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Glossary of Religious Paths

AGNOSTICISM (Greek, agnostos: "unknowable): The religious doctrine that asserts that it is impossible to know whether there are Deities or anything beyond physical/material phenomena. It is different from Atheism which asserts that Deities do not exist.

ALCHEMY (from the Greek, chemeia, "chemistry", the Arabic, al kimya, "the chemistry", or the Egyption, khemeia, "the preparation of black ore"): A form of ceremonial magick commonly believed to be focused on the transmutation of base metals into precious metals (e.g.: converting lead to gold). The ultimate goal of the Alchemist is to transform the chaotic primordial First Matter (the Khem) into perfection; a goal that is accomplished through spiritual enlightenment. 

ALEXANDRIAN WICCA: A Wiccan tradition founded by Alex Sanders in England and disputed as being the original form of Wicca instead of Gardnerian Wicca. Sanders claimed to have been initiated as a Hereditary Witch by his grandmother but critics claim many Alexandrian rituals are almost identical to Gardnerian ones, with a little ceremonial magick and Judeo-Christian mysteries thrown in. Covens work skyclad. The eight Sabbats are observed and the Goddess and God are revered. Alexandrian Wiccans are considered to be Traditional Witches who trace their line of initiatory descent from Alex and Maxine Sanders, through a line of Alexandrian High Priests and High Priestesses, who follow the Alexandrian Book of Shadows, and who practice the Alexandrian Tradition of Wicca.

ALGARD WICCA: A Wiccan tradition that combines both Gardnerian and Alexandrian Wicca traditions, founded in 1972 by Mary Nesnick, an American who was initiated into both Gardnerian and Alexandrian traditions.

AMARAPURA:  Ceylonese Buddhism.

AMERICAN ECLECTIC WICCA: A broad range of individuals or groups that have based their philosophy, rituals and practices on the published works of Scott Cunningham and StarHawk. American Eclectic Wiccans emphasize spontaneity and intuitive understanding of the Mysteries. Because they downplay, or discarded, the importance of Oaths, Initiations, Lineage, and Tradition many Traditional Wiccans object to these groups using the name Wicca, and believe they should be called American Eclectic Witchcraft. 

AMERICAN TRADITIONAL WICCA: The groups that have no initiatory connection to Gardner or Sanders, but who have based their rituals and practices on what has been published about the Gardnerian and Alexandrian Traditions; they therefore follow a Wiccan practice based upon Gardnerian or Alexandrian without having initiatory lineage. 

AMERICAN WICCA: An offshoot of Gardnerian Wicca, founded by Ed Fitch and several Southern Californian Gardnerians in the late 1970's. The tradition includes Gardnerian material and additional material supplied by the founders. Also known as Mohsian Wicca.

ANALOGETICISTS:  Those who follow the teachings of Ammonius Saccas, named for their use of analogy and correspondence in the interpretation of myths and symbolic legends.

ANCESTOR WORSHIP: The belief inherent in some religions, such as Shintoism, that asserts the continued existence of the deceased and the influence that the living descendants have upon their existence. Descendants have an obligation to support their ancestors through their actions and reverence. 

ANIMALISM: The doctrine that man is a mere animal with no soul or spiritual quality.

ANIMISM (Latin, anima: "air, soul"): 

     The belief that all life is produced by a spiritual force separate from matter;
     The belief that natural phenomena and objects are alive and have souls;
     The doctrine of the existence of soul as independent of matter; 
     The belief in the existence of spirits, demons, etc.

AQUARIAN TABERNACLE CHURCH (ATC):  A Wiccan church founded in 1979 by Pete "Pathfinder" Davis as a coven dedicated to providing religious services and support to the larger Wiccan community. The ATC became the first Wiccan church with full legal status and recognition by the governments of three nations:  Canada, Australia, and the U.S.A. The Aquarian Tabernacle Church teaches a positive, life-affirming spirituality that is is a non-dualist, non-racist, non-sexist, non-exclusivist, bi-polar, and ecologically oriented and is a faith dedicated to the preservation of Holy Mother Earth, the revival of the worship of The Old Gods in a modern context, the achievement of the fullest of human potentials and the creation of a peaceful world of love, freedom, health and prosperity for all sentient beings. 

ARCADIAN  WICCA: A Wiccan tradition centered around worship of the Horned God. Covens are open to both males and females.

ÁR NDRAÍOCHT FÉIN (“Our Own Druidism”): A Druid Fellowship founded in 1983 by P.E.I (Isaac) Bonewits, former Archdruid of several groves in the Reformed Druids of North America. Ár Ndraíocht Féin is an American based neo-pagan Druid religious fellowship. It has no direct links to the ancient Druids but is a reconstruction of Druidic and Indo-European pagan rituals and religions. It integrates religion with alternate healing arts, ecology-consciousness, psychic development and artistic expression.  It is organized in groves, many of them named after trees. They have eight seasonal High Days (celebrated on the same dates as the Sabbats) and they conduct regular study and discussion groups in addition to a wide range of artistic activities. 

ASATRU FREE ASSEMBLY:  A Norse Pagan tradition founded in 1972 by Stephen McNallen that recognizes both the Aesir and the Vanir. 

ATHEISM (Greek, a "without"; theo "god"): The religious doctrine that deities do not exist.

BARDIC  WICCA: A mix of Celtic Wicca and Celtic Druidry.

BASILIDEAN: A Gnostic sect founded by Basilides of Alexandria, who claimed to have received his esoteric doctrines from Glaucus, a disciple of the Apostle Peter. The system had three grades: material, intellectual, and spiritual and it possessed two allegorical statues, male and female. The doctrine had many points of resemblance to that of the Ophites and Cabala.

BON: The native Tibetan religion that was later merged with Buddhism and Tantrism

BRITISH ORDER OF DRUIDS: The British Druid Order was founded in 1979 by Philip Shallcrass and Emma Restall Orr. They "see Druidry as a process of constant change and renewal whereby the tradition is continually recreated to address the needs of each generation." They currently have about 3,000 members, mostly in the UK. Their address is: British Druid Order, PO Box 29,
St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN37 7YP, England. Email addresses are: greywolf@druidorder.demon.co.uk and

BRITISH TRADITIONAL WICCA: The groups of Wiccan Traditions that trace their lineage to Gerald Gardner, and/or to Alex and Maxine Sanders. Some British Traditional Wiccans practice the arts of Traditional Witchcraft from ancestors in ancient Europe, that have been preserved and passed on by the Ordo Anno Mundi, a magical order of Initiates dedicated to the training of its members in the arcane sciences of nature. British Traditional Wiccans experience the same Mysteries, using substantially the same rituals and techniques. Variations may exist between individual Covens, Lineages and Traditions but it is the same Initiatory Mystery Path. The British Traditional groups view Wicca as an Initiatory, Oathbound, Magick-using, Pagan Mystery Priesthood celebrating the Mysteries contained in the Legend of the Descent of the Goddess and in the Charge of the Goddess.

