[c'] for : có, ce, cia, where? [cà] for : c'àite, where? [cab] nm. g.v. caib; pl. caib, mouth,
gab, indentation [càbag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a cheese [cabar] nm. g. -air; pl. -air, couple of a house roof, rafter,
deer'santlers, a heavy pole, caber [cabhag] nf. g.d. -aig, haste, hurry [cabhagach] a. in haste, hurried [cabhair]
va. cabhair, help, assist, aid, relieve [cabhair] nf.ind. help, assistance [cabhlach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, a fleet,
navy [cabhsair] nm. pl.+ean, causeway, pavement [cabrach] a. branchy, antlered [càch] nm. g. chàich, the rest, the
others [cach a chéile] phr. each other [cachaille] nf. pl.+an, a gate [cadal] nm. g.v. -ail, sleep [cadalach]
a. sleepy, drowsy [cadhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, jackdaw [cagailt] nf. pl.+ean, hearth [cagainn] va. -nadh, chew,
gnaw, masticate [cagar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, a whisper [cagnadh] v.n. chewing, gnawing, masticating [cagnas]
See cagainn [caibe] nm. pl.+annan or +achan, spade [caibideil] nm. pl.+ean, chapter [caidil] vn. cadal, sleep [càil]
See càl [càil] nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, appetite, taste, disposition, constitution, condition [cailbh] See calbh [cailc]
nf. g.+e, chalk [cailc] va. chalk [caile] nf. pl.+an, a hussy, quean, girl, wench [càileachd] nf.ind. appetite, natural
endowments, nature,genius [caileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, little girl (L.Sc. lassie) [càilean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean,
a husk of grain [Cailean] pnm. g.v. -ein, usually given as the equivalent of Colin [càileiginn] nf. somewhat, something [cailin]
nf. pl.+ean, girl, damsel [caill] vn. lose [cailleach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl.+an, old woman [cailleach-oidhche] nf. owl,
inflected on the first element as : cailleach [caillteach] a. ruinous, causing loss [Caimbeulach] pnm. g.v. -aich, pl.
-aich, a Campbell; a. of or belonging to the Campbells [caimean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, mote [càin] va. traduce,
revile [càin] nf. g. -e, tribute, tax, a fine, rent [càineadh] v.n. traducing, reviling [càinich] va. impose a tax,
tribute or fine [cainnt] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, speech, conversation, language [caiptean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, captain [càir]
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, a gum [cairbh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, carcase, dead body [càirean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, a gum [càirdean]
n.pl. See caraid [càirdeas] nm. g.v. -eis, friendship [càirdeil] a. friendly [càirich] va. repair, mend, lay [cairt]
nf. g. cartach; pl.+ean, cart [cairt] nf. g. cartach; pl.+ean, bark, chart, card [cairtealan] nm. pl. quarters, lodgings [cairtear]
nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, carter [caisbheart] nf. g.d. -eirt, footgear [càise] nm.ind. cheese : càis-bhalg, cheese-bag [caisg]
va. check, stop, restrain, quench, quell, curb [Càisg] nf. g.+e, Easter, Passover feast [caismeachd] nf. pl.+an, an
alarm, signal, march tune, war song [caisteal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, castle [Caisteal Bhlàir] pnm. Castle Blair; inflected
on the first element [caisteal-deiridh] nm. poop of a ship; inflected on the first element [Caisteal-nuadh] pnm. Newcastle;
inflected on both elements [caisteal-toisich] nm. forecastle of a ship; inflected on the first element [c'àite] phr.
where? [caitean] nm. g.v. -ein, shag, nap of cloth, ruffled surface [caith] va.+eamh, cast, wear, spend, exhaust [caithe-beatha]
nf. behaviour, moral conduct [caithream] nm. g.v. -eim, shout of joy or triumph, joyful noise [càl] nm. g.v. càil, colewort,
kale : càl ceirtleach, cabbage [cala] nm. pl.+chan, harbour, haven [calaman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, dove, pigeon [calanas]
nm. g.v. -ais, wool-working, lint-working [calbh] nm. g.v. cailbh; pl. cailbh, head, headland, cape [calc] va. ram,
drive, caulk; cram [calg] nm. g.v. cuilg; pl. cuilg, awn, beard of corn, bristle, prickle [calg-dhìreach] a. perfectly
straight, direct [call] nm. g. -a; v. chaill, loss, damage, detriment : air chall, lost [callaid] nf. pl.+ean, hedge;
lurking place; cap [callaid-bhròin] nf. funeral wail, elegy; inflected on first element [callda] a. tame, domesticated [calldach]
nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, loss, damage, detriment [calldachd] nf.ind. loss, damage, detriment [calltuinn] nm. hazel [Calluinn]
nf. New Year's day [calma] a. bold, staunch, resolute, brave [calpa] nm. pl.+nnan, calf of the leg; calpannan, haulyards [Calum]
pnm. g.v. -uim, rendered in English `Malcolm' [cam] a. crooked, distorted, bent, blind of one eye [camag] nf. g.d. -aig;
pl.+an, a curl; a comma [caman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, club for shinty or golf, a shinty [camanachd] nf.ind. shinty
playing, the game of shinty [cam-bheul] nm. wry mouth; inflected on second element [camhal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -ail,
camel [camhanaich] nf. the dawn, twilight [camp] nm. g. -a; v. chaimp; pl.+annan, camp [campaich] va. encamp [campar]
nm. g.v. -air, vexation, grief, uneasiness [Camus-choinnich] pnm. Cambuskenneth; inflected on first element [can] va.+tainn,
say, sing, titter, speak [cànain] nf. pl.+ean, a language [cantainn] v.n. saying, singing, speaking [caoch] a. empty,
