift is to be given to you, but if so, it will be a gift which
- now, or later - you will have to repay or pass on in some way.
"Enjoy."WUNJO is the Rune of Joy. It is the Rune of pleasure, of the end of suffering,
of ecstasy, of balm, of perfection, of that wonderful state of mind and body when the waves of harmonious universal energy
pass straight through the body without pausing or faltering in their flow. WUNJO is the fulfilment of desire, the granting
of wishes, the experience of harmony. WUNJO allows you to relax into the loving arms of the universe, to feel at one with
all creation, to hear the music of the spheres. It speaks of harmony with other people and with the environment, of the "ecstatic
will" of being in love, of the healing which affection and loving kindness can bring. As it is sometimes regarded as the last
of the set of Runes which relate to physical incarnation, it can also be linked to fulfilment, orgasm, satisfactory conclusions,
climaxes, and "happy endings". From this Rune’s position comes the concept of "Lucky Seven" which still continues today.
WUNJO seems such a thoroughly nice Rune that its darker side is sometimes forgotten, but it does have an aspect of self-satisfaction,
stagnation, complacency, selfishness, a lack of growth, an inward-looking perspective, and a lack of sympathy for those less
well-off than oneself.
In a Runecast, WUNJO is likely to mean that you can expect a good result or outcome
in some forthcoming event or occurrence; something in your life will go smoothly and will bring you great pleasure and joy.
It may indicate that you will fall in love, or that your relationship will go through a time of harmony, comfort, and ease.
It may indicate love for some other aspect of your life - a fulfilling project, a satisfying hobby, the satisfactory completion
of the initial stage of a venture. It may indicate an ecstatic sexual relationship, or a general spread of harmonious relationships
throughout your life. Whatever the exact nature of the joy, it will be a very personal experience and one which brings you
firmly into the present time; but while enjoying every moment of the happiness and contentment, beware of the danger of stagnation
and self-satisfaction creeping into your paradise.
<Crash!> "All change, all change!"HAGALAZ is the Rune of Sudden Change ...
a sudden change of circumstances, direction, understanding - imposed by an outside force. She is the Rune of the hailstorm,
coming out of the blue, changing everything in one fell swoop. She is a bridge between the worlds, a sudden, unexpected force
of transformation which appears to come from without. In her star-like shape she is called the Mother Rune, as, if a line
is drawn around her joining all her points, she can be seen to contain all the Rune glyphs. Everything that HAGALAZ does is
utterly unforeseeable and at first glance outrageous, disastrous, terrifying. Her propensity to leap into centre stage, wrecking
all she touches, makes her seem a nightmare figure; but beneath her fearsome, hideous mask she is beautiful and wise. HAGALAZ
is the monumental disaster that turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to you. HAGALAZ is your employer going bust,
leaving you penniless - so you can get a much better job. HAGALAZ is the bride or groom leaving you at the altar - so you
can meet your perfect partner next year. HAGALAZ is your disabling heart-attack - which frees you to paint wonderful water-colours.
Just as the hailstorm smashes down your crops, and then gently waters them for you, so HAGALAZ makes you swear and despair
at her dramatic entrances ... and later makes you everlastingly grateful that she wreaked such havoc. HAGALAZ cannot be controlled,
evaded, delayed, or tempered. She will push you around, embarrass you, snatch your treasures, stamp on your life. But if you
open your heart and mind to her, she will enable you to cross bridges you did not know existed, and which you will never regret
In a Runecast, HAGALAZ is likely to mean a sudden, violent change of some sort
sweeping into your life. This change may well seem catastrophic when it arrives out of the blue and wrecks your plans, your
relationship, your career, your life (or all of them at once!), but this Rune is a cloud with a silver lining, a sudden twist
of fate which turns your life forcibly in a different, and ultimately better, direction. This Rune warns of an apparent disaster,
a crash, plans going awry, a storm blowing up out of nowhere, a sudden and unwelcome change in circumstances, a sharp break
in the smooth flowing of your life, a chasm which appears in front of you. Take heart - this Rune is The Shapeshifter; whatever
dramas and disasters she brings you will be for the best in the long run, and you will eventually look back on them with gratitude,
affection and gladness.
"Necessity is the mother of invention."NAUDHIZ is the Rune of Need. NAUDHIZ is
a powerful force, for without "need" there is no driving force for change. At first glance it can be seen as a negative power,
representing constraint, lack, deprivation, hunger, unfulfilled desires, loss, distress, failure, trouble, and suffering;
unpleasant things which are outside our control. However, in its neutral aspect, it can also represent the need to work, the
need to grow and develop, the need to meet and overcome challenges, the need to move on, the need to address life-issues,
the need to make choices and decisions, the need to prioritise, the need to experience life, the need to learn by trial and
error, the need to widen horizons. In its positive aspect, NAUDHIZ is motivation, challenge, ambition, the desire for a better
world, the compulsion to strive for good, hope for the future, the power to overcome and reach victory or fulfilment, mastery
of one's destiny, the excitement of the contest, the power to turn the tables in one's favour.
In a Runecast, NAUDHIZ is likely to mean a need, loss or lack of some kind coming
into your life, challenging you to overcome, fulfil, acquire, achieve, meet the need by your own efforts. This Rune prompts
you to strive for mastery of something difficult, to use your willpower, drive and determination to meet your own needs and
desires. It throws you back on your own resources, gives you a goal to strive for, fires you with ambition, motivates you,
makes you grow by forcing you to reach for something which is only just within your grasp. It warns you of a struggle ahead,
suggests that you check you have all the components required for a project, holds things tantalisingly just out of reach,
drives you forward, requires you to take some form of action, demands that you work hard to earn your heart’s desire.
