[d'] for : do, thy; before vow. and fh. See t' [d'] for : do, the verbal particle; before vow. and
: rinn, rug, ràinig [d'a] to his, to her, for : do a [dà] num. two; governs nf. in a case similar to the dat., being
a remnant of the old dual number [dà] prep.pron. to him [dachaidh] and [-aigh] nf. pl.+ean, a home, residence, domicile;
homewards, to one's own country [dàchasach] a. two-footed, bi-pedal [dad] nm. aught, anything, the smallest thing [dag]
nm. g. daige; v. dhaig; pl.+achan, pistol [daibh] and [doibh] prep.pron. to them [dàibhir] a. poor, destitute [dàibhreas]
nm. g.v. -eis, poverty [dàicheil] a. handsome, graceful, genteel [dàil] nf. g. dàlach; pl. dàlaichean, delay, credit [dàil]
nf. g. dàlach; pl. dàlaichean, a meeting, convention [Dail-an-eas] pnf. Dalness [dail] nf. g. dalach; pl. dailthean,
meadow, field, plain [dàimh] nf. g.+e, relationship, affinity [dàin] See dàn [daingeann] a. -ne, strong, firm [daingneach]
nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, fort, castle, citadel [daingnich] va. strengthen, fortify, establish [dall] a. doille, blind [dallag]
nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, shrewmouse, any little blind creature [dalma] a. bold, forward, audacious, obstinate [dalmachd]
nf.ind. impudence, audacity, forwardness [damh] nm. g.v. daimh; pl. daimh, ox, stag [damhan-alluidh] nm. g.v. -ain-;
pl. -ain-, spider; inflected on first element [dàn] nm. g.v. dàin; pl. dàin, poem [dàn], [dàna] a. bold, daring, intrepid [dànachd]
nf.ind. poetry [dànachd] nf.ind. audacity, presumption [dànadas] nm. g.v. -ais, audacity, boldness [dannarra] a.
stubborn, resolute [danns] va. dance [dannsadh] v.n. dancing [dannsair] nm. pl.+ean, dancer [daoi] nm. g.+dhe;
pl.+dhean, wicked man, evil one [daoi] a. daoidhe, wicked [daoine] nm. pl. of duine, men [daoire] a. more costly,
dearer. See daor [daoiread] nm. dearness [daol] nf. g.v. daoil; pl. daoil, beetle (insect) [daonnan] phr. word, always,
at all times [daonnda] a. humane, charitable [daor] a. dear, costly, enslaved [daorach] nf. intoxication : air an
daoraich, on the spree [daorsa] nf. captivity, bondage [daorsainn] nf.ind. famine, dearth, bondage, slavery [d'ar]
to our, precedes n. beginning with con. [dara] num. one of two, either of two : an dara fear no am fear eile, the one or
the other [darach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. daraich, oak [darag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, oak tree [da-rìreadh] phr. word,
truly, certainly, surely [d'ar n-] to our; precedes n. beginning with vow. [darna] See dara [dath] nm. g.+a; v. dhaith;
pl. daithean, colour, dye [dathte] a. coloured, dyed [dé] for ciod è, what? [de] prep. of, off [dé] in : an dé,
yesterday [deacaid] nf. pl.+ean, jacket [deacair] a. difficult, hard, sorrowful [deach] va.irr. went, did go [deachaidh]
va.irr. went, did go [deachd] va. dictate, indite [deagh] a. good, excellent; precedes n. and a. [deagh-bheatha]
nf. welcome [deal] nf. g.+a; pl.+achan, leech [dealaich] va. separate, part, divide [dealan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an,
lightning [dealan-dé] nf. g.v. -ain-; pl.+an-, butterfly; inflected on the first element [dealbh] va. form, shape, delineate,
devise, contrive [dealbh] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, image, picture, figure, shape [dealbh-chluich] nf. a play (stage); inflected
on the second element [dealg] nf. g. deilge; d. deilg; pl.+an and deilg, pin, skewer, knitting-needle [dealrach] a.
glittering, shining, bright, radiant [dealt] nf.ind. dew [deamhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, demon, devil [dèan] va.irr.
do, act, make, perform [dèanadas] nm. g.v. -ais; industry, activity, behaviour, doings, work [dèanamh] v.n. doing, making [deann]
nf. g.+a; pl.+an, force, rush, haste, speed : deann-ruith, utmost speed [deannag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, small pinch [deannal]
nm. g.v. -ail, conflict, onset, hurry, haste [deanntag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, nettle [dearbh] va. prove, confirm, try [dearbh]
a. -a, sure, certain, particular, identical : gu dearbh, certainly [dearbhachd] nf.ind. proof, confirmation [dearbhadh]
v.n. proof, attesting, confirming [dearc] nf. pl.+an, berry, lizard : dearc-luachrach, an asp (L.Sc. ask) [dearcag]
nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, small berry [dearg] a. deirge, red; nm. g. deirg, the ploughed part of a field in opposition to
the unploughed : dol an dearg bhàinidh, going stark mad. See bàn [dearg-rùisgte] a. stark naked [dearmad] nm. g.v. -aid;
pl.+an, neglect, forgetfulness, omission [dèarna] nf. g.+idh; pl.+idhean, the palm of the hand [dèarrs] va. shine, gleam [dèarrsach]
a. bright, radiant [dèarrsadh] nm. g.v. -aidh, radiance, effulgence, shining, gleaming [deas] a. deise, ready, right
hand, south, dexterous, trim [deasach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, south countryman [deasaich] va. prepare, get ready,
dress, cook [deasbaireachd] nf.ind. disputing, debating, reasoning, wrangling [deasbud] nm. g.v. -uid; pl.+an, dispute,
debate, conference [deatach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, steam, mist, exhalation [deatam] nm. g.v. -aim, anxiety,
eagerness, solicitude [deathach] nf. g.d. -aich, smoke [deich] num. ten [deicheamh] num. tenth [deichnear] nm.