BRITISH TRADITIONAL WITCHCRAFT: Witchcraft Traditions tracing descent from a Hereditary, or Traditional, British source, including the Gardnerian and the Alexandrian Wiccan Traditions and their branches and offshoots and several others derived from British sources such as Sybil Leek's Horsa Coven, Plant Bran, and the Clan of Tubal Cain. Some British Traditional  Witches consider the term Wicca a synonym for British Traditional Witchcraft, while others reserve the term Wicca for the Gardnerian and Alexandrian Traditions and their offshoots and consider Wicca to be a wholly-contained subset within British Traditional Witchcraft.

BUDDHISM: The religion based on the doctrine of Gautama Buddha that asserts suffering is inseparable from existence and that enlightenment is achieved by the inward extinction of the self and of the senses. Buddhism is the predominant religion of eastern and central Asia, and is represented by many different sects.

BRUJERIA: A Mexican shamanistic magickal system that is an integration of Roman Catholicism and Native American lore. Practitioners are called Bruja (female) and Brujo (male); and Curandera (female) and Cureandero (male). Both Curanderos and Brujos use herbal and folk remedies


CABALA, CABBALA: A body of occult philosophy, doctrines, and magickal and mystical lore derived from certain Jewish rabbinical texts, probably originating in early Chaldean and other Mesopotamian cultures, possibly including ancient Egypt. Also known as Kabala, Qabala, Qabbalah.

CALEDONII TRADITION: A Scottish tradition of  Witchcraft that preserves the unique festivals of the Caledoni. Also known as Hecatine Tradition.

CARPOCRATIAN: A sect of Gnosticism founded by Carpocrites of Alexandria. Carpocrites claimed that Christ had studied the mysteries at the Temple of Isis in Egypt for six years and had taught these mysteries to his apostles, who in turn, taught Carpocrites. The sect was believed to have lasted for several centuries and used theurgic magick. 
CELTIC RECONSTRUCTIONISM: A culturally specific and historically based pagan path that attempts to recreate the religion of the ancient Celtic peoples of Western Europe and the British Isles. It embodies a strong reverence for nature.

CELTIC SHAMANISM: A shamanic path that is based on the Faery Faith of the Celtic peoples of Western Europe and especially of Britain, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Cornwall, Isle of Man and Brittany.

CELTIC TRADITIONALIST: A reconstruction of  the beliefs and practices of the original Celtic people. Unlike Druidry, this tradition focuses more on the beliefs of the average Celtic man or woman.

CELTIC WICCA: The use of a Celtic/Druidic pantheon mixed with  Gardnerian Wicca, and heavily stressing the Elements, Nature and the Ancient Ones. Celtic Wicca  focuses on knowledge of, and respect for, the healing and magickal qualities of plants and stones, flowers, trees, elemental spirits, the little people, gnomes and fairies.

CELTIC WITAN CHURCH: The legally incorporated church and religious organization formed for the study and practice of the goddess-oriented nature-based religion of the ancient Celtic peoples called Wita. This is a fertility religion concerned with all aspects of prosperity, growth, abundance, creativity, and healing. The Church honors the Celtic deities with full moon rituals and sabbat festivals. There are many open rituals and training programs.

CEREMONIAL MAGICK: Magick that calls upon the aid of beneficent spirits and is akin to religion. Ceremonial Magick is based upon a blend of doctrines of Plato and other Greek philosophers, Oriental mysticism, Judaism and Christianity and currently is divided into three forms : Enochian, Thelemic and Eclectic. Enochian Magick originated with John Dee and Edward Kelly in the 16th century and communication with spirits involved the Nineteen Calls (or Keys): incantations in the Enchonian language, a complex language of unknown origin. This system of Magick was revived by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and studied at length by Aleister Crowley. In turn, Crowley developed the Thelemic Magick system from his studies and Ceremonial Magickians have since expanded to develop Eclectic Magick systems based on a variety of different systems, inclusive of Alchemy, Egyptology, Kabbalistic doctrines, Chaos Magick etc.. Ceremonial Magick requires a rigorous discipline and has an intellectual appeal, the mage derives power from God (the Judeo-Christian God) through the successful control of spirits, usually demons, which are believed easier to control than angels. Demons may be good, evil, or neutral. In its highest sense, Ceremonial Magick is a transcendental experience that takes the mage into mystical realms and into communication with the Higher Self.  Also known as High Magick, Ritual Magick, Theurgic Magick, Theurgy. 

CEREMONIAL WITCHCRAFT: A  tradition of Witchcraft with an emphasis on Egyptian and/or Qabbalistic  Ceremonial Magick.

CHAOS MAGICK, CMT:  A magickal system invented by Austin Osman Spare, and developed by a few others during the 1980's. Chaos mages enter the "abyss", in simplistic terms the "Unknown". Anarchistic, clever, self-referential, and self-annihilistic, Chaos Magick is an extraordinary deconstruction of magick, semantics, and psychology designed to eradicate consensual belief structures and, using the energy freed by this act, glimpse the fractal contours of reality. It is a synthesis of ceremonial magick, freestyle shamanism and sigilizing, however, its practitioners reject the traditional discrimination of magick into white, grey, and black, and assume a highly individualistic approach to the interplay between ethics and personal will.
CHRISTIANITY:  The doctrine of faith based on the acceptance of Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah and the Son of God (Yahweh/Jehovah) in accordance with the New Testament in the Bible. Christianity encompasses religions including Roman Catholic, Anglican, Baptist, Morman and Fundamentalist Christian sects.
CHURCH & SCHOOL OF WICCA (The): A Welsh-based Wiccan tradition founded by Gavin and Yvonne Frost in the early 1970's.  The Frosts are coauthors of The Witches Bible.

CHURCH OF ALL WORLDS: A Neo-Pagan religion founded in 1962 and incorporated March 4, 1968 that is inspired by science fiction as mythology. It is dedicated to the celebration of Life, maximizing the potential of mankind, and achieving the balance between individual freedom, personal responsibility, and collective harmony in Nature. 

CHURCH OF THE ETERNAL SOURCE: A Neo-Pagan religion founded by Don Harrison in 1970 and based on a reconstruction of the Mysteries of ancient Egypt and the worship of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses.

CHURCH OF SATAN: The controversial form of Satanism founded by Anton LaVey in 1966, which split into several factions in 1975. Practitioners follow the Satanic Bible (written by LaVey) as scripture. The Church of Satan does not recognize the existence of Satan as an entity but uses the name as a symbol of the material world and the carnal nature of man. The Church of Satan renounce sacrifice and crime as conducive to meeting their spiritual goals.

CHURCH OF SEVEN ARROWS (The): A Universal Life Church congregation with a shamanic component that was founded in 1975. See also: Shamanism.