"Stop. Wait. Stand still. Face up to it."ISA is the Rune of Ice. Ice is the fifth
element of the Northern Tradition. Combined with KENAZ, the Rune of Fire, ISA is the method by which the Universe was created
(when these two opposites met in the gap or void, steam was formed, and out of the steam came, eventually, all things. Nowadays
of course this is called the "Big Bang" theory and is expressed in terms of chemical formulae!). ISA is the Rune of stillness,
of the present moment, of clarity, of preservation, of focus, of integrated will, of slowing down, of holding in place. This
Rune crystallises, chills, stabilises, holds still, delays, halts, freezes, suspends, maintains, binds. ISA brings about inner
peace, calms, cools, centres, integrates ... and enables careful dispassionate consideration, reflective thought, and a long
and hard look at things in the cold light of day. ISA is exquisitely beautiful, transparent, pure, clear of vision, and (when
she speaks at all) only too lucid. This is also an austere, unemotional and cold Rune, with the ability to cut (often painfully)
straight through to the heart of the matter. Although usually still to the point of rigid immobility, when ISA does move -
for example, as a glacier or an iceberg - her progress will be dramatic, stately, and unstoppable.
In a Runecast, ISA is likely to mean things coming to a standstill, everything
grinding to a halt, a delay, a recession, a slowdown, an inability to move in any direction, an impasse, a plateau, an inability
to get on with things because of factors outside your control. It can also mean preservation of things which would otherwise
be lost, a holding or binding together of things, a rigidity and inflexibility in the way in which things are done, a period
of time for reflection, a suspension of the usual routine. It may also mean the gradual arrival of an icy clarity in your
life, which will enable you to focus coldly and clearly on certain issues until they become completely transparent to you
... but which will simultaneously prevent you from being able to take action on them at the time (as any action is likely
to cause an avalanche). RUNE No. 11 - JERA - THE RUNE OF THE YEAR
"Time to move on, nice and steadily."JERA is the Rune of the Year, and of the
changing seasons. It is the Rune of natural cycles, of the eternal graceful dance of Winter and Summer, of organic growth
followed by dying-away, of appropriate and timely change, of circular, cyclical, and spiral movement, of natural balanced
progression, of renewal, of regeneration, of the relentless and unstoppable turning wheel of the year. "To everything there
is a season" summarises this Rune. Nothing can hasten JERA, nor anything hold it back; it may be temporarily disturbed in
its calm orbit, but the underlying pattern will reassert itself in due course. There is an element of karma associated with
JERA, for only what has been sown can be reaped, and only what has been cared for will have worth. JERA is also regarded as
the Rune of time, of timing, of things coming to fruition, of harvest, of reward for past efforts.
In a Runecast, JERA is likely to mean things moving on in their natural sequence
of progression; reaping the rewards of hard work, staying on course, completing things naturally and starting a new cycle,
experiencing predictable and planned-for changes, seeing things come to fruition, experiencing the slow but sure consecutive
changes of each phase of life. It may also be telling you that something is inevitable in due course, bringing you face to
face with your karma, awarding you your due comeuppance, recommending natural solutions to problems which you should have
foreseen, or telling you that things are meant to be like this whether you like them or not. It may also bring you back to
places you have been before, to see how you react this time round. As the symbol for a complete year, it can also mean "in
a year’s time" or "within a year" or "at the right time".
"There are secrets and mysteries here, and you do not have the key."PERTHRO is
the Rune for which the meaning is unknown, having been lost in the mists of time. Different authorities therefore ascribe
to it different meanings. The most common way of managing this loss of knowledge is to assign the meaning "mystery" to PERTHRO,
making it the Rune of the unknown, of magic, of things which are just beyond our ability to sense them, of things which are
beyond our understanding. From this perspective, PERTHRO becomes the Rune of divination, of potential, of all things mystical,
of things which are - unbeknown to us - coming into being, of alternative realities, of secrets. PERTHRO may therefore be
the point at which predestination, chance and free will meet and, perhaps, struggle for supremacy within the individual's
Wyrd ("destiny"). Other authorities ascribe to PERTHRO meanings around the themes of female sexuality, religious observance,
recreation, game-playing, and earth power. It is sometimes called the Rune of Silence. My own view is that these disparate
definitions can be reconciled if PERTHRO is taken to be the Rune of Women's Mysteries. Certain forms of shamanism were primarily
the remit of women in the Northern tribes, and would therefore have been, quite understandably, beyond the experience and
comprehension of most men. A lack of in-depth understanding by men, coupled with the harsh suppression of women, their status,
and their mystical traditions by the incoming all-male Christian priesthood, would in my view explain why this Rune alone
has "lost its meaning" ... and yet continues, somehow, to be associated with all the areas outlined above.