hollow, blind [caochail] va. and vn. caochladh, change, alter, die [caochan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, rivulet, streamlet,
thin spout [caochlach] a. changing, inconstant [caochladh] v.n. changing, altering, dying [caog] va. wink, take aim
by shutting one eye [caogadh] v.n. winking [caoidh] nf. g.+e, weeping, lamenting, lamentation [caoidh] va. weep,
mourn, bewail [caoile] nf.ind. thinness, slenderness, leanness, narrowness [caoilead] nm. g. -eid, degree of above [caoimh]
See caomh [caoin] va. weep, lament [caoin] a. kind, mild, dry [caoinich] va. dry as hay, dry by exposure; sooth [caol]
a. thin, lean, slender, narrow [caolaich] va. make slender, attenuate [caolas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, a strait [caomh]
a. kind, gentle, benign, tender, meek [caomhag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, mild or kind woman [caomhail] a. gentle, mild,
kind, affectionate [caomhain] va. -nadh, spare, save, reserve [caomhnadh] v.n. saving, sparing, reserving, economy,
frugality [caomhnar] See caomhain [caonnag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, fight, skirmish, fray [caora] nf. g.+ch; d.+ich;
v. chaora; pl.+ich; g.pl. chaorach, a sheep [caoraich] See caora [caoran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a fragment of peat [caorann]
nm. g.v. -ainn; pl. -ainnean, rowan berry, rowan tree [car] somewhat, before an adj. : car coltach ri, somewhat like [car]
nm. g.v. cuir; pl. cuir, turn, twist, trick, fraud : an caraibh a chéile, wrestling : car mar char (turn) over and over :
car greis, during a short interval of time [carach] a. deceitful, tricky, wily, winding, turning [carachd] nf.ind. motion,
movement, wrestling [carachd] nf.ind. deceit, cunning, wiliness, quirkiness [càradh] v.n. mending, repairing [caraibh]
dat.pl. of car : dol an caraibh a chéile, going to contend or wrestle with each other [caraich] va. move, stir [càraich]
va. place to or against, apply [caraid] nm. pl. càirdean, friend, relation [càraid] nf. pl.+ean, a pair, couple, married
couple [carantas] nm. g.v. -ais, kindness, friendliness [carbad] nm. g.v. -aid; pl.+an, carriage, chariot [càrd]
va. card wool, cotton or lint [Cardros] pnm. Cardross [càrn] nm. g.v. cùirn; pl. cùirn (L.Sc. cairn) a heap, a pile [càrn]
va. heap, pile [carrachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, frogfish, the fish commonly called `shoemaker' [carragh] nf. g.d.
-aigh; pl. -aighean, rock, pillar, monument [carraig] nf. g.+e, or cairge; pl.+ean, rock [Carraig] pnf. Carrick [c'
ar son] phr. why, for what reason? [cart] va. clean, muck, cast out [cas] nf. g. coise; d. cois; pl.+an, foot, leg,
shaft, haft : casan deiridh, hindlegs : casan toisich, forelegs [càs] nm. g.v. càis; pl.+an, difficulty, emergency, trying
situation [cas] va. gnash, to close upon, oppose, thwart [cas] a. steep, rash, passionate [casad] nm. g.v. -aid,
cough [casag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, long coat [casaid] nf. pl.+ean, complaint, accusation [casan] nm. g.v. -ain;
pl.+an, path, road [cas-chrom] nf. g. coise-cruime; d. cois-chruim; pl. casan croma, a kind of spade [casd] va. casdaich,
cough [casg] nm. for casgadh, stopping, opposing, closing [casgair] va. -airt and -radh, slay, mangle, massacre [casgradh]
nm. g.v. -aidh, massacre [cas-ruisgte] a. barefoot [cat] nm. g.v. cait; pl. cait, cat [cath] nm. g.+a; v. chaith;
pl.+an, fight, battle, fighting contest [càth] nf. g. càithe; d. càith, husks of corn, chaff [cathag] See cadhag [cathair]
nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, chair [cathair] nf. g. -rach; pl. -raichean, city [cathair-thalanta] and [-thalmhainn]
nf. plantain, yarrow; inflected on the first element [càthar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -air, mossy ground, mountain bog [ce]
who, what?, why?, how? [cè] nm. g. cèithe, cream [cé] nm.ind. the earth : an cruinne cé, the terrestrial globe [cead]
nm.ind. leave, permission [ceadaich] va. permit, allow [cèaird] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, trade, handicraft [cealg] nf.
g. ceilge; d. ceilg, deceit, treachery, hypocrisy [cealgach] a. deceitful, treacherous, hypocritical [cealgair] nm.
pl.+ean, deceiver, hypocrite, rogue [cealgaireachd] nf.ind. fraud, hypocrisy [ceall] nf. g.d. cill; pl. cilltean, church,
cell [ceana] whither? See ciona [ceanail] a. mild, loving, kindly [ceanalta] a. mild, amiable, kind [ceangail]
va. -al, tie, fasten, bind [ceangal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -laichean, tie, bond, fastening, binding [ceanglaidh] will tie.
See ceangail [ceann] nm. g.v. cinn; pl. cinn, head, end, chief, extremity [ceannaich] va. buy, purchase [ceannairc]
nf. rebellion, sedition [ceannairceach] a. rebellious, seditious [ceannard] nm. g.v. -aird; pl.+an, commander, chief,
leader [ceannas] nm. g. -ais, superiority, headship, chieftainship, the upper hand [ceann-bheart] nm. g.v. -bheirt;
pl.+an, headpiece, headgear [ceann-cinnidh] nm. head of a clan, chief; inflected on the first element [ceann-feachd]
nm. general; inflected on the first element [ceann-feadhna] nm. chief, leader; inflected on the first element [ceann-fine]
nm. chieftain, head of a clan; inflected on the first element [ceannlaidir] a. headstrong, obstinate [ceannsaich] va.
subdue, quell, tame, conquer, keep under [ceann-teagaisg] nm. g.v. cinn-th-; pl. cinn-th-, subject, text [ceann-uidhe]
nm. g.v. cinn-; pl. cinn-, end of a journey [ceap] va. catch, stop, intercept [cearb] nf. g. cirbe; d. cirb; pl.+an,
rag, tatter [cearbach] a. ragged, tattered, awkward [cearc] nf. g. circe; d. circ; pl.+an, hen [cearcall] nm. g.v.