and f. g. -eir, ten persons collectively [dèidh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, wish, desire [déidh] in : an déidh, after : as a
dhéidh, after him [déidheil] a. -eala, desirous, addicted to [deidhinn] in : mu dheidhinn, concerning [déidh-làimh]
phr. afterhand, afterwards, behind, neglected, too late [déigh] See déidh [deighinn] See deidhinn [deilbh] nf. g.+e;
pl.+ean, configuration, framing, preparing the warp of cloth [déile] nf. g. -idh; pl.+achan, or +an, a deal, plank [deilg]
n. pl. of dealg, knitting needles : also dealgan [deimhinn] a. true, surely : gu deimhinn, assuredly [déineachd] nf.ind.
keenness, impetuosity, eagerness [déineas] nm. g.v. -eis, keenness, eagerness [déirc] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, alms [deireadh]
nm. g.v. -idh; pl. deireannan, rear, hindmost place or part, end, stern : mu dheireadh, at last : air deireadh, late, last
to come [deireannach] a. last, hindmost [deireas] nm. g. -eis, injury, harm, damage [deirge] redder. See dearg [deise]
nf. pl.+achan, dress, garment, suit of clothes [deisead] nf. g. -eid, readiness, handsomeness, elegance [déistinn] nf.
pl.+ean, disgust [deò] nf.ind. breath, life, air, vital spark, ray of light [deoch] nf. g. dibhe; pl.+annan, drink,
strong liquor [deòin] nf. g.+e, will, consent, assent, accord [deòir] See deur [deònach] a. willing, agreeable [deònaich]
vn. grant, vouchsafe, give consent [deòraidh] nm. pl.+ean, tearful creature [Deòrsa] pnm. George; also Seòras [deth]
prep.pron. off him [deuchainn] nf. pl.+ean, trial, attempt, proof [deud] nm. the teeth [deug] -teen of numerals :
tri-deug, thirteen [deur] nm. g.v. deòir; pl. deòir, tear, drop, small quantity of liquid [dh'] for : do and de [dhà]
num. two : a dhà, when not to be followed by a noun [dhà] prep.pron. to him [dh'a] to his [dheth] See deth [dhìot]
See dìot [dhìth] prep.pron. off her, to her; also di, dith [dhomh] See domh [dhuit] prep.pron. to you [dì], [dith]
prep.pron. to her, off her [di-] day, as in the names of the days of the week [dia], [Dia] nm. g. dé, Dhè; pl. déathan,
a god, God [diabhul] nm. g.v. -uil; pl. diabhlan, a devil : An Diabhul, The Devil [diadhaidh] a. godly, pious [diadhair]
nm. pl.+ean, a divine [dian] a. déine, keen, hasty, vehement, eager [dias] nf. g. déise; d. déis; pl.+an, ear of corn [dìbh]
prep.pron. off you, pl. [dibhe] See deoch [dìblidh] a. mean, abject [Di-ceudain] pnm. Wednesday [dìcheall] nf.
g.d. -ill, diligence, utmost endeavour [dìcheallach] a. diligent, careful, endeavouring [di-chuimhnich] vn. forget [dìdeann]
nf. g.d. -inn; pl.+an, defence, protection [Di-dòmhnaich] pnm. Sunday [dìg] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, ditch; dyke [Di-h-aoine]
pnm. Friday [dìle] nf. deluge, flood, heavy rain [dìleab] nf. g.d. -ib; pl.+an, legacy [dìleabach] nm. g.v. -aich;
pl. -aich, legatee [dileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, small drop of liquid [dìleas] a. dìlse, faithful, dear, beloved,
related to [dìlleachdan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, orphan [dìlse] nm. pl.+an, faithfulness, relationship, a faithful one,
a relation [dìlseachd] nf.ind. faithfulness, relationship [Di-luain] pnm. Monday [Di-màirt] pnm. Tuesday [dìmeas]
nm.ind. contempt, scorn, depreciation [dìmeasach] a. disrespectful [di-mol] See dìomol [dinn] prep.pron. off us [dinn]
va. stuff in, force down, press, squeeze [dinneir] nf. g. -earach; pl.+ean, dinner [dìobair] va. desert, abandon, forsake [dìobhail]
nm. g. -alach; pl.+ean, loss, destruction [diog] nm. g. -a, the least possible effort of speech, syllable [dìoghaltas]
nm. g.v. -ais; pl. -ais, vengeance, revenge [dìol] va. pay, render, satisfy, avenge [dìolain] a. illegitimate [dìollaid]
nf. pl.+ean, saddle [diomb] nm. displeasure, dissatisfaction [diombach] a. displeased [diombadh] nm. g. -aidh, displeasure,
dissatisfaction [diombuan] a. short-lived, evanescent [dìomhain] a. idle, unavailing, to no purpose [dìomhair] a.
secret, private [dìomhanach] a. idle [dìomhanas] nm. g.v. -ais, vanity, idleness : an dìomhanas, in vain [dìomol]
and [di-mol] va. dispraise, vilify, disparage [dìon] va. defend, shelter, protect [dìon] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, a shelter,
protection, defence [dìonach] a. secure, water-tight [Dior-daoin] pnm. Thursday [dìorras] nm. g.v. -ais, stubbornness,
vehemence, vehement anger [dìorrasach] a. persistent, obstinate [dìot] prep.pron. off you [dìr] va. ascend, ascend
in a straight direction, as opposed to fiar = ascend in a slanting direction [dìreach] a. just so, straight, upright :
dìreach mar, just as [dìreadh] v.n. ascending, climbing [dìrich] va. make straight, straighten [Di-Sathuirne] pnm.
Saturday [dìt] va. condemn, reproach [dìth] prep.pron. to her, off her [dìth] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, want, deficiency,
destruction : a dhìth orm, awanting to me [dìthean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, field-flower, daisy, blossom [dithis]
nm. and f. pl.+ean, two persons; often erroneously applied to things [diù] nm. the worst, the refuse [diù] a. unworthy [diùbh]
prep.pron. off them [diugh] in : an diugh, to-day [diug!] tewk! [diùilidh] a. faithfully, perseveringly [diùlnach]
nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, hero [diùlt] va. refuse, misgive [dleas] nm. pl.+an, duty [dleasannas] and [dleasnas]
nm. g.v. -ais; pl. -ais, duty [dlighe] nf.ind. law, ordinance; a right, a due [dligheach] a. lawful, rightful [dlò]
nf. g. dlòtha; d.+ith; pl. dlòintean, handful of corn [dlùithe] a. nearer, closer. See dlùth [dlùth] nm. g.v. dlùith,
warp of a web [dlùth] a. near, nigh, close; confined, tight [dlùthaich] va. come closer or nearer, approach, draw near,
join closely together, pack or press together [dlùths] nm. g. dlùiths, for dlùthais, nearness, closeness [do] prep.
to [do] poss.pron. thy, thine, your [do-] pref. signifying difficult of accomplishment [dóbhran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.