In a Runecast, PERTHRO is likely to mean that things are unclear, that certain
key facts are hidden from you or unknown to you, that you do not have the necessary information on which to base decisions
or choices, that there are things which are being kept secret from you. It can also symbolise your own uncertainty and confusion
as to the best way forward, the unpredictability of the present situation, and that the element of luck or chance is loose
in your life at the present time. It may be telling you that there are several different options open to you, all of which
carry risks and potential problems - whichever option you select, you will probably wonder at times whether another choice
would have been a better one. This Rune can also indicate that there is game-playing happening somewhere in your life, either
in the realms of magic and mystery, or in some subtle and secretive way. In some circumstances, this Rune can represent female
"I am that which is everlasting. Who or what are you?"EIWAZ is the Rune of the
Yew, of Life and Death, and of Immortality. Only now that we are relearning the ancient wisdom does this Rune's meaning become
clear, for the yew is a unique tree about which misconceptions have been held for centuries. It was believed that yews lived
for a few hundred years (they can live for several thousand), that they were planted in churchyards (churches were built next
to yews), that elderly yews needed their branches propped up (yew branches which touch the ground put down roots and become
a circle of daughter trees), that dead yews must be felled (yews often lie dormant for decades before regenerating) and so
on. EIWAZ, Rune of the Yew, is the most important of the shamanic Runes; the Rune of eternal life, continuity, the death which
contains life, reincarnation, endurance, altered states, regeneration of self, self-initiation, linking together things which
appear separate. The yew is poisonous, and longbows are made from its wood ... yet it is also used to treat cancer and AIDS.
Just as JERA is the Rune of time and the year’s cycles, so EIWAZ is the Rune of immortality and the greater cycles of
life/death/rebirth. If JERA is the minute hand of nature's clock, EIWAZ is the hour hand, whose progress we cannot see while
incarnated because we live for but a single hour.
In a Runecast, EIWAZ is likely to mean a need for patience and endurance, a time
of waiting in the dark without knowing when or if the waiting will end, passing through a long and challenging period of spiritual
development, making extremely slow progress, wrestling with yourself about an important issue, feeling pulled in two different
directions, going through an endurance test of your faith or character. It may also mean the regeneration of an idea, project
or relationship which you believed to be long dead, remembering things from long ago, or learning things by letting them come
to you slowly. It may mean that you begin to link things which you previously thought were separate, that you begin to see
through the veils of ordinary reality to the dimensions beyond, or that you have a shamanic or otherworldly experience in
which you symbolically die and are reborn. It could indicate a rite of passage or initiation, it could mean that you will
receive news of a birth, death, or other major event, or it could mean that you will experience (or dream of) sacred places
and earth magic.
"You are safe."ALGIZ is the Rune of Protection. It is the Rune of defence, of
survival, of instinctive protective action, of sacred or magical resistance, of shielding against conflict. It attracts positive
energy, repels attack, wards off evil, shelters from ill-will and ill-wishing. It places a protective energy shield around
people, animals and property, particularly those under threat from other people, animals, or spirits. It helps individuals
find their true purpose in life. It protects and defends on a physical, spiritual, mental and emotional level; it shields
out ego, negative energy, delusion and illusion. ALGIZ is not a weapon, but a passive, defensive shield (THURISAZ is the active
weapon of attack or defence). ALGIZ is associated with the animal kingdom; its protective power is linked to "Fetches" (power
animals, familiars, totems). In the Northern Tradition each person has a Light Fetch and a Dark Fetch, which guide, advise,
protect, assist and teach. The Light Fetch is the equivalent of the power animal of other cultures, usually openly acknowledged
and regarded as sharing its positive qualities with those whom it guides. The Dark Fetch is a more complex concept, often
relating to something suppressed (for example, someone terrified of snakes might have a snake as their Dark Fetch, someone
who likes to be seen as invulnerable might have a small, timid mouse). However much disliked or rejected by the individual,
the Dark Fetch is also a powerful guiding, protecting and teaching influence, working at a deeper level than the Light Fetch.
The concept of Fetches needs to be understood by anyone using ALGIZ for protection, or the appearance of the Dark Fetch answering
a call for help may create more alarm than the original problem!
In a Runecast, ALGIZ is likely to mean some form of protective influence coming
into your life, at a time when you are under threat. This protection may come from a person, a power animal, an invocation,
or a guardian of some sort ... or it may come from within yourself as an instinct to be wary, not to trust someone or something,
to make sure that you are not vulnerable in some respect. This Rune will not necessarily shield you completely, but will defend
you from the worse outcome of a threat or attack. It may also relate to your appointment as a guardian, trustee, gatekeeper
or defender of some kind. In certain circumstances, it may indicate finding your true purpose, often with assistance from
guides and/or power animals.
"I am the Sun."SOWILO is the Rune of the Sun. This Rune is not the subtle, magical
light of daybreak (DAGAZ), but the sun’s light at noon in midsummer. Rich, golden, unwavering, pouring down massive
heat and light from without, SOWILO is bright with a brightness that is impossible to look upon, an unwavering, blazing, majestic,
irresistible, overpowering radiance. SOWILO makes things mercilessly plain - so plain that you may feel inadequate, shrivelling
from this undiluted power! SOWILO is an external force, reminding us of things which are not within our control. It burns
through years of shielding, exposes, dries out, overwhelms, cuts down to size, shows how small and insignificant we are in
the great scheme of things. Yet SOWILO, though a stern power, is not a cruel one. For SOWILO, giver of life, is the Rune of
holistic healing and the way-shower of the day. It heals and recharges us, enables us to see ourselves clearly, controls our
egos, teaches us our proper place in the order of things. It fills us with strength and well-being, reminds us of the great
power of which we are a part, impartially radiates light and warmth, clarifies misunderstandings, dissolves shame and guilt
in waves of healing heat and light, motivates us to change in accordance with the greater plan. The solar serpent of SOWILO
represents our guides, higher consciousness, power words, healing abilities, and energy which comes from without to replenish
our bodies.