CIRCLE WICCA: A Wiccan tradition founded in 1974 by Selena Fox and Jim Alan. Its headquarters are at Circle Sanctuary, a 200 acre Nature preserve and organic herb farm in the rolling hills of southwestern Wisconsin. Circle is incorporated as a non-profit spiritual center and is recognized as a legal Wiccan Church by state and federal governments. Circle differs from many traditions of Wicca in that it is more aligned with Shamanism and Amerindian ways than with the Western European influences found in the majority of Craft traditions.
COUNCIL OF AMERICAN WITCHES:  An alliance of American Wiccans from different traditions that was active in 1973-74 in an effort to define the principles of Wicca. Carl Weschcke, a Wiccan priest and president of Llewellyn Publications, spearheaded the effort. The group drafted “The Principles of Wiccan Belief” which many Witches endorse and which was later incorporated into one or more editions of the handbook for chaplains in the United States Army.
COVEN ("a group of confederates, a band"): An organized group of Witches that regularly meets and works together. Most commonly used to identify the groups of initiated Witchcraft or Wicca practitioners that follow a specific Tradition, and its rites and practices. Covens are sometimes limited to no more than thirteen members for both practical and magickally symbolic reasons.
COVENANT OF THE GODDESS WICCA: A cross-traditional federation of over one hundred covens, solitary elders and associates who organized in 1975 at Coeden Brith. The Covenant works to have Wicca recognized as a legitimate and legally recognized religion. It is incorporated as a non-profit religious organization in California, though it has grown to be a nationwide organization with members throughout the United States, as well as a few in Canada and Overseas. Decisions are made at an annual Grand Council or in local councils which may cover a city, state or an even larger area. A coven can apply for membership if it a cohesive, self-perpetuating group which has been meeting for six months or more; the group follows the code of ethics defined by COG; the coven has three or more members studying for the priesthood, one of whom is an Elder; and the focus of the group's ritual and theology is the worship of the Goddess and the Old Gods (or the Goddess alone).
CRAFT (The):  

     Traditional Witchcraft;
     Masonry as referred to by Masons;

CURANDERA, CURANDERO: The Spanish terms for the medicine women and men of Mexico, Meso-America and Hispanic communities in the US. The curandero and curandera have a different healing function than the bruja and brujo. Curanderos function primarily as folk psychiatrists, providing magical cures for mental and emotional problems. Both Curandeos and Brujos use herbal and folk remedies.

DEISM: The belief that a God exists and created the world but did not assume any control over it or the lives of people.
     The worship of demons. Also known as demonolatry;
     In nonpagan religions demonism is often used to describe the belief in the existence or powers of demons.


     The government of demons;
     The immediate influence of evil spirits;
     A religion involving the reverence of demons at the turn of the 20th century. Not commonly used today


     Magick involving work with malevolent spirits;
     The study of demons and beliefs about them and extended by some to include the study of any supernatural beings other than acknowledged deities;
     A treatise on demons.

DIANIC FEMINIST WICCA: A Wiccan tradition started by Ann Forfreedom that includes both female and male practitioners , solo practitioners, mixed covens and all female covens. Dianic Feminist Wiccans must have a Priestess present for a Circle ritual to be held and encourages practitioners to be involved in feminist and humanist issues. Groups work either skyclad or robed.

DIANIC WICCA: A group of Wiccan traditions that focus primarily (but not always exclusively) on the Goddess. Known as the "feminist" movement in Wicca, it was first identified by Margaret Murray in 1921 in "The Witch-Cult in Western Europe". Most Dianic Wiccan traditions follow a Roman or Eclectic Pantheon that reveres Diana, but the term has been applied to traditions embracing other pantheons that are Goddess focused. 

DIONYSIAN : In religious studies, describes "lunar- or nature-oriented" religions that emphasize the ecstatic and emotional aspects, and the liberating of the psyche from the limitations of mundane consciousness, to enable union with the "group mind", or collective consciousness of the group (named for Dionysus, the Greek God of wine and Ecstasy).

DRUIDISM: A path which follows the ancient traditions of the Celts, Gauls, and some Germanic areas prior to the Roman and Judaic/Christian invasions. Some forms include later datings to include Aurthurian legend.

DYNION MYWN: The American branch of Dynion Mwyn, a Welsh tradition named for the faery folk.  It emphasizes historical lineage, religious equality, and Welsh mythology and lore. The  American branch is called Y Tylwyth Teg.

EARTH MAGICK: A magickal system that draws primarily on the Element of Earth and the reverence of Nature.

EARTH RELIGION: Any religion which reveres the Earth, and Nature, as the manifestation of the Divine, and calls for harmony with Nature and all life and for ecology. Many pagan traditions are Earth religions.

ECLECTIC MAGICK: A form of Ceremonial Magick which  is Magick that calls upon the aid of beneficent spirits  and is based upon a blend of doctrines of Plato and other Greek philosophers, Oriental mysticism, Judaism and Christianity. Eclectic Magick draws from these sources in addition to a variety of different sources including Enochian Magick, Thelemic Magick, Egyptology, Alchemy and Chaos Magick. 

ECLECTIC WICCA: Wicca traditions  that combine elements from several different traditions to form their own unique system of reverence and/or magick. Many solitary practitioners are considered to be Eclectic.

ENOCHIAN MAGICK: A system of magick that teaches communication with angels and spirits and travel through various planes, or aethyrs of consciousness.  Enochian magick apparently originated with John Dee and Edward Kelly in the 16th century and communication with spirits involved the Nineteen Calls (or Keys): incantations in the Enchonian language, a complex language of unknown origin. Enochian magick was revived by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and studied at length by Aleister Crowley.

FAERY FAITH:  A pagan religion based on animism, the belief that everything in this and the Otherworlds is alive and the faery folklore.

FAERY WICCA: A Wiccan Tradition incorporating the deities of the Welsh or Irish Faery Folk and drawing some theology from the Faery Faith.

FAMILY TRADITION WITCHCRAFT: A Tradition passed down within the family in an unbroken line and hence by hereditary descent. Many Family Tradition Witches do not consider their traditions Wiccan; some use the term Wicca to describe their family traditions because the beliefs and practices fit more or less closely with Gardnerian or Alexandrian Wicca. Also known as Hereditary Witchcraft.

GARDNERIAN WICCA: A Wiccan tradition founded by Gerald Gardner, and the first denomination of Wicca to make itself known publicly. It is disputed to be the original form of Wicca versus Alexandrian Wiccan. Gardner claimed to have been initiated into a surviving Coven of Traditional Witches in the New Forest by "Old Dorothy" Clutterbuck in 1939. Gardner was accused of inventing the whole concept of Wicca and of getting Aleister Crowley to write its rituals although the Gardnerian Book of Shadows is a compilation from various sources, much of it actually contributed by Doreen Valiente. The Gardnerian tradition places emphasis on the Goddess over the God, has a degree system of advancement and does not allow for self-initiation. Covens work skyclad and aim to equal numbers of male and female, paired. Covens are autonomous and are found in most countries around the world. Gardnerian Wiccans believe themselves to be Traditional Witches who trace their line of initiatory descent from Dorothy Clutterbuck through Gerald Gardner and  through a line of Gardnerian High Priests and High Priestesses. This is argueable though and cause for much exclusion of other pagan faiths and in the wiccan community. They adhere to the rituals laid out in the Gardnerian Book of Shadows and Bucklands Books.

GEMATRIA: A system of discovering truths and hidden meanings behind words, using numerical values for letters of the alphabet. Each letter corresponds to a number. The numerical values of words are totaled and interpreted in terms of other words with the same numerical value. Gematria dates back to the 8th century B.C. Babylon, and has been used by most mystics since that time including the Magi, Gnostics, and Quabbalists. Notarikon is a  form of gematria in which the first and last letters of a word or phrase are put together to create a new word, or to turn a word into a phrase. Temurah is a form of gematria that creates anagrams through systematic letter substitutions. Related to Numerology.