-ain, otter [docair] a. difficult, hard, uneasy, troublesome, grievous [docha] a. fonder, dearer, preferred : is docha
leam, I would rather; compar. of : toigh, agreeable [dòcha] a. more likely, more probable; compar. of : dòigh, likely [dochainn]
va. hurt, injure [dochair] nf. pl.+ean, hurt, damage, injury [dochann] nm. g.v. -ainn; pl.+an, hurt, injury [dòchas]
nm. g.v. -ais, hope, confidence [do-fhaicsinneach] a. hard to be seen [doibh] prep.pron. to them. Also daibh [doicheall]
nm. g.v. -ill, churlishness [dòigh] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, manner, way, method; trust, condition, proper arrangement [dòigheil]
a. -eala, business-like, systematic, well-arranged [doilgheas] nm. g.v. -is; sorrow, affliction [doilleir] a. dim, dark,
obscure [doimhne] nf. pl.+achan, depth, the deep [doineann] nf. g.v. -inn, inclement weather, storm [doirbh] a. hard,
difficult [doirbheachd] nf.ind. difficulty [doirbheas] nm. g.v. -eis, difficulty, mischief [doire] nf. pl.+achan,
grove, plantation [dòirt] va. dòrtadh, pour, spill [dol] v.n. going, proceeding, about to do or say, going to [dolaidh]
nf.ind. mischief, harm, loss, injury, damage [dòlas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, grief, mourning, woe [do m'] to my [domblas]
nm. g.v. -ais, gall, bile [domh] prep.pron. to me [domhail] a. -ala, bulky, crowded [domhain] a. doimhne, deep, profound [domhan]
nm. g.v. -ain, the universe, the world [Dòmhnull] pnm. g.v. -uill, Donald [Dòmhnullach] pnm. g.v. pl. -aich, a MacDonald;
a. of or belonging to the MacDonalds [dona] a. miosa, bad, evil [donas] nm. g.v. -ais, evil, evil one, mischief, the
devil [donn] a. duinne, brown, brown-haired [donnal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an, a howl [donnalaich] nm.ind. howling [dorcha]
a. duirche, dark, dusky, obscure : an dorcha, the dark [dorchadas] nm. g.v. -ais, darkness, obscurity [dorgh] nm. g.
duirgh; pl. duirgh, hand-line for fishing [dòrlach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, handful, a good deal, sheaf of arrows, quiver [dòrn]
nm. g.v. dùirn; pl. dùirn, fist, shut hand; haft, handle, hilt [dorran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, vexation, anger [dorsair]
nm. pl.+ean, door-keeper [dòruinn] nf. pl.+ean, pain, anguish, torment [dorus] nm. g.v. doruis; pl. dorsan, door [dos]
nm. g.v. duis; pl. duis or +an, bush, thicket, tuft, plume, forelock; drone of bagpipe [Dosan] pnm. g.v. -ain, dog's name,
meaning `the little tufted one' [dràc] nm. g.v. dràic; pl.+an, drake [dragh] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, bother, trouble, annoyance [dragh]
va. drag, pull, tug, draw [draghail] a. -ala, bothersome, troublesome, annoying [dranndan] nm. g.v. -ain, hum, murmur [draoidh]
nm. pl.+ean, necromancer, magician. See druidh [dràsd], [dràsda] for : an tràth-sa, now, the present time, at this time [dreach]
nm. g.+a; pl.+an, appearance, aspect, form, figure [dreachmhor] a. comely, graceful, good looking [dream] nm.ind. people,
folk, family, clan, tribe, race [dreas] nf. g. drise; d. dris; pl.+an, bramble, briar, or thorn bush [dreathan-donn]
nm. g.v. -ain-duinn; pl. -ain-d-, wren [dréin] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, grin [dreòlan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, wren [dreuchd]
nm. pl.+an, office, duties, employment, vocation [driamlach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, fishing line [d' rinn] va.irr.
made, did; for : do rinn [driodfhortan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, adventure, misfortune [driop] nm. hurry, confusion [driopail]
a. embarrassed, confused, hurried [drip] See driop [dripeil] See driopail [dris] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, bramble, briar,
or thorn bush [driùchd] nm. pl.+an, dew. Also drùchd [dròbh] nm. g.v. dròibh; pl.+an, drove of cattle [droch] a.
bad, evil; precedes n. and a. : droch-bheart, evil deed [drochaid] nf. pl.+ean, bridge [droigheann] nm. g.v. -inn; pl.
-nean, thorn bush [droma] See druim [dronnag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, the back, a small eminence [druaip] nf. g.+e,
lees, dregs, sediment [drùchd] nm. pl.+an, dew; also driùchd [drùdhadh] v.n. penetrating, oozing, soaking [drùdhag]
nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, small drop [druid] va. shut to, close; draw nigh [druid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, starling [drùidh]
va. penetrate, ooze through, influence, affect, soak [drùidhteach] a. affecting, impressive, influencing [druidh] nm.
pl.+ean, druid [drùigh] See drùidh [druim] nm. g. droma; pl. dromannan, back, ridge [Druim-dìomhain] pnm. meaning
`idle back' [Druimean] pnm. g.v. -ein, Drymen [druma] nf. pl.+chan, drum [Drumann] pnm. g.v. -ainn, Drummond [Drumannach]
pnm. g.v., pl. -aich, a Drummond; a. of or belonging to the Drummonds [dù] a. meet, proper, fit, suitable, just, native.