In a Runecast, SOWILO is likely to mean everything becoming mercilessly clear
via some outside force, which exposes falsehoods and false premises, brings everything out into the open, clears up ambiguities
and misunderstandings, demystifies everything, and opens up secrets to public gaze. This Rune can also mean facing a greater
power than yourself, having no place to hide, feeling overpowered and exposed, being cut down to size, receiving (or giving)
some blunt speaking, facing up to glaring imperfections, getting rid of subtlety and deviousness. However, it can also mean
healing, drying out, ending of depression or misery, getting things into proportion, becoming able to see straight, and feeling
recharged with energy and warmth.
"Take the path of the Spiritual Warrior."TIWAZ is the Rune of the Man. It is the
Rune of masculinity, of the qualities traditionally associated with the male - which, if an individual is to be whole, must
be integrated within both men and women. TIWAZ is an active Rune, but NOT a brutal or destructive Rune (THURISAZ is the Rune
which represents the overpowering, noisy, forceful, and sometimes shocking, aggressive, and very destructive, aspects of the
male principle). TIWAZ represents the more noble aspects of masculinity, together with left-brain qualities. This is the Rune
of fatherhood, brotherhood, courage, decisiveness, independence, firmness, physical prowess, overcoming obstacles with focused
determination, logic, reasoning, analysis, assertion, control, strength, self-discipline, willingness to sacrifice the self
for the greater good, bravery, chivalry, fearlessness. This is the Rune of the athlete, the spiritual warrior, the judge,
the husband, the father, the hunter, the provider, the hero. It is the Rune of the sacred will in action, simplifying, deciding,
directing, law-giving, closing, ending, delivering the mercy blow. TIWAZ stands up to the bully, takes responsibility, responds
to the call of duty. This Rune is not about making a donation to charity, or letting a friend stay for a while. It is about
making a genuine sacrifice - giving up a materially-successful life in order to serve others, generously setting free a beloved
partner who wishes to leave, accepting personal humiliation, rejection and ridicule because of taking an honourable but unpopular
In a Runecast, TIWAZ is likely to mean one of several different things. It may
mean the arrival in your life of a man (who may be a brother, father, son, lover, husband, or some other important male figure).
It may refer to a person of either sex, who is a "spiritual warrior" - perhaps a spiritual advisor, a religious leader, a
law-giver, a guide, someone who sets an example and influences you in your spiritual path, someone who assists you in bringing
to an end something in your life which needs to be ended. It may mean that you yourself will be required to display the qualities
of a spiritual warrior, even without the assistance of an influential figure; perhaps you will be called upon to show love,
courage, self-discipline, openness, humility, self-sacrifice on a grand scale. This Rune can also indicate promotion, or an
increase in status to that of "tribal elder". For a male, it may also mean a passage to another stage of manhood - for example
becoming a husband, a father, a grandfather, a patriarch. RUNE No. 17 - BERKANO - THE RUNE OF THE WOMAN.
"Create." BERKANO is the Rune of the Woman. It is the Rune of all that is female,
and of the qualities traditionally associated with the feminine - which, if an individual is to be whole, must be integrated
within both sexes. BERKANO is a practical, down-to-earth, real-world Rune (the Rune of Feminine Mysteries being, arguably,
PERTHRO). BERKANO is the Rune of the Earth Mother, of motherhood, of birth, of nurturing, of fertility, of fruitfulness. It
is the Rune of matriarchy, of female sensuality and sexuality, of sisterhood, and of the "Maiden, Mother and Crone" aspects
of the Earth Goddess. However, while such aspects may be primarily applicable to women, BERKANO has many aspects which are
indisputably applicable to both sexes. For this is the Rune of creation, of conceiving ideas, of bringing things into physical
being and then nurturing them to fruition by personal effort (whether a project, an invention, or a work of art). BERKANO
is concerned with the process of production, from the first germination of an idea to the finished product, and, along the
way, with developing, supporting, nourishing, mentoring, cherishing, mending, adjusting, renewing, fine-tuning, and maintaining.
BERKANO is a strong, caring, compassionate, flexible, and very creative Rune, but one with a pragmatic focus. In the same
way that SOWILO is the Rune of healing which comes from a force outside, BERKANO is the Rune of self-healing, of everyday
practical repairing, and of the Right brain or subconscious mind. It is also associated with scent, massage, sensuality, non-ceremonial
dance, and, in its complementary aspect to PERTHRO (sometimes called the Rune of Silence), BERKANO can be seen as the Rune
of Sharing.
In a Runecast, BERKANO is likely to mean one of several different things. It may
mean the arrival in your life of a woman (who may be sister, mother, daughter, lover, or wife, or some other important female
figure). It may refer to a person of either sex, who is a "creator" - perhaps an "ideas person", artist, craftsperson, nurturer,
developer, producer, someone who sparks off your own creativity, someone who assists you in starting something new in your
life which you had not got around to starting. It may mean that you yourself will be required to display the qualities of
a creator, even without the assistance of an influential figure; perhaps you will be called upon to show creativity, inspiration,
artistry, the ability to develop a project from start to finish, production, bringing something into being, repairing something.
This Rune can also indicate some form of acknowledgement of your creative abilities. For a female, it may also mean a passage
to another state of womanhood, for example, becoming a wife, a mother, a matriarch.
"The whole is greater than the sum of the parts."EHWAZ is the Rune of the Horse.
It is the Rune of humankind’s relationship with the animal kingdom, the natural world, the earth and all her creatures
... symbolised by humanity’s symbiotic, or even dependent, relationship with the horse. The horse was a sacred, as well
as an extremely useful, animal in Nordic culture. ODIN’s steed, SLEIPNIR, was an eight-legged horse (sometimes defined
as a mare and stallion harnessed together, sometimes as a spider because of ODIN’s shamanic riding of the Web of Wyrd).