GEORGIAN WICCA: A Wiccan tradition founded by George E. Patterson in 1970, and chartered by the Universal Life Church in 1972, as The Church of Wicca of Bakersfield. In 1980 they were chartered as The Georgian Church. The Georgians are eclectic,  based on Gardnerian-Alexander plus some British Traditional Witchcraft. They are  God-Goddess oriented but lean more towards the Goddess. They generally work skyclad but individual groups or individuals may do as they wish. They are both religious and magickal and celebrate the eight Sabbats. Members are encouraged to learn from all available sources.

HECATINE TRADITION: A Scottish tradition of  Witchcraft that preserves the unique festivals of the Caledonii. Also known as Caledonii Tradition.

HECHICERIA: A Mexican Indian magickal tradition that reveres the pre-Columbian divinities. Practitioners are most often male and are called Hechiceros, Nuguals, or Bruho Naturaleza.

HEDGE WITCHCRAFT: A non-initiated solitary practice of Witchcraft that focuses on the traditional European, especially British Isles, role of Witch as healer, midwife and seer for a community. Highly intuitive, Hedge Witchcraft emphasizes the practical role of magick in daily living over the religious doctrine and it is acceptable for Hedge Witches to be self taught and eclectic in the spiritual aspects of their faith.

HENGE OF KELTRIA: The Henge of Keltria: Five ADF members compiled a list of 13 concerns about the ADF at the Pagan Spirit Gathering in 1986, Emulating the actions of Martin Luther, they attached the list to the door of Isaac Bonewits' van in 1986. Keltria has focused on ancient Celtic religion and holds only non-public rituals. They published a journal: Keltria: A Journal of Druidism and Celtic Magick" from 1986 to 1998.Write to: The Henge of Keltria P.O. Box 48360 Minneapolis, MN 55448 E-Mail: Keltria-Office@keltria.org

HENOTHEISM: A religion that acknowledges the existence of many gods but chooses to revere, worship or acknowledge only one.  They are often confused with, or assumed to be, monotheistic (believing in one god). Judaism and Christianity are examples of Henotheistic religions. See Also: Pantheism, Polytheism, Monotheism

HEREDITARY WITCHCRAFT: A Tradition passed down within the family in an unbroken line and hence by hereditary descent. Many Family Tradition Witches do not consider their traditions Wiccan; some use the term Wicca to describe their family traditions because the beliefs and practices fit more or less closely with Gardnerian or Alexandrian Wicca. Also known as Hereditary Witchcraft. Hereditaries are also often referred to as FamTrad, or Family Traditionalists.

HERMETIC ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN: A Ceremonial Magick Order founded in 1888 by Dr. William Wynn Westcott, Samuel Liddle MacGregor Mathers and Dr. W.R. Woodman based on a manuscript said to be an old German occult order.  Aleister Crowley is the most well known member in occult circles, but membership also included W.B. Yeats and A.E. Waite. During its height the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn possessed the greatest known repository of Western magickal knowledge. Three magickal systems were taught: the Key of Solomon; Abra-Melin magick; and Enchonian magick. Materials were also incorporated from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, William Blake’s Prophetic Books and the Chaldean Oracles. Some of the texts included Christian elements and members circulated various Catholic and Anglican writings and sermons. Instruction was given in astral travel, scrying, alchemy, geomancy, the tarot and astrology.

HIGH MAGICK: Magick that calls upon the aid of beneficent spirits and is akin to religion. It is called theurgy, from theourgia "working things pertaining to the gods".  High Magick is based upon a blend of doctrines of Plato and other Greek philosophers, Oriental mysticism, Judaism and Christianity and currently is divided into three forms : Enochian, Thelemic and Eclectic. Enochian Magick originated with John Dee and Edward Kelly in the 16th century and communication with spirits involved the Nineteen Calls (or Keys): incantations in the Enchonian language, a complex language of unknown origin. This system of Magick was revived by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and studied at length by Aleister Crowley. In turn, Crowley developed the Thelemic Magick system from his studies and High Magickians have since expanded to develop Eclectic Magick systems based on a variety of different systems, inclusive of Alchemy, Egyptology, Kabbalistic doctrines, Chaos Magick etc.. High Magick requires a rigorous discipline and has an intellectual appeal, the mage derives power from God (the Judeo-Christian God) through the successful control of spirits, usually demons, which are believed easier to control than angels. Demons may be good, evil, or neutral. In its highest sense, High Magick is a transcendental experience that takes the mage into mystical realms and into communication with the Higher Self.  Also known as Ceremonial Magick, Ritual Magick, Theurgic Magick, Theurgy.

HINDUISM: The main religious and social system in India.  Hinduism has various sects with the commonality of the belief in reincarnation, polytheism and an ordained caste system as its social base.

HOODOO: An American magickal system  drawn from African magickal practice, Native American botanical healing knowledge and European folklore. It is often confused with Voodoo and it's practitioners are called Hoodoo, Hoodoo Doctors, Hoodoo Men/Women, Conjure Men/Women Conjurers, Root Doctors or Root Workers. Also known as Rootwork.

HUNA: The ancient Polynesian philosophical, scientific and magickal system. Huna teaches that there are three selves: lower, middle and higher that may be integrated by directing Mana properly. Practitioners are called Kahuna. 

IMBAS: Imbas: Once an internet discussion group, Imbas is now a non-profit organisation devoted to the reconstruction of iron-age Celtic religion, based upon the home, family and tribe. Imbas emphasizes a solid grounding in academics, mythological texts and the folk tradition. Write to: IMBAS PO Box 1215
Montague NJ 07827-0215 USA Email:

ISLAM, ISLAMISM: The monotheistic religious doctrine as revealed by the Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah. There are many sects of Islam and believers are called Muslims.

JAINISM (Sanskrit, jainas: "saint"): A major religion originating in India that has some similarity to Buddhism. Jainism does not recognize the authority of the Veda and its philosophy includes belief in the eternity of matter, the periodicity of the universe, the immortality of human's and animal's minds. It stresses non-violence and Jains are particularly known for avoiding harming any living thing.

JAMAICAN VOODOO: The polytheistic religion and magickal system of West African origin found in the Caribbean, South America and North America today. It recognizes that there are a multitude of gods and ghosts who each have their own myths, rites, offerings, taboos, and magical forces. Obeah is a healer god, who can also be invoked to bring illness and other calamities to one's own enemy. Also known as  Obea, Obeah, Obi, Oby, Jamaican Voodoo.

KABALA, KABBALA: A body of occult philosophy, doctrines, and magickal and mystical lore derived from certain Jewish rabbinical texts, probably originating in early Chaldean and other Mesopotamian cultures, possibly including ancient Egypt. Also known as Cabala, Cabbala, Qabala, Qabbalah.

