Empathics can feel emotions. Often they confuse others emotions with their own.
They can sense when people close to them are hurt, in pain, in danger, etc. They have a hard time dealing with crowded places
such as stores, and often live hermit like lifestyles.
A telepath is able to focus on other peoples thoughts. They say things at the
same time as others, know whose calling before they answer the phone, they often offer a needed item or suggestion before
it is asked for. Some telepaths can focus their own thoughts into another persons mind. In an opposite reaction.
A telekenetic can focus energy. They are able to move objects or deflect and action
such as a punch. Often if you playfully hit a telekenetic you will hurt yourself before you harm them. Telekenetics often
have probelms around electronic items. Some can create fires or other such things.
These people see future events often in dreams or quick mind flashes. They have
frequent occurances of deja vu. Occasionally they will spontaneously devert from a direction or intent for an unknown reason.
They instinctively know when something bad or good will happen.
Astral Projecters
These people have the ability to leave their bodies in energy form and travel
through time and/or space to various places. Some may be able to project a visual form of themself.
These people are able to see into the past. They are able to focus in on energies
of the past, glimpse into past events, and seem to have an unknown grasp of the past. These people often see visions or deja
vu experiences of non modern times.
These people are able to communicate with spirits. These people can experience
ghost writing, occassionally go into hypnotic states, and experience frequent visuals of spirits. Please make note that some
illnesses can cause hypnotic states and visual problems: this alone does not constitute a medium and a check up should be
arranged with a medical doctor to rule out a medical condition.
Healers have the ability to manipulate energies to heal.
Psychics are those who posess at least three of the above mentioned abilities.
What is NOT a Psychic.
Although psychics may use tools such as tarot cards or runes. The use of them
are only tools. A person who meerly goes through the actions is not a Psychic.
A question asked, an answer given.
A psychic does not read minds. They can focus on the energy but not the direct
A Psychic is not a fortune teller, they do not know the exact future. They can
not tell you a winning lottery number, although they may be able to tell you if you will win the lottery. The future is constantly
changing and they can only tell you a possible future should you remain on that same current path.
A psychic can not give you a play by play scenario. They recieve glimpses and
flashes, not a dvd or video.
A psychic is not a match maker. They can see possibilities of future relationships.
They can not create a love match.
The Psychics Responsibility
Does not indulge in health questions.
Does not indulge in future deaths or illnesses
Does not insist they are right if a person can not connect
Does not claim a reading is not for a particular person if they are unsure of
the information given.
Does not withold pertinent or vital information from a client unless they pay.
What is feeding a reader
Feeding a reader is providing information beyond what is required to answer.
Telling the reader a situation in full before the reading has begun
Offering suggestions of what you would like to hear
Insisting a reading is for you by offering invalid information
What is NOT feeding a reader
Providing a reader with more than a yes or no answer. Ex. The reader recieves
a D name such as dan danielle, danny....the reciever states, I have a cousin danny.
Warning signs of a dangerous psychic.
They give a free answer to a question and charge for a full reading.
They insist they are right even if you cant claim or are unsure of the information
They start reciting religion that does not pertain to anything
They incite harm, deaths, evil, etc into a reading.
They recite names or other indefinate information but do not provide any in depth
information or messages
They insist the reading is for you but consistently give wrong information or
information that does not pertain to you.
Psychics who charge
Some psychics charge for their abilities. Please check into their abilities and
background before aquiring their services. Please realize that many fake psychics charge a fee. Some real Psychics will charge
a fee to sustain a living however, and a fee does not necessarily mean they are fake. A real Psychic will NEVER charge a fee
for emergency messages pertaining to a person.