However, EHWAZ does not relate to the horse as a Fetch or Power Animal (this role belongs to ALGIZ), but to the horse as a
living creature - an animal which provided the ancient peoples with their only means of swift personal transport on land,
plus an important source of power for agriculture and for the carriage of goods. EHWAZ therefore relates to the practical,
sacred-within-the-everyday aspects of our relationship with the animal world, and with our own animal natures. Provided only
that its requirements are respected, EHWAZ is therefore an empowering, enabling, and confirmatory force. Because of the symbolic,
sacred, and symbiotic relationship between human and horse, EHWAZ is sometimes seen as the Rune of dynamic relationships between
people, particularly long-term and multiple partnerships (in the family, community, or business), where those involved are
"moving forward harmoniously together". EHWAZ is also the Rune of dynamic relationship with oneself, (building upon GEBO’s
static balance). In particular, EHWAZ is the Rune of the Fetch Husband or Fetch Wife (the "male within" every woman, the "female
within" every man, the animus and anima), whose development enables each individual to become a complete human being. EHWAZ
is a complex, challenging Rune to grasp, but one which expands understanding and abilities, much as the speed and power of
the horse must have expanded the horizons and capabilities of our ancestors.
In a Runecast, EHWAZ is likely to mean a great expansion of your abilities and
understanding, particularly in relation to your feminine side (if you are male) or your masculine side (if you are female)
... for a man, involvement in something requiring creativity, nurturing, imagination, gentleness, or attention to fine detail
... for a woman, involvement in something requiring judgement, analysis, logic, decisiveness, an ability to take a broad perspective.
It can also mean empowerment, an opportunity to learn a new skill (particularly as part of a team), an integration of different
sides of your life or personality, a new role which allows you to use skills which you were not previously using, self-development,
creating something as a member of a partnership or team. This Rune can also symbolise a dynamic relationship, a move forward
within a partnership or group relationship, good teamwork, a team victory.
"Namaste ... The divine within me acknowledges the divine within you."MANNAZ is
the Rune of Humankind. It is the Rune of "the divine, made human", the point at which humanity and spirit overlap, the Rune
of the dual mind which distinguishes humankind from the animals. Just as EHWAZ links the animal kingdom and the human race,
so MANNAZ links humankind and the dimension of spirit. Therefore, MANNAZ represents those qualities which are the highest
forms of "humanity". MANNAZ is the Rune of the mind, of intellectual and spiritual understanding harnessed together, and of
all the attributes of mind; of tolerance, connection, friendship, co-operative effort, fairness, justice tempered with mercy,
anti-discriminatory measures, openness to others’ perspectives, positive compromise, win-win situations, acceptance
of divergent views, valuing the diversity of humankind. It is the Rune of development towards a more perfect state of being,
of harnessing the left- and right- brain thinking of TIWAZ and BERKANO into a unified entity within the heart, of dawning
understanding that all humanity, indeed all life, is truly a single perfect whole. From this reaching for perfection, it becomes
the Rune of social order and civilisation. In the Northern Tradition, humankind was created when the first man and woman were
carved out of an ash and an elm log respectively, and ODIN (and his two brothers) breathed life (and other qualities) into
the wood. MANNAZ is the Rune of humanity in transition between the unawareness of wood and the wisdom and knowledge of the
divine - of humankind moving towards, or returning to, the Absolute. This Rune is a place of integration - if we choose to
use it as such.
In a Runecast, MANNAZ is likely to mean a project or piece of work coming together
after a long struggle; a solution to a problem which is fairly satisfactory to all concerned; a compromise which opens up
a way forward; an "inspired" solution which can also be justified by the use of facts and figures; the conscious use of the
mind to make optimal choices; doing something for the good of the whole of humankind. It can also mean rising above some provocation
or difficulty, finding an opportunity to forgive or to ask for forgiveness, dealing with a difficult situation in a civil
and civilised way, giving or receiving help or support (perhaps to or from an unexpected quarter), working with people you
would prefer to avoid in order to achieve a beneficial result; having something turn out better than expected because of the
intervention of a third party; releasing yourself from the chains of instinctive compulsions. Occasionally, this Rune will
signify the arrival of a guide or teacher in your life.
"Go with the flow."LAGUZ is the Rune of Water. It is the Rune of flowing, of cleansing,
of washing out, of detoxification, of fluidity, of the sweeping away of blockages. It is the Rune of the ebbing and flowing
tides, of the rocking movement of waves, and of flowing currents of cleansing energy (both gentle and forceful in nature).
It is the Rune of water in all its natural forms - of oceans, lakes, waterfalls, rivers, streams, wells, springs and geysers
- but NOT of ice, snow or hail (ice being seen as a separate element in the Northern Tradition). It is associated with the
plant kingdom, and with the life-force. Just as SOWILO is associated with healing which comes from without, and BERKANO with
self-healing, so LAGUZ is associated with herbal healing, and with healing by cleansing the environment. (One recorded shamanic
practice involved swilling quantities of water across the sickroom floor and out through the door - presumably highly effective
in cases of illness caused by unhygienic living conditions). LAGUZ is also associated with mental health, particularly with
the catharsis of tears, and with emotional release and cleansing. This is the Rune which dissolves blockages and allows flow
of water, blood, sap, and all other fluids; it is therefore a deceptively powerful Rune and needs to be used with care. LAGUZ
is the Rune of the Water of Life, and as such is highly symbolic as a gift or when shared. Ceremonies in many religious traditions
include water in one form or another.