-aill; pl.+an, circle, hoop, ring [cearc-fhraoich] nf. g. circe-fr-; d. circ-fhr-; pl. cearcan-fr-, moorhen, female grouse [cearc-thomain]
nf. partridge; inflected as cearc-fhraoich [cèard] nm. g.v. cèird; pl.+an, tinker, any class of smith [cèardach] nf.
g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, smithy [cèarn] nf. g.+a; d. cèirn; pl.+an, quarter, region [cèarr] a. wrong, left-handed [ceart]
a. right, same, proper, certain : a cheart cho, quite as, equally : anns a' cheart àite, in the (very) same place : cearta
còmhla, all at once, together [ceart] nm. g.v. ceirt, right, justice, propriety [ceartaich] va. rectify, adjust, put
to rights [ceartair] in the phr. : an ceartair, just now [ceartas] nm. g.v. -ais, justice, equity [ceasnaich] va.
catechise, examine [ceathach] nm. g.v. -aich, mist, fog [ceathairne] nf.ind. peasantry, yeomanry, portion of population
fit for warfare [ceatharnach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, kerne, stout, trusty peasant [ceatharnas] nm. g.v. -ais, heroism [ceathramh]
nm. g.v. -raimh; pl.+an, fourth part, stanza, quatrain [ceathramh] num. the fourth [ceathrar] nm. and f. g.v. -air,
four persons collectively [ceigeach] a. squat, shapeless, clumsily formed [ceigean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, thick
short man [ceigeineach] a. podgy, squat [ceil] va.+tinn and cleith, conceal, hide [céile] nm. spouse, companion,
partner, fellow [ceilear] nm. g.v. -eir, singing or chirping of birds; light, lively music [ceilearadh] nm. g.v. -aidh,
carolling, singing [ceilg] See cealg [céilidh] nf. pl.+ean, gossiping, visiting [céill] See ciall [céin] a. far,
distant, remote; also cian [céir] nf. g.+e, wax [ceirsle] nf. d. -idh; pl.+an, ball of worsted, clew of yarn (better
ceirtle) [ceist] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, question, controversy [ceist] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, darling, regard [ceistear] nm.
g.v. -eir; pl.+an, catechist [Ceit] pnf. Kate [céitean] nm. g.v. -ein, May, beginning of summer [ceithir] num. four [ceò]
nm. mist, fog [ceòban] nm. g.v. -ain, small drizzling rain [ceòbanach] a. dewy, misty, drizzly [ceòl] nm. g.v. ciùil,
music [ceòlmhor] a. musical, tuneful [Ceòsag] pnf. g.d. -aig, meaning the `bunchy one' [ceud] num. hundred; first
: ceudan, hundreds : an ceud and a' cheud, the first [ceudna] the same, before mentioned : mar an ceudna, similarly, likewise,
also [ceum] nm. g.v. céim; pl.+annan, step, pace, degree [ceus] va. crucify, torture [ceutach] a. becoming, elegant,
beautiful [ceutaiche] a. more becoming, more elegant, more beautiful [cha] not; precedes v. beginning with con. except
f [cha mhór] almost : cha mhór nach faodar a ràdh, it may almost be said [cha mhór nach] almost [cha 'n] not; precedes
v. beginning with vow. and fh [cha robh ann ach] there was but [chaidh] va.irr. went, happened, was, has passed : chaidh
aca air, they succeeded : chaidh dha, it happened to him [cheana] phr. word for : air cheana, already [chéile] each
other, one another, both : bhuail iad a chéile, they struck one another : dh' fhalbh iad le chéile, they went away together
: coltach ri chéile, like one another [chì] va.irr. will or shall see [chionn] for : a chionn, because [chìtear]
va.irr. will or shall be seen [chìtheadh] va.irr. would or should see [chìthinn] va.irr. I would see [cho] equally,
as, so : cho math ri sin, as good as that [chuala] va.irr. heard [chuca] prep.pron. to them [chugad] prep.pron. to
you, s. [chugaibh] prep.pron. to you, pl. [chugainn] prep.pron. to us [chugam] prep.pron. to me [chuice] prep.pron.
to her [chuid] in : aon chuid, neither (with the neg.) [chuige] prep.pron. to him [chuireadh] was put, would put,
was invited. See cuir [chuireas] will put. See cuir [chuirinn] va. I would put. See cuir [chum] phr. word for : a
chum, to, for, for the purpose of, in order to, so that [chun] unto, until : chun a' bhaile, unto the town [chunnaic]
va.irr. saw [cia] for : ce, which? what? : cia as, whence : cia meud, how much, how many [ciabh] nf. g. -a; pl.+an,
lock of hair [ciad] num. See ceud [cial] nm.ind. side or brim of a vessel [ciall] nf. g. céille; d. céill, meaning,
sense, understanding [ciall] nf. g. céille; d. céill, darling [ciallach] a. sensible, discreet, judicious [ciallaich]
va. signify, mean [ciamar] for : ceamar, how? in what way? in what manner? in what state or condition? : ciamar a tha thu,
how are you? [cian] a. céine, remote, foreign; also céin [cianail] a. -ala, melancholy, pensive [cianalas] nm. g.v.