See dùth [duaichneachd] nf.ind. ghastliness, gloom, ugliness, wanness [duaichnidh] a. ghastly, gloomy, ugly [duain]
See duan [duairc] a. rude, uncivil [duais] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, prize, reward [duais-bhrathaidh] nf. a betrayer's fee;
inflected on first element [dual] nm. g.v. duail; pl.+an, lock of hair, plait or fold, ringlet [dual] nm. g.v. -ail;
pl.+an, hereditary right or disposition, due [dual] va. fold, plait, braid [dualchas] nm. g.v. -ais, hereditary right
or disposition [duan] nm. g.v. duain; pl. duain, poem, ode, song [duanag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, ditty, little song [dùbailte]
a. double [dubh] a. black, dark [dubh] va. blacken, darken, blot out [dubhach] a. sad, sorrowful, melancholy [dubhailc]
nf. pl.+ean, a vice [dubhan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, fishing hook, hooked claw [dubhar] nm. g.v. -air, shade, darkness [dubh-dhonn]
a. -dhuinne, dark brown [dùbhlan] nm. g.v. -ain, challenge, defiance [dùbhlanachd] nf.ind. challenging, defying [dubh-neul]
nm. dark cloud; inflected on second element [dùdach] nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, bugle, trumpet, horn [Dúghall] pnm.
g.v. -aill, Dugald [duibh] See dubh [duibh] prep.pron. to you [duibh-leum] nf. g.d. -léim; pl.+annan, bound, furious
leap [dùil] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, hope, expectation [dùil] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, element [duileasg] nm. g.v. -isg, dilse [duilich]
a. duilghe and dorra, difficult, sorry [duille] nf. pl.+an, leaf, leaf of a book [duilleach] nm. g.v. -ich, foliage [duilleag]
nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, letter, leaf [dùin] va. dùnadh, shut, close [duine] nm. pl. daoine, a man, human being : duin-uasal,
a gentleman : duine-brèige, effigy [duineachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, little man, manikin [duineil] a. -eala, manly [duinn]
See donn [duinn] prep.pron. to us [duin-uasal] nm. gentleman; inflected on both elements [duirche] a. darker. See
dorcha [dùirn] See dòrn [dùisg] va. and vn. dùsgadh, awake; rouse up, excite [duit] prep.pron. to you, s. [dùn]
nm. g.v. dùin; pl. dùin, heap, mount, mound, fortress, fortification [dunach] nf. g.d. -aich, woe, disaster, misfortune [Dun-dè]
pnm. Dundee; inflected on first element [Dun-eabhais] pnm. Dunevis; inflected on first element [Dun-éideann] pnm. Edinburgh;
inflected on first element [dùnadh] v.n. shutting, closing [dùnan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, small heap, midden, dung-hill [dùr]
a. dull, stubborn, obstinate, dour [dùrachd] nf.ind. diligence, earnestness, sincerity; good-will [dùraig] vn. wish
for, desire for [dùrdail] nf. cooing; note of cushat or of black cock [dusan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, dozen [dùsgadh]
v.n. awakening, rousing [duslach] nm. g.v. -aich, dust [dùth] a. dùtha, hereditary, natural. See dù [dùthaich] nf.
g. dùthcha; pl. dùthchannan, country, native country [dùthcha] See dùthaich [dùthchannan] See dùthaich [dùthchas]
nm. g.v. -ais, heredity, nativity, hereditary right or disposition [dùthchasach] a. patriotic, native, hereditary, of one's
native country
[é!] eh! inter. of surprise [è] pron. he, him [eabar] nm. g.v. -air, mud, puddle [each] nm.
g.v. eich; pl. eich, horse [eachan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, horsie, reel for winding yarn [Eachann] pnm. g.v. -ainn,
rendered in Eng. `Hector' [eachdraidh] nf. pl.+ean, history [eachraidh] nf. horses, cavalry, stud of horses [eadar]
prep. between [eadaraibh] prep.pron. between you, pl. [eadarainn] prep.pron. between us [eadar-dhealachadh] v.n.
and nm. a distinction, a difference; separating [eadar-dhealaich] va. separate, differentiate, distinguish [eadar-theangaich]
va. translate [eadh] it : 'seadh, it is, yes, yea, so: ni h-eadh, it is not [eadhon] to wit, namely [eadraig] va.
+inn, interpose, separate [eadraiginn] nf. interposition, separating two combatants [eag] nf. g. eige; d. eig; pl.+an,
notch, hack, nick [eagal] nm. g.v. -ail, fear, fright [eagar] nm. g.v. -air, order [eaglais] nf. pl.+ean, church [eagnaidh]
a. precise, accurate, punctilious [eala] nf. g.+idh; pl.+chan, swan [ealachainn] nf. pl.+ean, a peg to hang things on,
a stand on which to place a gun [ealag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a block for hacking or splitting wood upon [èalaidh]
va. -adh, creep, steal along [ealain] nf. pl.+ean, art, skill; also ealdhain [ealamh] a. quick, nimble, expert [ealanta]
a. ready, expert, artistic; ingenious [eallach] nf. g. eallcha; d. -aich; pl.+an, burden, load [ealta] nf. g.+inn, covey
of birds; drove of cattle, etc.; a trip of goats; a rout of wolves; a pace of asses; a sounder of swine [eanchainn] nf.
pl.+ean, the brain [eanruich] nf. soup, flesh juice [ear] nf.ind. east : gaoth an ear, the east wind [earail] nf.
g. -alach; pl. -alaichean, exhortation, warning, advice, counsel [earalaich] va. exhort, caution, warn [earb] va. and
vn.+sadh, trust, confide, hope, rely [earb], [earbag] nf. g.+a; pl.+aichean; g.d. -aig; pl.+an, roe [earball] nm. g.v.
