Shadow spirits are usually those who have passed in battles, wars, or some other violent but "honorable" death. They most
often appear outdoors and are incoherent to anything around them. They simply pass by. If you encounter this entity-no action
needs to be taken.
Pale spirits or spirits that seemingly lack color, making them appear white, are wandering spirits which have unfinished
business or a message to tell. They are not harmful. They will repetively act out a scenerio which pertains to the message
or unfinished business. They are fully aware that they are being watched though they may appear oblivious to the watcher.
If you encounter this entity-relax and pay attention. If you can discover the message or fulfill the unfinished business then
the spirit will leave.
Fading spirits can change their density to full or to unseen. They can appear to look as a real person or even just show
parts such as a face. These ones usually appear within the home and pose no threats. They desire only to be known they exist.
Sometimes this spirit may do things to gain attention, such as hide items, throw items, make items fall, or do other non harmful
things which quite often scare the reciever. If you encounter this entity-acknowledge its existence and speak to it as you
would another person. If it does something annoying, tell it to stop.
Reflective spirits often appear faded or blended with background items in mirrors, windows, and camera photos. They pose
no threat and are simply watching. They are often relatives, or "guides/guardians," or a spirit who enjoys being around the
reciever. If you encounter this entity-enjoy it.
Pagans refer to glowing spirits as the elders. Biblical beliefs refer to glowing spirits as angels. Occasionally they appear
to have wings. These are the guardians and protectors of all life on earth. Should you see one of these spirits, it is typically
an omen of danger. This does not mean you should be afraid, but to be aware of everything around you. To proceed with extreme
caution. They may also appear at times of danger to guide you through to safety. If you encounter this entity- embrace them
and allow yourself to follow.
Cloaked spirits are those of the ancients. They are there to provide wisdom. You should feel honored should this entity
contact you.
These spirits usually cant cause harm, but may inadvertently do so, however some can and will. They pound on walls or doors,
whoosh through homes causing a swift breeze as they pass, loosen handrails, place items on steps when there was nothing there
before, and other potentially maliscious acts. These are often spirits who werent nice in human form either. They have no
sense of right and wrong, and find mean acts to be humorous. Should you encounter this entity-chimes and/or bells should be
Extreme cases need to be dealt with on an individual basis.
Orbs are usually not "spirits" but beings such as fairies, sprites, and other "magical" beings. Orbs are unpredictable
and spontaneous. One minute they may be floating about and the next they will childishly chase a person. They can be very
mischievious or float about the watcher filling them with a sense of euphoria. Occasionally they will simply disappear from
sight. If you encounter this entity-rely on instincts.
Voids are not spirits either, but an energy form. They give off an ill intent vibe due to a lack of substance and energy.
In a sense it is a floating black hole and can be dangerous. The center of it is void of all substance including darkness,
as it spreads outward it does gain substance and appears as tiny "stars" in a small area. The void has a form yet no form
as it takes no particular shape, but changes as it moves. The void is attracted to beings with energy as a magnet to steel,
but it does not move fast. It simply floats to whatever energy is strongest in a casual manner. If you encounter this entity-leave
the area immediatly.
Evil Spirits
A Spirit is evil only if you dont know what your dealing with.
Animal Spirits
Animal spirits are never harmful and often appear after a pet has died. They are there to reassure the owner that their
pet is okay and safe.
Wild Animal Spirits
These spirits are guardians and messengers. Look under animal meanings for further details.
What is an exorcism?
An exorcism is an attempt to send a spirit to a place of pergatory. Exorcisms rarely work and do nothing more than anger
the spirit. Exorcisms are usually performed by those who fear the unknown, and an attempt at exorcism is not needed, and should
not be performed.