KITCHEN WITCHCRAFT: A tradition of Witchcraft with an emphasis on the practical side of religion, magick, the Earth, and elements.  Much of the tradition is very similar to Stregheria (Strega) and practitioners work out of hearth and home, using only what they would have on hand for daily routines to perform rituals and spells. The home is sacred to a Kitchen Witch and cooking and herb magick play a fundamental part in their practice. Kitchen Witchery is a way of including Witchcraft beliefs into everyday life.

KNIGHTS TEMPLAR: An Order of Knights founded between 1119 and 1188 by Hugh de Payens of Champagne, France, and a small group of knights dedicated  to protecting pilgrims journeying to the Holy Land and in routing the Infidels from Jerusalem. The Order idealized ideals of chivalry, crusades and Christian faith as practiced by an exclusive club of monastic knights but was brought down two centuries later by accusations of heresy, devil worship, blasphemy and homosexuality.

LEFT-HAND PATH: A term used to identify some traditions where Magick is used for destructive purposes. Also known as Black Magick, Path of Shadows.

LOW MAGICK: Magick practiced by people who are not trained in High Magick and does not involve the ritualized summoning of spirits. Spells, incantations and concocted philters and potions are the lowest forms of Low Magick

MACUMBA: The Brazilian form of Vodoun and Santería. Macumba is not in itself a religion but the umbrella for the two principal forms of African spirit worship in Brazil: Candomblé and Umbanda. Macumba is sometimes used to refer to harmful magick, but that is more properly called Quimbanda. Macumba is also called Spiritism
MAGICK:  Consciously focusing will (thought), form (physical) and emotion(desire) to effect change.  Technically speaking, any conscious act is a magickal act. Magick is neither good nor evil, positive nor negative. The practitioner, not the energy form, determines the path and outcome it will take.
MAGICKAL SYSTEMS:  A basic set of guidelines relating to magickal and cultural traditions, sometimes including religion.
MEDICINE: Native American term for magick, consciously focusing will (thought), form (physical) and emotion(desire) to effect change.  Technically speaking, any conscious act is a magickal act. Magick is neither good nor evil, positive nor negative. The practitioner, not the energy form, determines the path and outcome it will take.
MITHRAISM: The Persian religion centered on the reverence of Mithra, god of Light. It emphasized the conflict between good and evil and the reward of virtue or punishment of wickedness in the afterlife. It was the principal rival of Christianity in the first three centuries CE and is believed to be the foundation of the concept of hell and Satan in Christianity. 
MOHSIAN WICCA: An offshoot of Gardnerian Wicca, founded by Ed Fitch and several Southern Californian Gardnerians in the late 1970's. The tradition includes Gardnerian material and additional material supplied by the founders. Also known as American Wicca.
MONOTHEISM: The doctrine or belief that there is only one conscious entity that is God, and that this entity is separate and apart from the World. See Also: Henotheism, Pantheism, and Polytheism.
NEO-PAGAN (Latin, neo: "new "): A term often applied to both revivalist and reconstructionist Pagan religions in order to identify their modern adoption, or foundation, by their practitioners.
NEW AGE: A system of beliefs that combines metaphysical practices with a structured religion.
NEW REFORMED ORTHODOX ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN (NROOGD): Founded in 1969 by Glenna Turner and Aidan Kelly, this group has no connection with the ceremonial magick oriented Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and it recognizes the triple Goddess. Turner, Kelly and several classmates were assigned the task of creating their own rituals for a Witches Sabbat as part of a course on ritual magic at San Francisco State College. The group continued to meet informally until 1969 when they initiated themselves as witches and formed a coven. Active NROOGD covens exist throughout the United States and frequently host large public and semipublic outdoor festivals at sabbats.