-ais, melancholy, dullness, pensiveness [ciar] a. céire, dusky, dark-grey or brown [ciatach] See ceutach [cileadair]
nm. pl.+ean, trustee, agent [cill] nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, church, cell, burying-ground. See ceall [Cill-earna] pnf. Killearn [Cill-rìbhinn]
pnf. St. Andrews [cineal] nm. g.v. -eil; pl. -eilean, offspring, clan, species [cinn] va.+tinn, grow, increase, spring
from [cinn] See ceann [cinneach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, nation [cinneadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, clan, tribe,
kin [cinneas] nm. g.v. -eis, growth, increase, crop, growing thing [Cinn-ghèarrloch] pnm. Kingairloch [Cinn-rois]
pnm. Kinross [cinnt] nf. g.+e, certainty [cinnteach] a. certain, sure, evident, positive : cinnteach as, certain of
it [cinntinn] v.n. growing, increasing, prospering [Cinn-t-sàile] pnm. Kintail [cìob] nf. g.+a, a mountain grass [cìobair]
nm. pl.+ean, shepherd [cìoch] nf. g. cìche; d. cìch; pl.+an, woman's breast [cìocras] nm. g.v. -ais, keen longing, excessive
desire, greediness [ciod] what? : ciod è, what is it? [cion] nm. want, desire, esteem, love [ciona] whither. See
ceana [cionn] nm. head : os cionn, above, overhead : a chionn, because : o chionn tri làithean, three days ago [cionnas]
how? in what way or manner? by what means? [cionta] nm. pl.+n, guilt, sin [ciontach] a. guilty [ciontaich] va. transgress,
be guilty of [ciorram] nm. g.v. -aim; pl.+an, disaster, mishap [cìosaich] and [cìosnaich] va. subdue [ciotach] a.
lefthanded, sinister, awkward [cìr] va. comb, tease, as wool [cìr] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, comb, cud, crest of a cock [cirb]
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, corner. See cearb [circe] See cearc [cìs] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, tax, tribute [ciste] nf. pl.+achan,
chest, coffin [ciùil] See ceòl [ciùin] a. calm, peaceful, mild, smooth, placid [ciùin] vn. become quiet; become calm [ciùineas]
nm. g.v. -eis, calm, peacefulness, quietness [ciùinich] va. render quiet, assuage, appease, calm, pacify [ciùrr] va.
hurt, injure [clach] nf. g. cloiche; d. cloich; pl.+an, stone [clachair] nm. pl.+ean, mason, builder of stones [clachan]
nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, hamlet, village. See clach [clacharan] nm. g. -ain; pl.+an, stonechat [clach-meallain] nf. g.
cloiche-meallain; d. cloich-mheallain; pl. clachan-meallain, hailstone [cladach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, shore [cladh]
nm. g.v. claidh; pl.+annan, graveyard, churchyard, burying-place [cladh] nm. g.+a, spawn [cladh] va. cladh, spawn [cladhach]
v.n. g. -aich, digging [cladhaich] va. cladhach, dig [clag] nm. g.v. cluig; pl. cluig, bell [claidheamh] nm. g.v.
-eimh; pl. claidhmhnean, sword [claigeann] nm. g.v. -inn; pl. claignean, skull [clais] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, ditch, furrow,
groove [clàisteachd] nf.ind. hearing, the sense of hearing [clàistinn] nf. hearing, listening, hearkening [clann]
nf. g. cloinne; d. cloinn, children, clan [Clann Chamshroin] pnf. the Clan Cameron [Clann Mhic Rath] pnf. the Clan MacRae [claoidh]
va. vex, oppress, annoy, torment [claon] a. inclining, squint, oblique, partial [claon] va. incline, go aside, squint [claon-bhreith]
nf. pl.+ean, unjust judgment, prejudice [clàr] nm. g.v. clàir; pl. clàir, board, tablet, lid, any smooth surface or plane [clàr-aodainn]
nm. the forehead, the face; inflected on first element [clàrsach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, harp [clàrsair] nm.
pl.+ean, harper [cleachd] va. and vn. accustom, practise, use [cleachdadh] v.n. practice, use, custom, habit [cleachdainn]
nm. pl.+ean, practice, use, custom, habit [cleamhnas] nm. g.v. -ais, affinity, or relationship by marriage [cleas] nm.
g. -a; pl.+an, trick, playful trick, feat [cleasachd] nf.ind. play, pastime, sleight of hand [cléireach] nm. g.v. -ich;
pl. -ich, clerk, writer [cléit] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, flake of snow, downy feather [cleith] v.n. concealing, hiding [cleitheachd]
nf.ind. concealment, secrecy, skulking [cleòca] nm. pl.+nnan, cloak, mantle [clì] a. left-handed, awkward : an car clì,
the left-hand turn [clì] and [clìth] nf. g.+e, vigour, strength [cliabh] nm. g.v. cléibh; pl. cléibh, creel, hamper,
basket, man's chest [clìath] nf. g. cléithe; d. cléith; pl.+an, hurdle, harrow [cliathach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean,
the side of the body; slope of a hill [cliath-lùth] nm.ind. a section of a `ceol-mór' tune on the bagpipe [clis] a.
nimble, quick, sudden [clisbeachd] nf.ind. lameness, unsteadiness [clisg] va. and vn. start, leap through fear [clisgeadh]
v.n. startling : a chlisgeadh, instantly [cliste] a. dexterous, nimble, swift, agile, expert [clisteachd] nf.ind. dexterity,
agility, expertness [cliù] nm. fame, honour, praise, renown, reputation [clò] and [clòdh] nm. g.+dha; v. clòidh; pl.
clòidhean, a print, printing press [clobha] nm. pl.+chan, pair of tongs [clo-bhuail] va. -bhualadh, print [clogaid]
nm. pl.+ean, helmet [cloich] See clach [clòimh] nf. g.+e and clòmhach; d. clòimhidh, wool, down of feathers [cloinne]
See clann [closach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, carcass, dead body [clòth] nm. g.+a; pl. clòithean, cloth [cluain]
nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, green plain, meadow, pasture [cluaise] See cluas [cluan] nf. g.d. cluain; pl.+tan. See cluain [cluas]
nf. g. cluaise; d. cluais; pl.+an, ear, lug, handle of dish [cluasag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, pillow [clùdan] nm. g.v.