In a Runecast, LAGUZ is likely to mean that something is moving through your life
like a tide, washing away blockages, pulling at you, tugging things forward in a series of wave-like movements. Things which
are stuck will start to move again, flotsam and jetsam will be washed away, a fresh cleansing energy will ripple through your
life, splashing you awake, buoying you up, and getting things flowing. This Rune can mark a watershed in your life, especially
one which involves a cathartic emotional release in which tears flood out as dammed-up emotions break through the barriers
which held them back. It can also symbolise something pouring into your life, saturating you, swamping you, damping things
down, overflowing into all areas of your life, pouring cold water over your ideas or plans. All you can do is to go with the
flow for a while, letting it carry you wherever it may take you.
"Prepare yourself thoroughly, now, for the new life which will presently be yours"INGWAZ
is the Rune of the Chrysalis. It is the Rune of the seed just before germination, of outer stillness and simultaneous inner
development, of inward transformation invisible from outside. It is the Rune of the egg, which contains not only a foetal
bird, but also a DNA blueprint of all birds past and present. Just as URUZ is the Rune of the infinite (containing the potential
for all things in macrocosm), so INGWAZ is the Rune of the finite (containing the potential for all things in microcosm) ...
"as above, so below". INGWAZ is a meditation Rune. It is physical stillness in which pure thought swirls unconfined, the ecstatic
state of "being" at the centre of self. It is the Rune which protects the body while the spirit travels. It is linked with
shamanic energy circulation such as tantric sex (and thus is sometimes seen as the Rune of Masculine Mysteries, the male equivalent
of PERTHRO). INGWAZ is the Rune of containment for specific purpose, of the transformation of spirit within the living body,
of the passageway between two states of being. It is the Rune of the anchorite, who chooses outward confinement in order to
develop inwardly. INGWAZ is also the Rune of peace, truce, and respite from war and fighting. It can be seen as the space
between two lock gates, a decompression chamber between two realities, an antechamber in which to change clothes after leaving
one place and before entering another. INGWAZ is a Rune of no return; there is no way back from the chrysalis. Just as MANNAZ
is linked with the human race, EHWAZ to the animal kingdom, and LAGUZ to the plant kingdom, so INGWAZ is linked to the mineral
kingdom, with its outwardly-static, inwardly-charged (or even molten) rocks.
In a Runecast, INGWAZ is likely to mean that you are in a transitional phase,
between two distinctive states or parts of your life. This is a temporary halt or confinement before a change of direction.
It may be a period of enforced reflection and solitude (for example, while recovering from an illness or injury), or it may
be a pause between two different life directions (such as a period of unemployment before a career change, or a time between
two relationships). This Rune indicates that you are considering making a big change in your life and are currently giving
it a great deal of careful and thorough thought. It can also indicate that something major is changing in your life without
your being aware of it - that something has ended, and that something else is about to begin, although superficially everything
appears to be much the same. This Rune is the precursor of a new life direction, but the peaceful and/or isolated time it
brings should not be mistaken for the new life itself.
"This is my own, my sacred land."OTHALA is the Rune of Place ... place in the
multiple sense of position within the family and community, physical place on earth, and temporal place within the linked
chain of generations. Like a piece of jigsaw-puzzle, OTHALA demonstrates both the boundaries, and the close fit, between "mine"
and "not mine", between "ours" and "not ours". OTHALA is the Rune of the integration of self within the family, clan, community;
and the interface between the tribal group and the wider society. It is the Rune of ancestral inheritance, of belonging, of
membership, of fitting within the broader picture, of having the confidence, security, and comfort of knowing your position/role/function
among your own people. OTHALA is the Rune of the house, the home, the homestead, of land and fixed possessions which are owned
or controlled, of material inheritance, of the "sacred enclosure". It is the Rune of putting down roots into the earth, of
settling down, of having a sense of place, of coming home, of recognising your ties with a particular geographical location,
of belonging to the planet Earth. OTHALA is also the Rune of spiritual inheritance, of the wisdom of the ancestors, of learning
passed down through the family, of memory, of past lives, of the holding together of knowledge which should be preserved and
handed on. OTHALA conserves things - not in the static form in which the Rune ISA works, but in a fluid state (as a family
group may expand or contract whilst still remaining a family). This is the Rune which teaches that one cannot be lost, that
there is a need to acknowledge and respect oneself and others, and that maturity is accepting that "the way it is, is the
way it is". OTHALA is the Rune of the "temenos" or sacred enclosure, the ancient concept of paradise as a walled garden, in
which the individual feels secure, focused, protected, in harmony. Building on the insights of EHWAZ, OTHALA also prompts
the understanding that the sacred enclosure is the body in which you live throughout your time on earth - a temporary housing
for the soul, but still a sacred one.
In a Runecast, OTHALA is likely to mean establishing a sense of "place"; coming
home, putting down roots, moving house, settling down, feeling that you belong, making a home or creating a garden, defining
your own space, doing something which involves contact with the land. It can also mean clarifying where boundaries lie, setting
limits, putting up barriers, learning the limitations of yourself or someone else, keeping someone or something out of (or
in) your life. This Rune may also indicate inheriting something, finding out information about your family, learning traditional
wisdom, experiencing a major family event; occasionally it may symbolise finding something, or receiving some form of recognition
of your standing within your "tribe".