NEW REFORMED ORTHODOX ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN (NROOGD): Founded in 1969 by Glenna Turner and Aidan Kelly, this group has no connection with the ceremonial magick oriented Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and it recognizes the triple Goddess. Turner, Kelly and several classmates were assigned the task of creating their own rituals for a Witches Sabbat as part of a course on ritual magic at San Francisco State College. The group continued to meet informally until 1969 when they initiated themselves as witches and formed a coven. Active NROOGD covens exist throughout the United States, and frequently host large public and semipublic outdoor festivals at sabbats.
NORDIC TRADITION, NORSE PAGANISM: Pagan traditions that worship the Norse pantheon of deities and stresses conservative values of honor, honesty, courage and duty to one’s family, kin and friends. In the 1970’s a number of Norse Pagan groups sprang into existence almost simultaneously and independently of one another, in America, England an Iceland. Many adherents to Norse Paganism are attracted by the emphasis on blood ties and genetics, the warrior ethic and the Norse symbology. Norse Pagans recognize both branches of the Norse pantheon, the Aesir and the Vanir. A branch called Odinism worship only the Aesir. Festivals center on the seasonal equinoxes and solstices, and Norse holidays such as Ragnar’s Day. Heavier emphasis is placed on skill mastery and shamanism than on magick and meditation. There are a few extreme right-wing Norse Pagan groups who believe they have founded a religion upon the Aryan race; and while some do include neo-Nazis, most Norse Pagans consider these people a fringe element not connected to their religion. Also known as Teutonic Tradition. See also: Odinism.
NOTARIKON: A form of gematria in which the first and last letters of a word or phrase are put together to create a new word, or to turn a word into a phrase. Gematria is a system of discovering truths and hidden meanings behind words, using numerical values for letters of the alphabet. Each letter corresponds to a number. The numerical values of words are totaled and interpreted in terms of other words with the same numerical value. Gematria dates back to the 8th century B.C. Babylon, and has been used by most mystics since that time including the Magi, Gnostics, and Quabbalists.  Temurah is a form of gematria that creates anagrams through systematic letter substitutions. Related to Numerology.
NUMEROLOGY, NUMEROMANCY: The system of magick and divination developed by Pythagoras. In numerology, all words, names and numbers may be reduced to single digits which correspond to certain occult characteristics that influence one’s life. Numerology is used to analyze a person’s character; assess weaknesses, strengths and natural gifts; predict one’s future and fate; determine the best place to live; and discover the best times to make decisions and take action.  
OBEA, OBEAH, OBIOBY: The polytheistic religion and magickal system of West African origin found in the Caribbean, South America and North America today. It recognizes that there are a multitude of gods and ghosts who each have their own myths, rites, offerings, taboos, and magical forces. Obeah is a healer god, who can also be invoked to bring illness and other calamities to one's own enemy.  Also known as  Obi, Oby, Jamaican Voodoo.
OCCULT ("hidden, concealed"): Secret, esoteric; term used for magick and other esoteric arts and sciences, such as astrology or alchemy.
ODINISM: A form of Norse Paganism that recognizes only the Aesir, the Sky Gods, including Odin, Frigga, Thor, Loki, Balder and others. Odinism does not acknowledge the Vanir, the Gods concerned with earth, agriculture, fertility and the cycle of death and rebirth.
OLD RELIGION (The): Italian Witchcraft, founded in the mid-14th century with the teachings of Aradia, the Holy Strega, and based upon the pre-Estruscian Italian belief system. The Old Religion is a worship of the "Source of All Things", through the personification of the Goddess and God. Also known as Strega, Stregheria, and La Vecchia Religione.
The OBOD: Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD): The OBOD can be traced to two origins. One traces their origin to the Ancient Order of Druids (AOD) by Henry Hurle in England in 1781. This group split many times, due to disagreements, into many separate organizations. By 1918, five of these groups were trying to perform solstice ceremonies at Stonehenge. By 1955, they all disappeared except for the British Circle of Universal Bond which eventually split in 1963 to form the OBOD. The other origin of the OBOD, claims to trace their ancestry back through the AOD to a group founded in England in 1717 by John Toland. He is said to have combined local groups of Druids from 10 locations into the Mother Grove. The OBOD's current address is: PO Box 1333, Lewes, East Sussex, England, BN7 3ZG. Email address: office@obod.co.uk
PAGAN FEDERATION: Founded in 1971 and formerly called the Pagan Front, Pagan Federation is a London-based organization that seeks to provide contact between the Craft of the Wise and “genuine seekers of the Old Ways”, and to promote harmony among the various European Pagan religions. It works with institutions, governmental bodies and the public to present accurate information on Pagan religious views and rights.
PAGANISM (Latin, paganus: "a peasant, rustic"): The broad family of religions that are not Judaism, Islam, or Christianity. In pagandom, paganism is usually limited to those earth based religions that often include mysticism and/or magickal systems. Pagan religions are be divided into three broad sub-categories:
 Survivalist ~ where religious practice has continued unbroken from their ancestors;
 Revivalist ~ where religious practice attempts to revive that of their ancestors, whether by actual descent or by personal spiritual affinity and inclination;
 Reconstructionist ~ where religious practice is an adaptation and reinterpretation of what is regarded as the best of pre-Christian Pagan religions, adjusted to modern contemporary religious thought.
PAGAN, OCCULT, WITCHCRAFT SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP OF MENSA: A special interest group (SIG) of Mensa, the organization for persons scoring in the top two percentile on IQ testing. Only Mensa members can be full members of the SIG but non-Mensans may join as associate members. Their newsletter, Pagana, is considered to be one of the best Pagan journals.
PAGAN WAY: An organization started as a movement responding to the high demand for applicants to covens in the 1970’s. Pagan Way provided an alternative to the traditional intensive screening programs, and year-and-a-day probationary periods with an open, nature-oriented system that emphasized celebration of nature over magick. Although the Pagan Way organization fell apart in the 1980’s, the rituals survived. Some covens run Pagan Way groups as training circles for interested persons and potential initiates. Those who aren’t initiated into the coven can remain in the Pagan Way group indefinitely, become solitaries, or form their own Pagan Way group.
PANTHEISM:  The religious doctrine that all the laws, manifestations and powers in the universe combine to create One Power (God).  Pantheism may recognize many gods as aspects of One Greater Being, one God with all things being part of Him/Her, or not identify God as an entity at all but Nature itself. See also: Henotheism, Monotheism, Polytheism.
PATH: Spiritual and/or moral beliefs.
PATH OF LIGHT: A term used to identify some traditions where Magick is never used for destructive purposes. Also known as the Right Hand Path, White Magick.
PATH OF SHADOWS: A term used to identify some traditions where Magick is used for destructive purposes. Also known as the Left Hand Path, Black Magick.
PECTI-WITA, PICTISH WITCHCRAFT: The study and practice of the religion of the Picts, the pre-Celtic inhabitants of  northern Scotland. Pecti-Wita is concerned with all aspects of prosperity, growth, abundance, creativity, and healing, and honors the Celtic Deities.  The main tools in Pecti-Wita are the Staff and the Athame or Dirk. Pecti-Witans  use a "Keek-Stane" which is, in effect, a scrying stone or the equivalent of a crystal ball. Also known as Pictish Witchcraft, Wita.
PICTISH WITCHCRAFT: The study and practice of the religion of the Picts, the pre-Celtic inhabitants of  northern Scotland. Pecti-Wita is concerned with all aspects of prosperity, growth, abundance, creativity, and healing, and honors the Celtic Dieties.  The main tools in Pecti-Wita are the Staff and the Athame or Dirk. Pecti-Witans  use a "Keek-Stane" which is, in effect, a scrying stone or the equivalent of a crystal ball. Also known as Pecti-Wita, Wita.
POLYTHEISM: The doctrine and worship of many gods as separate conscious entities.
POWER DOCTORING: In the Ozarks region of the United States, power doctors are backwoods healers who use charms, amulets, incantations and magick to cure illness. They cannot charge a fee, but may accept gifts and offerings. Power doctors must learn their Craft from a person of the opposite sex who is not a blood relative. They may in turn teach two or three others the Craft, but that they would lose their abilities should they teach more.
POWWOW: The magickal system of healing used by the Pennsylvania Dutch who elicited the help of the Indigenous people in Pennsylvania to help them find the herbs and roots in the area that could be used in the Old Country traditions. 
PROTEAN FAMILY (The): A Wiccan tradition based on Gardnerian Wicca that are the lineal descendants of Proteus Coven in New York City. The High Priestess of Proteus, Judy Harrow, founded the coven in the Gardnerian practice during the early 1980's. In late 1985, after a series of internal conflicts over some of the changes of practice instituted by Harrow, a body of Gardnerian Elders indicated a desire to disassociate with Proteus and her descendants. In the early 1990's, Harrow declared the Protean Family to be a "self-aware subgroup" of the Gardnerian line. 
REFORMED DRUIDS OF NORTH AMERICA: The Reformed Druids of North America: This group started as an undergraduate prank at a Carleton College at Northfield, MN in 1963. (One source says 1957). The administration had required all students to attend church. In retaliation some students invented the RDNA. Many of the students wanted to continue the RDNA, even after the protest against the administration had been won.
QABALA, QABBALAHA body of occult philosophy, doctrines, and magickal and mystical lore derived from certain Jewish rabbinical texts, probably originating in early Chaldean and other Mesopotamian cultures, possibly including ancient Egypt. Also known as  Cabala, Cabbala, Kabala.
QUIMBANDA: Harmful magick in the Macumba Tradition; a Brazilian form of Vodoun and Santería. Macumba is not in itself a religion but the umbrella for the two principal forms of African spirit worship in Brazil: Candomblé and Umbanda. Macumba is sometimes used to refer to harmful magick, but that is more properly called Quimbanda. 
RIGHT-HAND PATH: A term used to identify some traditions where Magick is never used for destructive purposes. Also known as White Magick, Path of Light.
RITUAL MAGICK:  Magick that calls upon the aid of beneficent spirits and is akin to religion. Ritual Magick is based upon a blend of doctrines of Plato and other Greek philosophers, Oriental mysticism, Judaism and Christianity and currently is divided into three forms : Enochian, Thelemic and Eclectic. Enochian Magick originated with John Dee and Edward Kelly in the 16th century and communication with spirits involved the Nineteen Calls (or Keys): incantations in the Enchonian language, a complex language of unknown origin. This system of Magick was revived by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and studied at length by Aleister Crowley. In turn, Crowley developed the Thelemic Magick system from his studies and Ritual Magickians have since expanded to develop Eclectic Magick systems based on a variety of different systems, inclusive of Alchemy, Egyptology, Kabbalistic doctrines, Chaos Magick etc.. Ritual Magick requires a rigorous discipline and has an intellectual appeal, the mage derives power from God (the Judeo-Christian God) through the successful control of spirits, usually demons, which are believed easier to control than angels. Demons may be good, evil, or neutral. In its highest sense, Ritual Magick is a transcendental experience that takes the mage into mystical realms and into communication with the Higher Self.  Also known as Ceremonial Magick, High Magick, Theurgic Magick, Theurgy. 
ROOTWORK:  An American magickal system  drawn from African magickal practice, Native  American botanical healing knowledge and European folklore. It is often confused with Voodoo and it's practitioners are called Hoodoo, Hoodoo Doctors, Hoodoo Men/Women, Conjure Men/Women Conjurers, Root Doctors or Root Workers. Also known as Hoodoo.