-ain; pl.+an, clout, tatter [cluich] nm. g.+e; pl.+eannan, play, playing, a game [cluich] va. cluich, play [cluigean]
nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, pendicle, bell, drop [cluinn] va.irr. hear, listen, hearken [cluinntear] nm. g.v. -eir;
pl.+an, hearer, listener [cluinntinn] v.n. hearing : ri (and r'a) chluinntinn, to be heard [cluip] va. cheat, deceive [cluip]
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, deceit [cluipear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, a cheat, deceiver [cnag] nf. g.d. cnaig; pl.+an, peg, pin,
knob, thowlpin [cnàimh] nm. g. cnàmha; pl. cnàmhan, bone [cnàmh] va. chew, gnaw, corrode, waste, digest [cnàmh] v.n.
chewing, gnawing, corroding, wasting, digesting [cnàmhach] a. bony [cnàmhan] See cnaimh [cnap] nm. g.v. cnaip; pl.+an,
lump, knob, little hill [cnatan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, a cold [cnead] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, moan, sigh, groan [cneap]
nm. g.v. cneip; pl.+an, button, bead, pebble [cneas] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, skin, waist [cneasda] a. humane, modest, temperate,
ominous [cnò-bholg] nm. g.v. -bhuilg; pl. -bhuilg, nut bag [cnoc] nm. g.v. cnuic; pl. cnuic or +an, knoll, hillock [cnocan]
nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, diminutive of cnoc [cnòth] and [cnò] nf. pl. cnothan, nut. See cnùth [cnuac] nf. g.d. cnuaic;
pl.+an, lump, head [cnuasaich] va. collect, investigate, ponder [cnuasanach] a. given to collecting or investigating [cnuic]
See cnoc [cnuimh] See cruimh [cnuimheag] See cruimheag [cnùth] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, nut. See cnòth [có] interr.pron.
who? what? có air bith, whoever [co] equally, as; also cho [cobhair] va. cobhair, relieve, help, aid, assist. See cabhair [cobhair]
nf. g. -rach, succour, help [cobhar] nm. g.v. -air, foam, froth [còcaire] nm. pl.+an, cook [cochull] nm. g.v. -uill;
pl. -uill, husk, hood [codach] See cuid [co-dhiùbh] phr. nevertheless, at any rate, whatever, whichever, whether [cog]
va. fight, carry on war [cogadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, war, warfare, fighting [cogais] nf. pl.+ean, conscience [cogull]
nm. g.v. -uill, tares, cockle [coibhneil] a. kind, mild, lenient [cóig] num. five; also cùig [cóignear] and [cùignear]
nm. and f.g. -eir, five persons collectively [coigreach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, stranger, foreigner [coileach] nm.
g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, cock [coileach-dubh] nm. g. coilich-dhuibh; pl. coilich-dhubha, black cock [coileach-frangach]
nm. g. coilich-fhrangaich; pl. coilich-fhrangach, turkey cock [coileach-fraoich] nm. g. coilich-fhraoich; pl. coilich-fhraoich,
moor cock, grouse cock [coileach-gaoithe] nm. g. coilich-ghaoithe; pl. coilich-ghaoithe, weather cock [coille] nf. pl.
coilltean, wood, grove, forest [Coille-chreathnaich] pnf. Killiecrankie [coilltean] See coille [coimeas] va. coimeas,
compare, liken [coimeas] nm. g.v. -eis; pl.+an, comparison [coimheach] a. foreign, strange [coimhead] nm. g. -id,
looking, watching, observing [coimheadachd] nf.ind. attending, convoying [coimhearsnach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich,
neighbour [coimhearsnachd] nf.ind. neighbourhood [coimhlion] a. perfect, complete, as many as [coimhlionta] a. complete,
mature, fulfilled, come to man's estate [coimhthional] See comh-thional [coin] See cù [coinean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl.
-einean, rabbit [coingeis] a. indifferent about, independent [coingheall] nm. g.v. -ill; pl. -ill, loan [coinne]
nf. pl. -idhean, meeting, assemblage [cóinneach] nf. g.v. -ich, moss, fog [coinneal] nf. g. coinnle; d. coinneil; pl.
coinnlean, candle [coinneamh] in the phr. : mu choinneamh, before, or in front of : mu choinneamh an doruis, opposite the
door : 'na choinneamh, against him, to meet him [coinnich] va. meet, encounter [coinnlear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, candlestick [còir]
a. decent, honest, just, civil [còir] for : comhair, nf. vicinity, contiguity [còir] nf. g. còrach; pl. còraichean,
right, justice, claim, title : is còir dhuit, bu chòir dhuit, you ought [coirbeachd] nf.ind. dourness, perverseness, crossness [coirbte]
a. corrupt, perverse, wicked [coirce] nm. g. corca, oats, corn [coire] nm. pl.+achan, pot, cauldron, kettle; corrie [coire]
nf. pl.+annan, fault, blame, guilt, harm [coireiginn] in the phrase : air choireiginn, of some kind, some [coirich]
va. blame, reprove, reprimand [còirneal] nm. g.v. -ileir; pl. -ilearan, an army colonel [cois] See cas [coiseachd]
nf.ind. walking [coisich] va. -eachd, walk, travel on foot [coisiche] nm. pl.+an, walker, pedestrian [coisinn] va.