-aill; pl. -aill, tail [earbsach] a. confident, relying [earbsadh] nf. confidence, trust, hope, reliance; trusting,
relying [èarr] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, extremity, tail, end [earrach] nm. g.v. -aich, springtime [earradh] nm. g.v. -aidh;
pl. -aidhean, clothes, dress, accoutrements [Earra-ghaidheal] nm. Argyll [earrann] nf. g.v. -ainn; pl.+an, portion,
share, section, division [earras] nm. g.v. -ais; pl.+an, wealth, property [ear-thuath] nm. the north-east [eas] nm.
pl.+an, waterfall, cataract, cascade [easbhuidh] nf. pl.+ean, want, defect : dh' easbhuidh, awanting, without, in need
of [easbuig] nm. pl.+ean, bishop [Easgag] pnf. g.d. -aig, meaning `little ready and willing one' [easgaid] nf. pl.+ean,
a hough; also iosgaid [èasgaidh] a. ready, willing to oblige [èasgaidheachd] nf.ind. readiness to oblige [Easgair]
in : Mac an Easgair, surname rendered in Eng. `Fisher' [Easgan] pnm. g.v. -ain, meaning `little ready and willing one' [easgann]
nf. g.d. -ainn; pl.+an, eel [eathar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. eathraichean, boat [éibheall] nf. g. -le; d. -ill; pl. -lean,
a live coal [éibhinn] a. joyous, happy; odd [éibhleag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, a live cinder [éiceart] nm. g.v. -eirt;
pl.+an, injustice, evil [eich] See each [éid] va. dress, clothe, array [éideadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -idhean, clothing,
suit, apparel, armour [Eideard] pnm. Edward [eidheann] nf. g. -ne; d. -inn, ivy [eigh] nf. g.+e; ice [éigh] va.+each,
shout, cry, proclaim [éigheach] nf. g.d. -eich, a cry, crying, proclaiming [éiginn] nf. necessity, distress, compulsion
: is éiginn domh, I must, I have to : air éiginn, with difficulty, under compulsion [éiginneach] a. necessitous, indispensable,
oppressive [éiginneach] nm. g. -ich; pl. -ichean, one in extremity [éigneach] a. See éiginneach [eil] for feil, is,
are, am, art [eile] a. other, another [eilean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl. -einean, island [eilid] nf. g. éilde; pl. éildean,
hind, female deer [eireachdail] a. -ala, handsome, becoming, proper, graceful [eireag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an, pullet,
young hen [éirich] va. -igh, arise, rise [eiridinn] nm. attendance on the sick, nursing [eiridinn] va. nurse, cherish [eiridneach]
nm. g.v. -nich; pl. -nichean, patient [éirig] nf. pl.+ean, ransom, forfeit, reparation [éirigh] v.n. rising : éirigh
na gréine, sunrise [Éirinn] pnf. g. -eann, Ireland; better Éire [éis] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, respite, defect, delay, hindrance [éisd]
vn.+eachd, hear, listen, hearken [éisdeachd] nf.ind. listening, earshot, hearing [éisdear] nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, hearer,
listener [éisg] See iasg [eisimeil] nf. g. -ealach; pl. -ealaichean, obligation, reverence : 'nad eisimeil, in your
reverence, dependent on you, under obligation to you [eislinn] nf. pl.+ean, the board on which a corpse is laid (L.Sc.
strachtin-board); also a bier [Eóghann] pnm. g.v. -ainn, rendered in Eng. `Hugh', `Eugene', `Ewen', `Ewing' and `Evan';
also Eóghan [eòin] See eun [eòl] nm.ind. knowledge : cha 'n eòl dhomh, I don't know, I have no knowledge of [eòlach]
a. acquainted, knowing, skilled : eòlach air, acquainted with him or it, having knowledge of it [eòlas] nm. g.v. -ais;
pl.+an, knowledge, acquaintanceship [eòrna] nm.ind. barley [esan] emph.pron. he, him [eucail] nf. g. -alach; pl.+ean,
disease, infirmity [euchd] nm. pl.+an, feat, achievement, exploit [euchdach] a. heroic, valorous, performing achievements [eucoir]
nf. g. -orach; pl.+ean, injustice, wrong, injury [eucorach] nm. g. -aich; pl. -aich, an unjust person, wrong doer [eucorach]
See eucoir [eud] nm.ind. envy, zeal, jealousy [eudail] nf. pl.+ean, treasure; cattle; term of endearment : m' eudail,
my treasure, darling [eudar] for feudar in the phr. : is fheudar, it is necessary [eug] nm. g.v. éig, death [eug]
vn. die, expire, perish : dh'eug e, he died [eugmhais] nf. possession, dispensation : as eugmhais, without [eun] nm.
g.v. eóin; pl. eòin, bird [eunach] nm. g.v. -aich, fowling, shooting birds [eunlaith] nf. all feathered species [eur]
va. and vn. refuse
[fa] prep. having the force of mu, but not used except in : fa chomhair, opposite : fa leth, apart,
separately : fa dheòidh, at last, and similar phrases [fàbhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, favour [fac], [faca] va.irr. saw [facal]
nm. g.v. -ail; pl. -ail and -lan, word; also focal [facas] va.irr. was seen : cha'n fhacas, was not seen [faclair] nm.
pl.+ean, dictionary, vocabulary; also foclair [fad] nm.ind. length; during : fad na h-ùine, during the whole time :
air fad, wholly, altogether, on the whole [fada] a. faide, long, far [fadadh] v.n. kindling, lighting [fadadh-cruaidh]
nm. g.v. -aidh-chr-, rudimentary rainbow, a `dog-tooth' [fadaidh] va. -adh, kindle, inflame [fadal] nm. g.v. -ail; pl.+an,
delay, longing, weariness [fadhail] nf. g. -lach; pl. -laichean, extensive beach, a sea ford [fàg] va.+ail, leave, forsake,
quit, abandon [fàgail] v.n. leaving, forsaking, quitting, abandoning [fàgail] nf.ind. anything left, idiosyncrasy [fagasg]
See fagus [faghaid] nf. pl.+ean, hunting party [fagus] a. faisge, near : fagus do, near; n. : am fagus, present [faic]
va.irr. see, look, behold [faiche] nf. pl.+an, a green by a house, field [faicheachd] nf.ind. parading, military parade,
exercising in the open field [faicill] nf. caution, care, watchfulness [faicilleach] a. cautious, wary, guardedly [faicinn]
v.n. seeing, looking, beholding : ri (and r'a) fhaicinn, to be seen [faide] nf.ind. length, degree of length [faide]
a. longer, longest; farther : na 's faide sìos, farther down [faidhir] nf. g. -reach; pl. -richean, a fair, a market [faigh]
va.irr. get, find : faigh as air, get away from him [faighneachd] v.n. asking [faighnich] va. -eachd, ask [faighteadh]
va.irr. would be got [failc] va. bathe [fàileadh] g.v. -idh, smell, savour; sense of smell [faileas] nm. g.v. -eis;
pl.+an, reflection, shadow [fàilidh] a. gently, slowly; for fòilidh [fàillinn] nf. pl.+ean, a failing [fàilte] nf.