SACRED WHEEL WICCA: An eclectic neo-Pagan path based on Celtic beliefs, that focuses on balance and learning. Celtic beliefs are a part of their teachings. They state that they are a Wiccan religion dedicated to the health of Mother Earth, and to all her children in whatever forms they may take. 

SANTERÍA (Spanish, santo: "saint"): A religion centering on the worship of the ancient African Gods who have been assimilated as Catholic saints. Similar in practice to Voudon, all worshippers of Santería could be called Santeros but the term Santeros usually refers to the priests or priestesses. The highest order of priest is a babalawo, who has the power to heal the sick, punish the unjust and to divine the future through the Table of Ifá. Also known as Umbanda.
SATANISM: The worship of the Christian concept of the Anti-Christ. It is not a Pagan religion although some Satanists refer to themselves as witches or Witches.
SCOTICAN WICCA: A Wiccan tradition founded by Striix that is a mix of Wicca, Peti-Wita, Kitchen Witchery, and Ceremonial Magic.
SEAX-WICA: A Wiccan tradition founded by Raymond Buckland in 1973, based on Saxon culture. It does not pretend to be either a continuation or a re-creation of the original Saxon religion. Main features of the tradition are the fact that it has open rituals, it has a democratic organization that precludes ego trips and power plays by coven leaders, there can be Coven or Solitary practice and there is the reality of Self-initiation in lieu of Coven Initiation, if desired. Seax-Wicca is found throughout the United States and in many countries around the world. 

SHAMANISM: The oldest system of healing and magick in the world, probably as old as mankind itself. Shamanism is the art of functioning comfortably in two realities; the ordinary reality of the everyday, waking world, and the non-ordinary reality of the shamanic state of consciousness attained through an ecstatic trance. The primary purpose of shamanism is the healing of body and mind, but it is also used for divination and to ensure prosperity for communities. Shamanism is found in some form in every culture in the world.
SOLITARY: Any religious path that does not require the assembly of a congregation for worship. Many pagan traditions have Solitary path alternatives for those who live in isolated communities, those who want to protect their privacy and/or those who prefer to practice ritual alone.
SPIRITISM: The Brazilian form of Vodoun and Santería. Spiritism is not in itself a religion but the umbrella for the two principal forms of African spirit worship in Brazil: Candomblé and Umbanda. Spiritism is sometimes used to refer to harmful magick, but that is more properly called Quimbanda. Spiritism is also called Macumba.
STANDING STONES TRADITION (The): The Wiccan tradition founded by Scott Cunningham for solitary practitioners.
STREGA, STREGHERIA: Italian Witchcraft, founded in the mid -14th century with the teachings of Aradia, the Holy Strega, and based upon the pre-Etruscan Italian belief system. Stregheria is a worship of the "Source of All Things", through the personification of the Goddess and God.\ Also known as La Vecchia Religione (the Old Religion).
SUFISM: The Islamic magickal system.
TEMURAH: A form of gematria that creates anagrams through systematic letter substitutions. Gematria is a system of discovering truths and hidden meanings behind words, using numerical values for letters of the alphabet. Each letter corresponds to a number. The numerical values of words are totaled and interpreted in terms of other words with the same numerical value. Gematria dates back to the 8th century B.C. Babylon, and has been used by most mystics since that time including the Magi, Gnostics, and Quabbalists. Notarikon is a  form of gematria in which the first and last letters of a word or phrase are put together to create a new word, or to turn a word into a phrase. 
TEUTONIC TRADITION: A pagan tradition that worships the Norse pantheon of deities and stresses conservative values of honor, honesty, courage and duty to one’s family, kin and friends. In the 1970’s a number of Norse Pagan groups sprang into existence almost simultaneously and independently of one another, in America, England an Iceland. Many adherents to Norse Paganism are attracted by the emphasis on blood ties and genetics, the warrior ethic and the Norse symbology. Norse Pagans recognize both branches of the Norse pantheon, the Aesir and the Vanir. A branch called Odinism worship only the Aesir. Festivals center on the seasonal equinoxes and solstices, and Norse holidays such as Ragnar’s Day. Heavier emphasis is placed on skill mastery and shamanism than on magick and meditation. There are a few extreme right-wing Norse Pagan groups who believe they have founded a religion upon the Aryan race; and while some do include neo-Nazis, most Norse Pagans consider these people a fringe element not connected to their religion. Also known as Nordic Tradition or Norse Paganism. See also: Odinism.
THELEMIC MAGICK: A form of Ceremonial Magick developed by Aleister Crowley. Ceremonial Magick is Magick that calls upon the aid of beneficent spirits  and is based upon a blend of doctrines of Plato and other Greek philosophers, Oriental mysticism, Judaism and Christianity.
     Any philosophy that teaches the achievement of knowledge of God (s) by spiritual ecstasy, direct intuition, or a special relationship to the deities.
     The modern traditions based on the teachings of the Theosophical Society which combined Western magickal systems and mysticism with Buddhist and Hindu teachings. 

THEURGIC MAGICK, THEURGY (Greek, theourgia, "working things pertaining to the gods"):  Magick that calls upon the aid of beneficent spirits and is akin to religion. Theurgic Magick is based upon a blend of doctrines of Plato and other Greek philosophers, Oriental mysticism, Judaism and Christianity and currently is divided into three forms : Enochian, Thelemic and Eclectic. Enochian Magick originated with John Dee and Edward Kelly in the 16th century and communication with spirits involved the Nineteen Calls (or Keys): incantations in the Enchonian language, a complex language of unknown origin. This system of Magick was revived by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and studied at length by Aleister Crowley. In turn, Crowley developed the Thelemic Magick system from his studies and Ceremonial Magickians have since expanded to develop Eclectic Magick systems based on a variety of different systems, inclusive of Alchemy, Egyptology, Kabbalistic doctrines, Chaos Magick etc. Theurgic Magick requires a rigorous discipline and has an intellectual appeal, the mage derives power from God (the Judeo-Christian God) through the successful control of spirits, usually demons, which are believed easier to control than angels. Demons may be good, evil, or neutral. In its highest sense, Theurgic Magick is a transcendental experience that takes the mage into mystical realms and into communication with the Higher Self.  Also known as Ceremonial Magick, High Magick, Ritual Magick. 

TRADITION: A specific religion that falls in a larger religious category (eg: Greek Orthodox>Catholic>Christian or Alexandrian>Wicca>Pagan).