cosnadh, win, earn, gain [coitcheann] a. common, public, general [coitich] va. coax, press one to take something, urge [colann]
nf. g.d. -ainn; pl.+an, body, trunk of the body [colbh] nm. g.v. cuilbh; pl. cuilbh, column, pillar, plant stalk [colg]
nm. g.v. cuilg; pl. cuilg, wrath, rage, fierce look, prickle, awn, bristling [colgail] a. with bristles up, martial [colgarra]
a. wild, menacing [coltach] a. like, probable : coltach ri, like to : car coltach ri, somewhat like [coltaich] va. compare,
liken [coltas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl. -ais, likeness, likelihood, appearance, resemblance [com] nm. g.v. cuim; pl. cuim,
body, cavity of the chest, trunk of the body [coma] a. indifferent, regardless : coma-co-dhiùbh, indifferent as to which,
all the same to, careless as to which of them, nevertheless [comain] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, obligation : 'nad chomain, under
obligation to you, in your reverence [coma leat] phr. never mind, pay no heed to [comas] nm. g.v. -ais, power, ability,
authority [comasach] a. able, capable [comhachag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, owl [comhair] nf.ind. direction, tendency
: fa chomhair an sùl, before their eyes : an comhair a chinn, headlong : an comhair a chùil, backwards [comhairle] nf.
pl.+an, advice, counsel [comhairleach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl.-ichean, counsellor, councillor [comhairlich] va. advise, counsel [comh-aontaich]
vn. acquiesce, agree [comharradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, sign, token, mark [comharraich] va. mark, point out,
distinguish [comharraichte] a. notable, remarkable, marked [comhart] nm. g.v. -airt; pl.+an, dog's bark [comhartaich]
nf. barking of a dog [còmhdach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, covering, clothing, dress [còmhdaich] va. cover, clothe,
dress [còmhdhail] nf. g. -alach; pl.+ean, meeting, interview [comh-dhùin] va. -dhùnadh, conclude, bring to an end [comh-dhùnadh]
v.n. g. -aidh, conclusion, end [comh-fhoghar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, consonant [comh-fhreagair] vn.+t and -radh,
correspond, suit, agree [comhfhurtachd] nf.ind. comfort, consolation [còmhla] a. together, in company : còmhla ri, along
with [còmhlaich] va. meet, intercept, oppose [còmhnadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, help, aid [còmhnard] a. level,
even, plain [còmhnuidh] nf. pl.+ean, dwelling, habitation : an còmhnuidh, habitually : a chòmhnuidh, dwelling [còmhradh]
nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, conversation, dialogue [còmhrag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, battle, combat, fight [còmhraig]
va. còmhrag, fight, combat [comh-shamhluich] va. compare together [comh-sheas] vn. -amh, consist in [comh-thional]
nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, assembly, congregation [companach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, companion, associate [comunn] nm.
g.v. -uinn; pl. -uinn, company, a society, fellowship, intercourse [con] See cù [cònlach] nf. g.d. -aich, straw, fodder,
hay, stubble [connadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, firewood, fuel [cònsaich] va. contend, dispute [cònspaid] nf. pl.+ean, dispute,
strife [cop] nm. g.v. coip, foam, froth, spume [copag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, dockweed [copan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an,
cup [copar] nm. g.v. -air, copper [cor] nm. g. coir, condition, state, situation : air chor 'sam bith, on any condition [corc]
nf. g. cuirce; d. cuirc; pl.+an, knife, whittle [còrd] vn. agree [Còrdag] pnf. g.d. -aig, meaning `agreeable one' [còrn]
nm. g.v. cùirn; pl. cùirn, drinking horn [corp] nm. g.v. cuirp; pl. cuirp, body, corpse [corporra] a. bodily, corporeal [corr]
nf. g.+a; pl.+an, heron, crane [còrr] nf.ind. overplus, excess, odds : a' chòrr, the rest, remainder [còrr] a. odd,
eminent, extraordinary; corra, when prefixed : corra h-aon, an odd one : còrr uair, at odd times [corra-biod] nm. attitude
of readiness to start [corrach] a. steep, precipitous [corrag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, finger [corra-ghriothach] nf.
g.d. -aich, pl. corran-griothach, heron, crane [corran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, reaping hook, sickle [corruich] nf.
anger, rage, wrath, ire [còrsa] nm. pl.+chan, coast, shore [cos] See cas [còs] nm. g.v. còis; pl.+an, hollow, recess [cosd]
va. cosd, spend, waste [cosdas] nm. g.v. -ais, expense, cost [coslach] a. like, resembling [coslas] nm. g.v. -ais;
likeness [cosmhuil] a. like, resembling [cosnadh] See coisinn [cosnar] See coisinn [còta] nm. pl.+ichean, coat [cothaich]
va. win, earn, contend, strive [cothrom] nm. g.v. -uim; pl.+an, opportunity, fairplay, justice, equipoise [cothromach]
a. fair, just, equitable, level [cràbhach] a. pious, religious [cràbhadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; devotion, piety, religion [cràdh]
nm. g. cràidh, pain, anguish, torment [cràdh] va. torment, pain, vex, harass [craiceann] nm. g.v. -inn; pl. craicnean,
skin [cràidhteach] a. tortured, miserable, grievous, afflicted, causing pain [cràidhteachd] nf.ind. distress of mind
or body, vexation, misery [cràmhan] nm. g.v. -ain, constant scolding or grumbling, bickering [crann] nm. g.v. croinn;
pl. croinn, tall tree, mast, plough, doorbolt [crann] va. bolt, bar, adjust doorbolt [crannag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an,
pulpit, perch [crann-athair] nm. plough (constellation); inflected on the first element [crannchur] nm. g.v. -uir; pl.+an,
lot, fortune, casting lots [craobh] nf. g. craoibhe; d. craoibh; pl.+an, tree [Craobh] in : [A' Chraobh] pnf. Crieff [craobhadh]
nm. streaming [craobh-sgàileadh] nm. shade imparted by trees [craoibhe] See craobh [craos] nm. g.v. craois; pl.+an,
gaping mouth, maw [crath] va. shake, wave, brandish [crè] nf.ind. clay [creach] va. harry, rob, plunder [creach]
nf. g. creiche; d. creich; pl.+an, plunder, pillage [creachadair] nm. pl.+ean, robber, plunderer [creachann] nm. g.v.