pl.+an, salute, salutation, welcome, hail! [fàiltich] va. salute, welcome [fainear] phr. word, under or into consideration
: thoir fainear, observe, consider; accented on the second syllable; also fa'n ear [fair] va. bring, fetch : fair a nall,
bring over here [fairbheanadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, warning, notice [fairche] nm. pl.+an, hammer, mallet [faire]
nf.ind. watch, watching, watchfulness [fàire] nm.ind. dawn, break of day, the horizon [faireach] a. watchful [faire-chlaidh]
nf. watching a grave (against corpse lifting) [fairge] nf. pl.+annan and +achan, sea, ocean [fairich] vn. feel, perceive,
note [fairtlich] va. overcome, baffle : dh' fhairtlich e orm, it beat me to do it [fàisg] va. fàsgadh, squeeze, wring,
compress [faisg] a. near : faisg air, near to it [faisge] a. nearer; nearest, nether [fàisneachd] nf.ind. a prophecy [fàl]
nm. g.v. fàil; pl. fàil, scythe, spade, peat spade [falach] nm. g. -aich, hiding : am falach, in hiding, hidden [falach-fuinn]
nm. a going out of sight; inflected on first element [falaich] va. -ach, hide, cover [falamh] a. failmhe, empty [falbh]
va. go, depart [falbh] nm. moving about, going, walking : air falbh, gone away [falbhan] nm. g. -ain, moving about,
habit of walking [falbhanach] a. given to walking; nm. g. -aich; pl. -aich, wanderer [falchaidh] va. will hide, will
cover [fallan] a. healthy; usually fallain [falluing] nf. pl.+ean, mantle, cloak [fallus] nm. g.v. -uis, sweat, perspiration [falt]
nm. g.v. fuilt, human hair [famh] nm. g.v. faimh; pl. faimh, a mole [famhair] nm. pl.+ean, giant [fan] vn.+tainn,
stay [fanaid] nf. mocking, mockery, derision [fa'n ear] See fainear [fang] nm. g.v. faing; pl.+an, sheep pen, prison,
den [fann] a. fainne, weak, faint [fantainn] v.n. staying [faob] nm. g.v. faoib; pl.+an, excrescence, knob, piece
as of dough [faobhar] nm. g.v. -air; pl.+an, edge [faochag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, periwinkle [faod] vn. faotainn,
may, be able to : faodar, it may be : dh' fhaodadh e, it might : dh' fhaodadh gu'n, it might be that : math dh' fhaodteadh,
it might well be, possibly [faoileag] nf. g.d. -eig; pl.+an. See faoileann [faoileann] nf. g.d. -inn; pl.+an, seagull [faoilteach]
nm. g.v. -ich, the last fortnight of winter and the first fortnight of spring [faoin] a. vain, foolish, silly, unwise,
void [faoineachd] nf.ind. folly, vanity [faoineas] nm. g.v. -eis, folly, vanity, silliness [faoinsgeul] nm. and nf.
g.d. -eil, pl.+an; vain or idle tale [faotainn] v.n. getting, finding [faothaich] va. and vn. relieve, be relieved from [far]
where, upon : far an d' fhàg mi e, where I left it [fàradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, ladder, the shrouds of a ship [fàrdach]
nf. g.d. -aich; pl. -aichean, house, mansion, home, dwelling [fardorus] nm. g.v. -uis; pl. fardorsan, lintel of a door.
Also ard-dorus [farmad] nm. g.v. -aid, envy [farpuis] nf. pl.+ean, contest, contention, competition, strife [farradh]
nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, freight, fare [fàrradh] nm. g.v. -aidh, litter, straw or brushwood in a boat [farraid]
va. farraid, ask, enquire [farsuing] a. wide [farum] nm. g.v. -uim, noise [fàs] vn. fàs, grow, increase [fàs]
v.n. growing, increasing [fàs] a. -a, empty, waste, hollow, void [fàsach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, desert, wilderness [fàsail]
a. -ala, desert, lonely [fasan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, fashion [fasgadh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl. -aidhean, protection, shelter [fàsgadh]
v.n. wringing, squeezing, compressing [fasgnadh] v.n. winnowing [fàth] nm.ind. cause, reason, opportunity [fathast]
yet, still [fathunn] nm. g.v. -uinn, rumour, news [feabhas] nm. g.v. -ais, `betterness', goodness, improvement, recovery;
excellence [feachd] nm. pl.+an, army, host, military forces; time, journey [fead] nf. pl.+an, a whistle, smart blow [feadan]
nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, a whistle, flute, chanter of bagpipe, a spout [feadh] nm.ind. extent, length : am feadh, while :
air feadh, throughout, among [feadhainn] nf. g. feadhna or -nach, those, folk, some people, troop [fèairrde] a. better
of [feairt] See feart [fealla] nf.ind. treachery [fealla-dhà] nf.ind. a joke [feall-fhalach] nm. g. -aich, ambuscade [feallsanachd]
nf.ind. philosophy [feamainn] nf. g. -ann or -nach, seaweed [feann] va. skin, flay [feannadh-builg] nm. divesting
of the whole hide; inflected on the first element [feannag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, a hooded crow (L.Sc. hoodie-craw) [fear]
nm. g.v. fir; pl. fir; v.pl. fheara, a man, one : fear-an-tighe, the man of the house (L.Sc. the guidman) : fear-pòsda, married
man : fear-a'-bhaile, the farmer : fear-cinnidh, clansman : fear-ionaid, substitute : fear-aobhair, the man required : fear-brathaidh,
betrayer : fear-falbh, traveller [fearail] a. -ala, manly [fearann] nm. g.v. -ainn; pl. -ainn, land, farmland, estate [fearas-chuideachd]
nf.ind. diversion [fearg] nf. g. feirge; d. feirg, anger, wrath, rage, ire [fèarr] a. better : is fèarra dhuit, it is
better for you : b'fhèarr leis, he would rather [fearsaid] nf. pl.+ean, spindle, dart [feart] nf. g.d. feirt; pl.+an,
attention, notice : na toir feart air, pay no heed to him [feart] nf. g.+a; d. feirt; pl.+an, virtue, efficiency, deed,
attribute, inherent quality [feasd] for : am feachd-sa : am feasd, for ever, used along with the negative in the sense
of `never' [feasgar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -raichean, afternoon, evening [fèath] nm. pl.+an, calm, tranquility [féidh]
See fiadh [féile] nf.ind. generosity, hospitality [féileadh] nm. g.v. -idh; pl. -eachan, the kilt : am féileadh beag,
philabeg [féill] nf. g.+e; pl. -ean, or -tean, feast, festival, fair, market [féin] self, follows the n., pron. or adj.,
as : mo chù féin, mo chù bàn féin, mi féin [féineil] a. selfish [Féinn] pnf. g.+e, the race, or country comprising the
Fianns [féin-spéis] nf. g.+e, self-love, self-conceit [féin-spéisealachd] nf.ind. self-admiration [féin-spéiseil]
a. self-admiring [féin-uaill] nf. g.+e, self-pride [feith] va. and vn.+eamh, wait, serve [féith] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean,
sinew, vein [feitheachd] nf.ind. waiting, serving [feitheamh] v.n. waiting, serving [féisd] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, feast,
entertainment [feòdar] nm. g.v. -air, pewter [feòil] nf. g. feòla, flesh [feòir] See feur [feòirling] nf. pl.+ean,
farthing [feòrag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, squirrel [feòraich] va. inquire, inquiring, asking [feuch] va.+ainn, see,
behold, try : dh' fheuch, to try [feuchainn] v.n. trying, beholding [feudail] nf. g. -alach, cattle [feudar] v.pass.