TRADITIONAL HEALING: Any practice of holistic medicine in the tradition of a specific culture or tribe.


     Hereditary or traditional Witchcraft or Wicca, which includes the Gardnerian and Alexandrian Traditions and their branches and offshoots via Gerald Gardner and/or Alex Sanders;
     A Witchcraft tradition that claims initiatory or hereditary descent through a familial or other line; 
     Any Witchcraft Tradition that follows a specific body of rites and practices collectively as distinguished from solitary eclectic Witchcraft or Wicca practitioners.

    UMBANDA: A religion centering on the worship of the ancient African Gods who have been assimilated as Catholic saints. Similar in practice to Voudon, all worshippers of Santería could be called Santeros but the term Santeros usually refers to the priests or priestesses. The highest order of priest is a babalawo, who has the power to heal the sick, punish the unjust and to divine the future through the Table of Ifá. Also known as Santería.

    VECCHIA RELIGIONE (La): Italian Witchcraft, founded in the mid -14th century with the teachings of Aradia, the Holy Strega, and based upon the pre-Etruscan Italian belief system. La Vecchia Religione  is a worship of the "Source of All Things", through the personification of the Goddess and God.  Also known as The Old Religion, Strega and Stregheria.

    VODOUN, VOODOO, VOUDOU, VOUDOUN (Fon, vodu: “spirit”): Like Santería, Vodoun is a blending the worship of traditional Catholic saints, Christ and the Gods (loas) of Africa, for example, a Vodoun practitioner could beg for intercession from St. Patrick and really be calling on their serpent God, Danbhalah-Wedo. Vodoun worshippers believe that the work of the loas appears in every facet of daily life and that pleasing the loas will gain the faithful health, wealth, and spiritual contentment. The loas speak to their devotees through spirit possession but only for a short time during ceremonies and manifest to protect, punish, confer skills and talents, prophesy, cure illness, exorcise spirits, give counsel, assist in rituals and take sacrificial offerings. The priest (houngan) or priestess (mambo) acts as an intermediary to summon the loa and help the loa to depart when his or her business is finished. Magick, for both good and evil, is an integral part of Vodoun. Also known as Voudou, Voudoun.

    WELSH CYMRI WICCA: A Wiccan Tradition based on  Y Tylwyth Teg, a Welsh-based tradition named for the faery folk of that land, which maintains deeply Celtic roots and very humanistic philosophy. Students of both these paths are asked to place heavy emphasis on the study of Welsh myth, folklore, and faery lore.

    WHITE MAGICK: A term used to identify some traditions where Magick is never used for destructive purposes. Also known as the Right Hand Path, Path of Light.

    WICCA (Old English wicca: "male witch";  wicce,: "female witch";  wiccan:  "witchcraft"):

      Any  religion that follows the beliefs, traditions, and ceremonies laid out by Gerald Gardner (Gardnerian Wicca) or Alex Sanders (Alexandrian Wicca) that  have been passed down through Initiation and Consecration, including those religions founded by Initiated and Consecrated members of another form;
      Any religion that has no initiatory connection to Gardner or Sanders, but  have based their rituals and practices upon Gardnerian Wicca or Alexandrian Wicca., including solitary Wicca practitioners.

    WICCAN SHAMANISM: An eclectic pagan tradition created by Selena Fox, high priestess of Circle Sanctuary, that blends Wiccan practice, humanistic psychology and a variety of shamanistic practices from tribal societies around the world. Healing is the primary focus of a Wiccan Shaman, and practitioners observe all the Sabbats, traditional activities, and the Wiccan Rede in conjunction with shamanic practices such as vision questing and dreamtime.


       The study and practice of the religion of the Picts, the pre-Celtic inhabitants of  northern Scotland. Pecti-Wita is concerned with all aspects of prosperity, growth, abundance, creativity, and healing, and honors the Celtic Dieties.  The main tools in Pecti-Wita are the Staff and the Athame or Dirk. Pecti-Witans  use a "Keek-Stane" which is, in effect, a scrying stone or the equivalent of a crystal ball. Also known as Pecti-Wita, Pictish Witchcraft.

       An eclectic Irish path which keeps very old Irish traditions and combines them with the influences of the Norse. Witta values Irish Pagan history and recognizes that at each stage in its development, over many centuries, each generation has been able to add something of value. Until recent times Wittan covens were characterized by strict stratification and one-on-one teaching for its apprentices. Today most Wittan covens operate on a consensus basis and will accept self-initiation and the solitary life as valid. It is very similar to the Scottish Pecti-Wita which is evolved from Pictish, rather  than Irish, tradition. Also known as Witta.

    “WITCH” (Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell): A feminist organization on American college campuses in the 1960’s. WITCH purported that the original guerrilla fighters against the oppression of women and minorities were witches and gypsies. WITCH members demonstrated for numerous causes dressed in rags, wearing pointed, conical hats, carrying brooms, and shrieking curses at the Establishment. WITCH maintained that any woman could become a Witch by saying “I am a Witch” three times.

    WITCHCRAFT: The craft, or magickal arts and practices, of witches; as with witch, and Witch, the lower-case (witchcraft) applies to practice of magick outside of religious belief and upper-case (Witchcraft) applies to the religious belief systems.

    WITCHES LEAGUE OF PUBLIC AWARENESS (WLPA): An international organization founded in 1986 by Laurie Cabot and Christine Dumas to protest the filming of John Updike’s novel, The Witches of Eastwick, a gross misrepresentation of the Craft. The WLPA works to end prejudice and bigotry against Witches and Witchcraft. It does not handle individual discrimination cases.

    WITTA: An eclectic Irish path which keeps very old Irish traditions and combines them with the influences of the Norse. Witta values Irish Pagan history and recognizes that at each stage in its development, over many centuries, each generation has been able to add something of value. Until recent times Wittan covens were characterized by strict stratification and one-on-one teaching for its apprentices. Today most Wittan covens operate on a consensus basis and will accept self-initiation and the solitary life as valid. It is very similar to the Scottish Pecti-Wita which is evolved from Pictish, rather  than Irish, tradition. Also known as Wita.

    WIZARDRY (Middle English, wis, “wise”): Most often associated with the magickal systems of High Magick including alchemy, the Hermetic wisdom, and the doctrines of Agrippa, Dee, Paracelsus and other Neoplatonic philosophers. In archaic use, a wizardry was synonomous with magick of any kind.

    Y TYLWYTH TEG: The American branch of Dynion Mwyn, a Welsh tradition named for the faery folk.  It emphasizes historical lineage, religious equality, and Welsh mythology and lore. 

    ZEN BUDDHISM (Japanese, zen: "meditation"): Japanese Buddhism which is differentiated from other Buddhist sects by its strong emphasis on the concept that all things are one.

    ZOROASTRIANISM: The religion of the Persians before their conversion to Islam. According to tradition, it was founded by Zoroaster in the 6th or 7th century BCE. Its principles, contained in the Zend-Avesta, include belief in an afterlife and the continuous struggle of the universal spirit of good, Ormazd, with the universal spirit of evil, Ahriman.