-ainn, summit of a rock, hard rocky surface [creadha] nf. clay. See crè [creag] nf. g. creige; d. creig; pl.+an, rock,
crag [Creag-bhàrnaid] pnf. Craigbarnet; inflected on first element [creathach] nf. g.d. -aich, brushwood for fuel [creid]
vn. creidsinn, believe [creideamh] nm. g.v. -imh; pl.+an, religious belief [creideas] nm. g.v. -eis, credit, good repute [creideasach]
a. trustworthy, credible [creidsinn] nm. believing [creig] See creag [creuchd] nf. g.+a; pl.+an, wound, a sore [creud]
nf. g.+a; d. créid; pl.+an, creed [creutair] nm. pl.+ean, creature, being [criathair] va. -radh, sift [criathar]
nm. g.v. -air; pl. -ran, sieve, riddle [criathraidh] See criathair [crìch] See crìoch [cridhe] nm. pl.+achan, heart [cridheil]
a. -ala, hearty [crìoch] nf. g. crìche; d. crìch; pl.+an, end, close, limit, boundary [crìochnaich] va. bring to an
end, or close [criom] va. pick, bite, nip [criomadh] v.n. picking, nibbling, biting [criomag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an,
bit, piece [crioman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, bit, piece [crìon] a. crìne, little, withered, shrivelled, mean [crìonach]
nf. g.d. -aich, brushwood, withered branches [crios] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, belt, girth, girdle [Crìosd] and [Crìosda] pnm.
Christ [Crìosdaidh] nm. pl.+ean, a Christian [criothnaich] va. shake, tremble [crith] vn. crith, shake, tremble,
quiver : air chrith, trembling, shaking, quivering [crò] nm. g. cròtha; pl. cròithean, fold, eye of a needle [cròth]
va. confine in a fold or pen, gather in [croch] va. hang, suspend [crochan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, pot hook [crodh]
nm. g.v. cruidh, cattle [cròg] nf. g. cròige; d. cròig; pl.+an, clumsy hand, fist, paw [crog] nm. g. -a; v. chroig;
pl.+achan, a jar, crock [crogan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, dim. of crog [cròic-cheann] nm. an antlered head; inflected
on the second element [croich] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, gallows, gibbet [crois] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, cross, misfortune [croit]
nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, croft, hump [croitear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, crofter [crom] a. cruime, arched, bent, crooked, curved,
bowed [crom] va. bend, stoop, bow [cromadh an speur] phr. vault of the sky [cromag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a crook,
any little crooked thing [croman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, kite [crom-bhileach] a. having a bent bill; inflected on
second element [cron] nm. g.v. croin, harm, mischief, evil, fault, defect, blame, imputation [cronaich] va. rebuke,
reprove, blame [cronail] a. harmful, hurtful, pernicious [crònan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, croon, purling sound, hum [crosda]
a. cross, fretful, peevish, ill-natured [crotal] nm. g.v. -ail; lichen called cudbear [cruach] nf. g. cruaiche; d. cruaich;
pl.+an, a heap, pile, stack [cruach] va. heap, build into stacks [Cruachan Beann] pnm. Ben Cruachan [cruadal] nm.
g.v. -ail; pl. -ail, hardihood, hardship [cruadalach] a. hardy, enduring, brave [cruadhaich] va. harden, parch, kiln-dry [cruaiche]
See cruach [cruaidh] nf. g. cruadhach, steel [cruaidh] a. hard, difficult, severe [cruaidh-chàs] nm. g.v. -chàis;
pl.+an, predicament, peril, adversity [cruathas] and [cruas] nm. g.v. -ais, hardness, rigour, hardihood [crùb] va. sit,
squat, crouch [crùbach] a. lame, cripple [crùban] nm. g. -ain, crouching attitude : 'na chrùban, crouching [crubh]
nm. g. -a; pl. -an, horse's hoof [crùdh] va. shoe as a horse [crudha] and [crubha] nm. g. cruidhe; pl. crùidhean, horse's
shoe [cruimh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, worm [cruimheag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, small worm [cruimh-shionnachain] nf. glowworm;
inflected on first element [cruinn] a. round, spherical, globular, succinct, assembled [cruinne] nm.ind. the globe,
world [cruinneag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, trig, tight lassie [cruinnich] va. gather, assemble, collect, convene [cruinn-leum]
nm. pl.+annan, standing jump, bound [crùisgean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, lamp, cruizie, jug [cruit] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean,
crowd or harp [cruitear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, crowder or harper [cruitheachd] nf.ind. form, conformation; the creation,
universe [cruithear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, creator [crùn] nm. g.v. crùin; pl. crùintean, crown, five shilling piece [crùn]
va. crown [cruth] nm. g. -a; v. chruith; pl.+an, form, shape, figure [cruthachadh] v.n. creating, creation [cruthaich]
va. create [cù] nm. g. coin; d. cù; v. choin; pl. coin; g.pl. con, dog [cuach] nf. g. cuaiche; d. cuaich; pl.+an, quaich,
cog, dish, bowl, drinking cup, hollow part of bird's nest [cuagach] a. awkwardly bent, having unshapely curves, mis-shapen [cuaille]
nm. pl.+achan, cudgel, club, baton [cuain] See cuan [cuairt] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, circuit, tour, trip, whirl, eddy : cuir
mu'n cuairt, turn round about [cuairteag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, whirlpool [cuairtear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, traveller,
tourist, visitant [cuairtich] va. surround, encompass, make a circuit [cual] nf. g.d. cuail; pl. cuailtean, burden,
faggot [cuala] vn.irr. heard : an cuala tu, heard you? : cha chuala mi, I have not heard [cuan] nm. g.v. cuain; pl.