used as a noun in the phrase : is fheudar, it is necessary : is fheudar dhuit, you must [feum] nm. g.+a, need, use [feum]
va. and vn. be in need of, must, needs must : am feum thu, will you need? : feumaidh mi, I must : dh' fheumadh iad, they would
need : feumar, must be [feumach] a. needy : nm. g. -aich; pl. -aich, a needy person [feumail] a. -ala, needful, useful,
necessary [feum-sgaoilte] a. lithe, free [feur] nm. g.v. feòir, grass, hay [feur-saidh] nm. hay; inflected on the
first element [feusag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, beard [feusgan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, mussel [fheudar] See feudar [Fhìnn]
See Fionn [fhuair] va.irr. got, found [fhuaras] va.irr. was got [fiacaill] nf. pl. -lan, tooth [fiach] nm. g.v.
féich; pl.+an, value, worth; debt, arrears [fiach] a. +a, worthy, valuable, good [fiadh] nm. g.v. féidh; pl. féidh,
a deer [fiadhaich] a. wild, savage, tempestuous, boisterous [fiadh-bheathach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aichean, wild beast;
inflected on the second element [fial] a. +a and féile, generous, liberal, bounteous [fialachd] nf.ind. generosity,
liberality, bounty, hospitality [fiamh] nm. g.+a, hue, tinge, a trace, aspect [fiamh] nm. g.+a, awe, reverence [fianuis]
nf. pl.+ean, a witness, evidence, testimony [fiar] a. +a, crooked, twisted, curved, bent [fiaradh] nm. g.v. -aidh, inclination,
obliquity, slanting : car am fiaradh, somewhat slantwise [fichead] num. g. -id; pl.+an, a score, twenty [fìdeag] nf.
g.d. -eig; pl.+an, reed, whistle [fidheall] nf. g. fìdhle; d. fidhill; pl. fìdhlean, fiddle, violin [fìdhlear] nm. g.v.
-eir; pl.+an, fiddler [figh] va.+eadh, weave [fileanta] a. eloquent, fluent, ready of speech [filidh] nm. pl.+ean,
poet. Better file [fill] va. +eadh, fold [filleadh] v.n. folding [fine] nf. pl.+achan, clan, tribe, kindred [fìneachd]
nf.ind. fineness [fìnealta] a. -eilte, elegant, fine [fìnealtachd] nf.ind. elegance, fineness [fiodh] nm. g.+a, timber,
wood [fìodhlair] See fìdhlear [fiodhull] See fidheall [Fìofa] pnm. Fife [fìon] nm. g.+a, wine [fionn] a. -a,
white, fair [Fionn] pnm. g.v. Fhìnn, the principal leader of the Fianns. See Féinn [fionnar] a. cool [Fionnlairig]
pnf. Finlarig [fionnsgeul] nm. and f. g.v. -eil; pl.+an, fable, romance [fìor] a. true, genuine, pure : fìoruisge, pure
spring water [fìorair] nm. cultivated inhabited land [fìor-eun] nm. eagle. See fìreun [fios] nm. g.+a, knowledge,
information, notice, message [fiosachd] nf.ind. foretelling, divination, fortune-telling [fiosrach] a. well-informed,
intelligent [fiosraich] va. inquire, investigate, examine [fir] See fear [fireach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ichean, hill
ground, moor, mountain [fireann] a. male, masculine [fìreantachd] nf.ind. righteousness [fìreun] nm. g.v. -eòin;
pl. -eòin, eagle [fìrinn] nf. pl.+ean, truth [fitheach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, raven [fiù] a. worthy, estimable [fiughair]
nf. pl.+ean, earnest expectation, hope : tha fiughair agam ris, I expect him [fiùran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, straight
young tree, a youth [Flànras] pnm. g.v. -ais, Flanders [flapraich] nf. flapping [flath] nm. g.v. flaith; pl. flaithean,
chief, prince, noble [flathail] a. noble, stately [fleadh] nm. g.+a; pl.+an, feast, banquet, entertainment [fleasgach]
nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, young man, bachelor [flichneachd] nm.ind. sleet [fliodh] nm. g.+a, chickweed [fliuch]
a. fliche, wet [flùr] nm. g.v. flùir, flour [fo] prep. under, beneath, below, at the foot of [focal] nm. g.v. -ail;
pl. -ail and -lan, word. See facal [fochaid] nf. mocking, scoffing, deriding [fochaideach] a. mocking, scoffing, deriding [fochair]
nm. vicinity, presence : am fochair, in the vicinity of [fochann] g.v. -ainn; first shoots of corn (L.Sc. braird) [foclair]
nm. pl.+ean, dictionary, vocabulary. See faclair [fodha] prep.pron. under him [fodhad] prep.pron. under you, s. [fodhaibh]
prep.pron. under you, pl. [fodhainn] prep.pron. under us [fodham] prep.pron. under me [fodhpa] prep.pron. under them [fògair]
va.+t and -radh, expel, banish, chase [fògarrach] nm. g.v. -aich; pl. -aich, exile [foghainn] vn. -nadh, suffice, serve
the purpose [foghainteach] a. sufficient, fit, brave, valorous [foghar] nm. g.v. -air; pl. -airean, a tone, vowel [foghar]
nm. g.v. -air; pl. -aran, autumn, the harvest time [fòghluim] vn. -um, learn [fòghlum] nm. g.v. -uim, learning, acquired
knowledge; teaching, instructing [fòghnadh] v.n. serving the purpose, sufficing; also subjunctive mood of foghainn : na
dh' fhòghnadh dhà, what would serve for him [fòid] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, clod, peat, turf, sod [foidhidinn] nf.ind. patience [foidhidneach]
a. patient [foidhpe] prep.pron. under her [foighnich] va. inquire, ask. See faighnich [fòil] a. slow, stately; calm,
tranquil, gentle, mild [fòilidh] a. same meaning as fòil. See fàilidh [foill] nf. g.+e, treachery, fraud, deceit [foilleil]
a. -eala, treacherous, fraudulent, deceitful [foillsich] va. reveal, publish, disclose, make manifest, declare [foillsichear]
nm. g.v. -eir; pl.+an, publisher [foinne] nm. pl. foinnean, wart [foinnich] va. temper, as iron [fòireigneadh] nm.