"A new dawn is breaking, and I am one with all the Universe." DAGAZ is the Rune
of Day. This is the Rune of escaping from darkness, of leaving behind the night. DAGAZ is the awakening clarity of dawn, the
colourless light which gives colour to all things. This is the luminosity which has no obvious source, and yet which gently
melts away all shadows. It is the soft, pale, lambent glow, growing steadily and surely in intensity, in which all things
gradually become clear. DAGAZ is sometimes interpreted as the Rune of the Twenty-Four-Hour Day rather than the Rune of Daytime;
while this is correct, it should be remembered that in the lands in which the Northern Tradition originated, a "day" in midsummer
is light throughout the whole period. Just as KENAZ is the inner flame burning in the darkness of the surrounding night, and
SOWILO the external light which pours blindingly down from above, so DAGAZ is the half-light in which the self blends subtly
and magically into the surroundings (and thus DAGAZ is sometimes called the Rune of Invisibility). Unlike passionate KENAZ
and majestic SOWILO, DAGAZ neither burns nor dazzles, but is a calm and subtle force, forming waves of translucent light which
wash softly and imperceptibly through the self and the rest of the Universe. The subtle clarity of DAGAZ is gentle and luminous.
This is the Rune in which all things are blended into one. It is the Rune of transformation into light-energy, of experiencing
the ecstasy of the self dissolving gently back into the Great Spirit. It is the Rune of opening, of becoming, of losing the
boundaries of the self, of slipping out of the confines of the circle into the infinity beyond. DAGAZ is the "invisible light"
which illuminates shamanic vision, third-eye vision, the vision of meditation, spiritual experiences, out-of-body experiences
and between-lives experiences. DAGAZ is the light of the one-ness of being.
In a Runecast, DAGAZ is likely to mean the dawn of a new day, a realisation that
the dark times are behind you, an understanding of many things as light dawns, a recognition that the worse is over, the start
of a new life or way of living, a path slowly revealing itself in the pale light of daybreak. It can mean a dissolving of
barriers and boundaries, an experience of spirituality, a sense of becoming softer and more open, a feeling of gentle peace
and tranquillity, a fading-away of fears and shadows, a gradual lifting of sorrow or lightening of burdens, a lowering of
defences, an understanding that all is well. It may mean that things are coming together at last, opening up for you slowly
but surely, becoming clear, letting you see the next stage, allowing you to understand where you are now and all that has
gone before. However, this Rune is also The Disguiser, and you will need to keep watch on the various things going on in your
life, or you may find that something valuable has slipped away in the half-light and vanished in the mists of morning, while
your attention was concentrated on the new things being revealed to you by the dawn.
"I have everything I need. Therefore I am rich beyond the dreams of avarice."FEHU
is the Rune of Wealth. This is often understood as meaning material wealth, riches, abundance, plenty, fulfilment, fullness,
satisfaction, material success, possessions, savings, investments, money, gold, belongings, portable wealth, buying power,
economic control. The Rune implies earned riches, generated wealth, rather than inherited goods or winnings. The literal meaning
of FEHU is "domestic cattle", as the possession of a herd was a good indicator of financial standing. However, there are also
other aspects of FEHU. One aspect of this Rune is that of MOVEABLE wealth (houses and land, for example, fall within OTHALA’s
remit). There is therefore a suggestion of energy circulation in FEHU - of buying, selling, transfer, distribution, of money
as a form of flowing power, with gold coins and savings as frozen, stored energy like a battery whose power can be released
later (but which is worthless and useless if never used). Another clear implication of FEHU is that of spiritual wealth -
a position beyond ownership of masses of worldly goods, where "wealth" is not a (physical) state of ownership of a particular
amount, but a (mental) state of knowing that you have everything that you want and need. FEHU invites the possessor to question
the purpose of material or spiritual wealth ... what is the reason for one individual owning so much; is he or she intended
to be a distributor, a curator, a treasurer?
In a Runecast, FEHU is likely to mean material wealth, money and other goods which
have been earned rather than inherited or won, jewellery, gold, stocks and shares, credit cards, savings, investments, any
possessions except land and buildings. It can mean stocking up on goods, making a major purchase, getting a good bargain,
collecting things, managing your money well, being financially secure, having a nest-egg tucked away. It can also mean plenty,
abundance, a feeling of satisfaction with what you have achieved in terms of earning and providing, a well-stocked larder,
a comfortable life. The other aspect of this Rune is the spiritual one, in which your "wealth" is the richness of spiritual
joy, because you have been blessed both with sufficient worldly goods to meet your basic needs and with a sense of fulfilment
and contentment which are beyond the power of money to purchase.
WEBSITE OWNERS NOTE: the blank Runestone is often considered just an extra piece
in case one is lost.
"It is not for me to know."The Blank Runestone is, of course, not a Rune at all.
It is the stone, or stave, without a glyph of any kind. The Blank Runestone is a twentieth-century introduction, and is not
used in all traditions.
Where it is included, it is used to mean something like, "that which is incomprehensible
to, and unclassifiable by, the human mind".
The Blank Runestone symbolises the nothingness which is the space between things.
(If this sounds a little too "Zen" for you, try the Feng-Shui concept of space between things ... how useful would a bowl
or cup be if it didn’t have a hollow space of "nothing" in the middle of it?). This "nothingness" has, of course, no
shape, no glyph, no gender, and indeed, no being. In so far as something which does not exist can be sacred, it is sacred
to ODIN, the Great Spirit.
The Blank Runestone is sometimes described as "Wyrd" - a concept something like
destiny, fate, karma. However, even so vague a definition seems to me too specific and limiting for this stone, since there
are aspects of Wyrd which, if not exactly fixed, are at least extremely probable. A child born today may have many choices
and options, and many possible fates, even to the point of genetic manipulation, organ transplants, cloning, or gender change.