cuaintean, ocean [cuaran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, brogue of untanned hide [cuartachadh] v.n. surrounding, encompassing [cuartaich]
va. surround, compass [cùbadh] nm. bending, crouching, shrinking for fear; coop [cubhaidh] a. decent, fit, meet, seemly [cùbhraidh]
a. fragrant, sweet smelling. Better cùmhraidh [cudtrom] nm. g.v. -uim; pl. -uim, weight, heaviness, burden [cudtromach]
a. heavy, important [cù-dubh] nm. otter; inflected on both elements [cuibheall] nf. g. cuibhle; d. cuibhill; pl. cuibhleachan,
a wheel; nom. often cuibhle [cuibheas] nm. g. -eis, enough, a sufficiency [cuibhill] va. wheel [cuibhle] See cuibheall [cuibhlich]
va. wheel, turn round [cuibhne] nf. pl. -ichean, deer's antler [cuibhreach] nf. g.d. -ich; pl. -ichean, bond, chain,
trammel [cuid] nf. g. codach; pl. codaichean, portion, share, some, part, one's complement : cuid na h-oidhche, night's
entertainment [cuideachd] nf. pl.+an, company; likewise, also [cuidealas] nm. g. -ais, conceit, forwardness, pertness [cuideiginn]
nm. some one [cuideil] a. -eala, conceited, pert [cuidich] va. help, assist [cùig] num. five; also cóig [cuigeal]
nf. g.+ach; d. -eil; pl.+an, distaff [cùil] nf. g.+e; pl.+tean, recess, corner, niche, nook, closet; See cùl [cuilbh]
See colbh [cuilbhear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, fowling piece, culverin, musket [cuilc] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, reed [cùileag]
nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, dim. of cùil, little recess, etc. [cuileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a fly [cuilean] nm. g.v. -ein;
pl. -einean, whelp, pup, young dog, cub [cuilgean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, awn of corn or barley, prickle [cùiltear]
nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, skulker, sneak [c'uime] phr. for what? of what? about what? of whom? about whom? [Cuimeineach]
pnm. g.v.; pl. -ich, a Cumming; a. of or belonging to the Cummings [cuimhne] nf.ind. recollection, remembrance, memory
: is cuimhne leam, I remember : am bheil cuimhne agad air, do you remember it? [cuimhneachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain,
memorial, keep-sake [cuimhnich] va. and vn. remember, bear in mind, recollect [cuimir] a. brief, concise, trim, tidy,
handsome [cuin] when? [cuinneag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, pitcher, pail, bucket (L.Sc. stoup) [cuinnean] nm. g.v. -ein;
pl. -einean, nostril [cuinnlean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, stalk of corn, nostril [cuip] nf. g.+e; pl.+eachan, a whip [cuir]
va. cur, put, sow, place, lay : cuir an aghaidh, oppose : cuir an céill, describe, declare : cuir air chois, set on foot,
institute : cuir as, put out, extinguish, destroy : cuir air falbh, put or send away : cuir fa sgaoil, release, let go : cuir
gu buil, employ to some purpose, put to use : cuir ris, add to, apply to : cuir romhad, resolve : cuir air leth, set aside,
separate, appropriate : cuir seachad, lay bye, put past : cuir am mach, publish : cuir air, put on, trouble, annoy [cuir]
See car [cuireadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, invitation [cuireadh] va. let ... put [cuirm] nf. g.+e; pl.+eannan,
feast, banquet [cùirt] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, court [cùirtear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, courtier [cùis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean,
affair, matter, subject, cause : cùis-eagail, cause of fear : cùis-thagraidh, plea : cùis-ghearain, cause of complaint : cùis-mhaslaidh,
a matter of reproach [cuiseag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a stalk, plant stem, reed, kind of grass [cùiseil] a. -eala, business
like [cuisle] nf. pl.+an, vein, artery, pulse; better cusail [cuist!] hist! [cùl] nm. g.v. cùil; pl. cùil, the back,
the hinder part [cùlaibh] nm. behind the back; d.pl. of cùl [culaidh] nf. pl.+ean, apparel, tool, boat; object : culaidh-eagail,
an object of fear [cùl-cumhainn] nm. a tight corner; inflected on the first element [cùl-taic] nm. a support, backing;
inflected on the first element [cum] va. and vn. cumail, keep, hold, retain, contain, celebrate [cumail] v.n. keeping,
holding [cuman] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, coggie, milking pail [cumanta] a. common, ordinary [cumhachd] nm. power,
ability, authority [cumhachdach] a. powerful, mighty [cumhang] and [cumhann] a. cuinge, narrow, strait [cùmhnant]
nm. g.v. -aint; pl.+an, covenant, contract, agreement [cunnart] nm. g.v. -airt; pl.+an, danger, risk [cunnartach] a.
dangerous, risky [cunnt] va. count, number [cunntas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, counting, reckoning, numbering, an account [cupan]
nm. See copan [cur] v.n. putting, sowing, snowing. See cuir [cùram] nm. g.v. -aim; pl.+an, care, charge, anxiety [cùramach]
a. careful, anxious [currac] nm. g.v. -aic; pl. -aicean, cap, woman's head dress, cowl [cùrsa] nm. pl.+chan, course [cuspair]
nm. pl.+ean, object aimed at, mark to aim at [cutach] a. short, stumpy, bob-tailed, docked (L.Sc. cutty) [cuthach] nm.
g.v. -aich, rage, madness, insanity : air chuthach, mad [cuthag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, cuckoo