g.v. -idh, violence, oppression [foirfe] a. perfect [foirfeach] nm. g.v. -ich; pl. -ich, an elder of the church [fòirneart]
nm. g.v. -eirt, oppression, violence, force [fois] nf. g.+e, leisure, rest, peace [foiseil] a. -eala, restful, peaceful [follus]
nm. g. -uis, publicity : am follus, into notice. Also follais [folluiseach] a. public [fonn] nm. g.v. fuinn; pl. fuinn,
a tune, an air, good humour [fonn] nm. g.v. fuinn, land [Forchu] pnf. Abhainn Fhorchu, the river Forth [forasach]
a. assuming, forward [Forfhair] pnf. Forfar [forfhais] nf. pl.+ean, inquiry, tidings [fortan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.
-ain, fortune [fortanach] a. fortunate [fosgail] va. -ladh, open [fosgailte] a. opened [fosgladh] v.n. opening [fradharc]
nm. g.v. -airc, vision, view, eyesight, sight [fraoch] nm. g.v. fraoich, heath, heather [fras] nf. g. froise; d. frois;
pl.+an, shower [freagair] va. +t and -radh, answer [freagairt] nf. pl.+ean, an answer, answering [freagarrach], [freagrach]
answering, suitable; liable [freagradh] nm. g.v. -aidh; pl.+aidhean, an answer [freasdail] va. -al, attend, wait on [freasdal]
nm. g.v. -ail, serving, attending, waiting on [freiceadan] nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, watch, guard : Am Freiceadan Dubh,
the Black Watch [freumh] nm. g.+a; v. fhrèimh; pl.+an, root, stock, lineage [frìde] nf. pl.+an, animalcule [frioghan]
nm. g.v. -ain; pl. -ain, a bristle [frionas] nm. g.v. -ais, anger, rage [frìth] nf. g.+e; pl.+ean, forest, deer forest [frith]
a. small, trifling; also a prefix meaning `of a lower degree' [frith-bhaile] nm. village, suburb; inflected on the second
element [fritheil] va. -ealadh, attend, minister [frithir] nm. rough uninhabited land [frith-rathad] nm. g.v. -aid;
pl. -aidean, byeway [fròg] nf. g. fròige; d. fròig; pl.+an, hole, cranny, chink, den, crevice, recess [frògag] nf. g.d.
-aig; pl.+an, little hole, etc., dim. of fròg [froise] See fras [fuachd] nf.ind. cold, coldness [fuadaich] va. expel,
drive away [fuadan] nm. g.v. -ain, expulsion, exile [fuaigh] va. +eal, sew, stitch, knit, connect [fuaigheal] v.n.
sewing, stitching [fuaighte] a. sewed, stitched [fuaim] nm. g.+e; pl.+ean, sound, noise [fuaimneach] a. sounding,
sonorous [fuaimneachd] nf.ind. noisiness, sonorousness [fuaire] a. colder [fuar] a. cold [fuaradh-froise] nm.
the breeze which precedes a shower; inflected on the first element [fuarag] nf. g.d. -aig; pl.+an, meal and water drink [fuaraich]
va. and vn. cool, become cool, make cool [fuaran] nm. g.v. -ain; pl.+an, spring well [fuasgail] va. -ladh, untie, loose,
free, liberate [fuasgladh] v.n. untying, loosing, freeing, liberating [fuath] nm. g.+a, hatred, aversion, abhorrence,
hate [fuathach] a. hateful, abhorrent [fuathas] nm. g.v. -ais; pl. -ais, a fright, a ghost, a great quantity [fuathasach]
a. horrible, dreadful, terrible; prodigious [fùdar] nm. g.v. -air, powder, gunpowder [fuidh!] fie! shame! [fuigheall]
nm. g.v. -ill, remainder [fuighleach] nm. g. -ich; pl. -ichean, leavings, remains, refuse [fuil] nf. g. fola or fala,
blood [fuileachd] nf.ind. blood feud, bloodshed [fuileachdach] a. bloody [fuilear] in the phrase : cha'n fhuilear
dhomh, I must [fuiling] See fulaing [fuilt] See falt [fuilteach] a. bloody, cruel [fuiltean] nm. g.v. -ein; pl.
-einean, a single hair [fuin] va. bake [fuireach] nm. g. -ich, staying, waiting [fuirich] va. -each, stay [fulaing]
va. and vn. suffer, endure, allow, permit [fulang] nm. g.v. -aing; pl.+an, suffering, forbearance, patience, bearing [fulangas]
nm. g.v. -ais, suffering, endurance [furan] nm. g.v. -ain, welcome reception, kindly recognisance [furas] nm. g.v. -ais,
patience [furasda] a. fusa, fhusa, fasa and fhasa, easy of accomplishment