These potential destinies and outcomes are, however, still finite in number - however vast and incomprehensible that finite
number may be to the human mind. The Blank Runestone signifies emptiness, nothingness, void, non-existence, that which is
In a Runecast, THE BLANK RUNESTONE is likely to mean that things are "unknowable",
beyond the ability of human beings to comprehend.
A Simple Runecast
A. Place the Runestones in their bag or pouch. Hold this between the palms of
your hands while you calm yourself and relax into a meditative state. Gently move the bag so that your hands pass energy through
all the Runestones or Runestaves inside it.B. Think of the issue which you want to address. Make this a statement, not a question
... for example, "The issue is my career" (not, "Will I get that job?"). Calmly repeat the issue several times whilst continuing
to hold the Runestones in their bag. Say the statement out loud several times, calmly and firmly, clearly and slowly, (or
do this silently by focusing your thoughts).C. When you are ready, pause for a moment, and then carefully take one Runestone
out of the bag with your "in" hand or "receiving" hand (if you are right-handed, this will generally be your LEFT hand, and
vice-versa). This first Rune answers the question, "What is the underlying nature of this issue?" D. Repeat (C) above with
a second Runestone. The second Rune answers the question, "What caused or led up to this issue?" E. Repeat (C) above with
a third Runestone. The third Rune answers the question, "In what direction are events flowing at the present time?"F. Repeat
(C) above with a fourth Runestone. The fourth Rune answers the question, "If events continue to flow as they are flowing now,
what is the likely outcome?"G. When you have placed the four Runestones in a line from left to right, read their meanings
in answer to the question relating to each one.H. You should end up with a clear understanding of what this issue is REALLY
about, why it has surfaced now, and whether things are heading in the appropriate or optimum direction, towards a good outcome.
Some Hints on Rune-ReadingIn almost all the different traditions, each Runestone
is read in conjunction with those which surround it or touch it; remembering this can help with a difficult-to-understand
Runecast. If you are completely confused by a particular Runecast, go through the process with a single additional Runestone,
drawn after you have calmly repeated "I seek further information to clarify this Runecast" several times. In many traditions,
Runestones which appear face down in a cast, or in which the Rune glyph is upside-down (from the perspective of the reader)
are taken to have reversed, or opposite, meanings - so FEHU becomes a symbol of poverty, and WUNJO a symbol of misery and
disappointment, and so on. If you decide to read Runes in this way, you will need to decide how to interpret those Rune glyphs
which are identical whether seen from the top or from the base - GEBO, HAGALAZ, ISA, JERA, EIWAZ, SOWILO, INGWAZ, DAGAZ, (and,
in some traditions, NAUDHIZ).
There are many other ways to read the Runes. They can be seen as a way of focusing
your thoughts, bringing out things which you "know" inside you, letting your unconscious mind speak as clearly and directly
as your conscious mind. Your interpretation of what you see in the Runecast is every bit as important as the actual Runestones
which you lift out of the bag.
Try looking out for Rune shapes in your everyday life ... in patterns, in twigs,
in cracked paving stones, in the reflections on water. Ask yourself why you saw that particular Rune at that particular moment.
This practice will give you a much clearer idea of what your subconscious mind is thinking - which may not be at all what
your conscious mind is chattering about!
Beyond the RunesAnyone familiar with the Runes will inevitably have found this
article disappointingly basic in its coverage. So for the Runemistresses and Runemasters among you, here are a few "beyond
the basics" thoughts ... to entertain or to inspire, just as you wish.
Runic glyphs are traditionally identified as two-dimensional ... taken from staves
laid flat on the ground and seen from above (or similar). But the Universal forces which they represent are (at least) four-dimensional
and arguably five- (or more) dimensional. What if the staves themselves are, in the physical world of ordinary reality, also
Take HAGALAZ in her six-pointed asterisk-like shape. Even in two dimensions, her
points can be joined to form a six-pointed star. But visualise another stave passing through her centre point from front to
back, making her three-dimensional ... now join all her points ... and the six-pointed star becomes a star tetrahedron (a
shape like two pyramids emerging from one another). Or - if you don’t like the idea of HAGALAZ acquiring a fourth, front-to-back
stave - visualise her upright axis as vertical, and her other two axes as horizontal. Joining the points now will give you
an octahedron (a shape like two pyramids joined at the base).
Both the star tetrahedron and the octahedron are Platonic solids within Metatron’s
Cube - fundamental, universal shapes which have also come down to us via Plato, Pythagoras, Freemasonry, the Qaballah, and
the Egyptian "Right Eye Of Horus" Mystery School. These shapes are the cellular structure of matter, the DNA of the Universe.
For a simple explanation of the geometry involved, try Sacred Geometry <> (a site
which will link you to other goodies), or for a more technical explanation, try Sacred Geometry Homepage <>
(a site with some beautiful technical drawings of sacred geometrical shapes, in which the Rune glyphs can be seen).
Anyone who has even begun to study the Runes will know that they are far from
being the funny-shaped letters of a prehistoric board-game. But many experts still see them as somehow separate, unique: a
cultural oddity of the ancient Northern lands. They are not unique, and that they have barely been touched by the thousands
of years in which they have been preserved in the ice of the frozen North. They are an essential key to one section of the
Great Mystery which the human race now stands on the brink of unravelling ... a process which will link many unexplained phenomena,
artefacts, and legends!!
Newsletter Copyright: ©1998 Tig550908
Runes Copyright: ©1998 Lightgift
All work can be reproduced, in whole or in part, as long as the original copyright
is explicitly acknowledged.